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Quaker Square purchase approved today

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Buckzip :lol: Well, I will say this.....The walks across campus during the winter were pretty bad back in the early 80's, during my time at the U., and we had to wait at stop lights to cross Brown Buchtel and Carroll.But I must say, as the campus expands, those walks are getting much longer. However, since they say that the youth of America is getting more obese, maybe that's a good thing. :wave:

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Any word if they're going to start a bus service at UA?Seems like a long walk from Quaker Square to Olin Hall.Perhaps some type of campus shuttle service would be in order.
That's nothing. I live on Spicer and walk to the CBA and work in National City tower.Actually Quaker to Olin really isn't far at all. And as the campus expands, the cars are getting redirected around students. I can only imagine what it used to be like to have to dodge cars in the center of campus. Also there is a bus route already between Polsky and central campus, so making a bigger loop to Quaker is easy enough I suppose.
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:rofl: give teh lazy bums a monorailuakron_monorail.jpg
Well, sir, there's nothing on earthLike a genuine,Bona fide,Electrified,Six-carMonorail!What'd I say?Monorail!What's it called?Monorail!That's right! Monorail!I hear those things are awfully loud...It glides as softly as a cloud.Is there a chance the track could bend?Not on your life, my Hindu friend.What about us Can't State slobs?You'll be given cushy jobs.Were you sent here by the devil?No, good sir, I'm on the level.The ring came off my pudding can.Take my pen knife, my good man.I swear it's the University's only choice...Throw up your hands and raise your voice!Monorail!What's it called?Monorail!Once again...Monorail!But Main Street's still all cracked and broken...Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken!Monorail!Monorail!Monorail![big finish]Monorail!Mono... D'oh!
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