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The money game


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Here's a little article about how the MAC gets paid to lose. It shows how much the teams get for playing horrendously difficult schedules that would cause riots amongst season ticket holders in larger schools.http://www.cleveland.com/collegesports/pla...0480.xml&coll=2Look past the tone of the article, we are used to hearing that attitude towards the MAC by now, and check out some of the problems the MAC has by promoting the scheduling of these road games. I can't help but feel that a sellout home srowd would be better for the program in the long run, but the MAC itself and many ADs prefer the quick and dirty route to a payday. It's the reason the MAC will never be anything more than it is right now.Here's a graphic to go with it.082307_bonusround.jpgInteresting, no?

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My guess was that our game was scheduled 5 years ago. The Can't game was scheduled this year as a 12th game. Our UConn game was last minute as well so we get 325K. The Can't/osu game was last minute so they get 675K. I thought YSU was getting over 700K. And that is probably from Tressel giving them some extra.

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Yes, this game was scheduled years ago.....and Thomas blew this one.....big time. In fact, neither current AD scheduled this game....and tosu refused to renegotiate to current payout rates...I know, here we go...all the luckeye losers who post on this board will argue that there is no reason to renegotiate....Well, if so, then enough with the bull crap that comes out of c-bus and Jimmy McSweaterVest's mouth that tosu just wants to keep the revenue in state.No. He is all about attempting to buy victories......if you want to call a $375K payout buying...

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What in the hell are you talking about?1st. Why would OSU renegotiate a contract? You said yourself that Thomas blew it. Is it OSU's job to say "Well, this really isn't fair what you are getting paid because your AD blew it so lets give you more money." 2. Since when is it OSU's or Jim Tressel's job to give a toss whether the money stays in state? If you think about it...IT IS STAYING IN STATE!!! It just happens to be going in to OSU's pocket and not Akron's.3. How is OSU just "buying victories?" Do you call the home and home with Texas "buying victories?" How about the home and homes that start next year that include USC, Miami and VT? Are those bought victories? I guess people can look at Akron and say we are "getting paid to get beat."The views of some of you people on here really upset me. You act like Akron is entitled to get something when they aren't. What have we earned to get this sort of treatment you expect? Yes, $375,000 is below current rates, but you can't put a value on the exposure the program gets from playing in front of 105,000 fans in the horseshoe. People that normally don't give a crap about Akron will be watching in the stands and on tv. This is Akron's time to make a case for why they should get more money and exposure for coming to other teams venues.Nice "luckeye" comment by the way. A team wins a national title and their nickname that year is the luckeyes. What do you call us winning the Mac east 2 years ago? We kind of "lucked" our way into that by having teams lose. At least they "lucked" their way into beating everyone they played. I just wish people would stop trying to rip on OSU because lets face it folks...you aren't going to change peoples opinions of Akron's program by ripping on others, especially the most winning program of the last 20 years in college football.

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What in the hell are you talking about?1st. Why would OSU renegotiate a contract? You said yourself that Thomas blew it. Is it OSU's job to say "Well, this really isn't fair what you are getting paid because your AD blew it so lets give you more money." 2. Since when is it OSU's or Jim Tressel's job to give a toss whether the money stays in state? If you think about it...IT IS STAYING IN STATE!!! It just happens to be going in to OSU's pocket and not Akron's.3. How is OSU just "buying victories?" Do you call the home and home with Texas "buying victories?" How about the home and homes that start next year that include USC, Miami and VT? Are those bought victories? I guess people can look at Akron and say we are "getting paid to get beat."The views of some of you people on here really upset me. You act like Akron is entitled to get something when they aren't. What have we earned to get this sort of treatment you expect? Yes, $375,000 is below current rates, but you can't put a value on the exposure the program gets from playing in front of 105,000 fans in the horseshoe. People that normally don't give a crap about Akron will be watching in the stands and on tv. This is Akron's time to make a case for why they should get more money and exposure for coming to other teams venues.Nice "luckeye" comment by the way. A team wins a national title and their nickname that year is the luckeyes. What do you call us winning the Mac east 2 years ago? We kind of "lucked" our way into that by having teams lose. At least they "lucked" there way into beating everyone they played. I just wish people would stop trying to rip on OSU because lets face it folks...you aren't going to change peoples opinions of Akron's program by ripping on others, especially the most winning program of the last 20 years in college football.
BRAVOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Some people just don't get it.They want to play larger, higher ranked and elite programs and then accuse those programs of buying victories. Obviously when you have no clue, you don't see the hippocracy in that.Thanks for calling me a loser pal.
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I wish Mack would have told OSU, loud and proud wherever he could get some press, to F-off. There's no one that could side with OSU on this one, unless you're a pathetic shill for their program.

Yes, $375,000 is below current rates, but you can't put a value on the exposure the program gets from playing in front of 105,000 fans in the horseshoe.
We should play there for free. GOD, it is such an F-ing privilege to play in the Horseshoe. :rolleyes: There's no excuse for us to take 1/2 the pay-out of Youngstown State or K.e.n.t!! None whatsoever!! F-ing dirtbags. Total F-ing dirtbags. I hope we never schedule them again. If we do, I'm not going. :mad_flame:
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You can say whatever you want. You can call them dirt bags, etc...but it doesn't change the fact that an online poll of OSU fans (on their homepage) showed they were over twice as excited to watch home games with Can't AND YSU than they were with Akron. Maybe they paid them more for a reason. I am just embarrassed that they think it is disgrace to their program to play YSU, yet their fans are 3 to 4 times as excited to watch that game than they are Akron. What does that say about us? I think it says we should take our $375,000 and prove ON THE FIELD that we deserve more.Oh no...if we schedule them again Captain Kangaroo isn't going. I am sure that would make for a funny story on the evening news. I can see it now...."OSU decides to pay Akron more money than other schools even though the fans don't want to watch it because and I quote"Captain Kangaroo won't go if we don't pay them". Now back to you in the studio!!!Um, it is a privilege to play in the shoe. Hell, look at the article in the Mentor paper about what our starting qb had to say!! He said he had 2 big dreams growing up. One was to play in Cleveland Browns Stadium and the other was to play in Ohio Stadium!!! I am sure he isn't the only one to feel that way whether you like to admit it or not.You want to get more money, than earn it like everyone else. Nobody is going to give you anything.By the way...I am not a pathetic shill for their program and neither is Buckzip. We can actually take off the blue and gold shaded glasses and see the big picture.

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Grad01, you can't win this. They will constantly whine and moan and then report you because you defend OSU. Most of these guys just don't' understand. They feel UA should just be handed over everything because they want it.If anyone on an OSU site was dogging UA like so many UA fans dog OSU, I would be defending UA too.If UA didn't want the money they shouldn't have accepted the offer. Nobody held a gun to Thomas' head. There are so few UA fans to begin with, I don't understand what the point is of making some of us feel unwanted.

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If UA didn't want the money they shouldn't have accepted the offer. Nobody held a gun to Thomas' head.
That's just it. Thomas settled for far less than what other teams in the same situation are getting to play there. I was hoping that Mack Rhoades would put his foot down and stop this "settling for less" crap. I would have called up OSU's AD and said that unless they are willing to re-negotiate the pay-out to reflect similar team's payouts that we would not be going to OSU and they would have to find some other team to fill in their schedule. It shows weakness to just sit around and do nothing when you are clearly getting screwed out of your fair share of money. I can't blame OSU. They are getting a steal out of this. I expect Akron or any other college would do the same thing if they could get away with it. The problem is that Akron has allowed them to get away with it, while other teams refused until they got their fair share.
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BZ- You're welcome. What I'm really asking for is that a-holes like BZ, ZipGrad01 and SGM get the hell off the board. GO AWAY. There are plenty of tosu boards to post on....Go and "defend" "your" team someplace else.BTW, yes -A good-faith negotiation to increase the payout was in order since neither AD signed the deal and the payout was under fair market value. And if they wouldn't renegotiate, Mack should have gotten out of the deal.

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I agree to the fact that if there was room for renegotiations, that hey should have taken place. However, it is not that easy to drop a game and go out and find someone else that would pay more. Believe me, OSU would not have a problem finding another opponent. However, what makes everyone out there think that we can just pick up the phone and get on someone else schedule? It just doesn't work that way.

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BZ- You're welcome. What I'm really asking for is that a-holes like BZ, ZipGrad01 and SGM get the hell off the board. GO AWAY. There are plenty of tosu boards to post on....Go and "defend" "your" team someplace else.BTW, yes -A good-faith negotiation to increase the payout was in order since neither AD signed the deal and the payout was under fair market value. And if they wouldn't renegotiate, Mack should have gotten out of the deal.
wow!Differing opinions are censored here.If that's true, I will leave myself (and I have no desire to defend OSU. It's the principle)
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I agree to the fact that if there was room for renegotiations, that hey should have taken place. However, it is not that easy to drop a game and go out and find someone else that would pay more. Believe me, OSU would not have a problem finding another opponent. However, what makes everyone out there think that we can just pick up the phone and get on someone else schedule? It just doesn't work that way.
True.Also, Wouldn't we also have to pay to break a contract like that? Isn't there usually some sort of buy-out clause?
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You can go pound salt Zips win!. I am an Akron season ticket holder and a UA grad, are you? Just because I happen to be a fan of both schools doesn't make my opinion any less relevant. Some of you are just flat out ridiculous on what you expect and think we deserve. You act like we are OSU, USC or Nebraska for heavens sake. It is obvious from peoples opinions (On an OSU forum) that we haven't even made it above a 1-AA team as far as program prestige and now you guys want to call Ohio State a bunch of dirt bags because they won't renegotiate a contract which we agreed to play!! Do you understand what a contract is? We aren't in any position to ask for more money. The person to blame is our AD, not OSU. As for the good faith negotiation you suggested, was that in our contract? Was it in the contract to renegotiate if OSU decided to pay other opponents more at the last minute? If not, tough SH!T!!!Have you ever bought airline tickets? Do you notice how they are way cheaper in the beginning and then get more expensive when the flight date approaches? That is what happened with Can't and YSU. They were emergency last minute games and they demanded last minute money. Honestly, what do you want me to say? You honestly believe OSU is screwing us? Look at the money everyone else is getting paid in the MAC for their out of conference games and you will see that OSU is paying us right in the middle. Why no public outcry because Indiana is only paying us $150,000? Those F-ing dirt bags!!!! You seem to forget, or actually you just refuse to acknowledge the ENORMOUS amount of endorsement this game is for the university. We couldn't buy this much endorsement if they were paying us a million dollars!!! Now, are we going to go there and put on a decent show and cause a demand for our product or are we going to go there and show them that we are only worth the $375,000k they are paying us? This is a business and Akron football is a product just like anything else. You guys think we are a BMW when right now we are a freaking Kia. Face reality and stop telling objective people to leave the board because they disagree with you.

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BZ- You're welcome. What I'm really asking for is that a-holes like BZ, ZipGrad01 and SGM get the hell off the board. GO AWAY.  There are plenty of tosu boards to post on....Go and "defend" "your" team someplace else.BTW, yes -A good-faith negotiation to increase the payout was in order since neither AD signed the deal and the payout was under fair market value.  And if they wouldn't renegotiate, Mack should have gotten out of the deal.
Zipswin, You are a real piece of trash. I never,ever personally attack anyone on a message board. However, you are a jealous piece of crap.Answer me this jerk.Did you go to UA? I am sure no honest answer will come from this.How much money have you donated to the UofA over your lifetime? I have given over $25000 since I graduated.How many games have you been to at UA? I have been to over 150 home games, and at least 30 road games.You give Akron fans a bad name. You should be banned from this site.If it weren't for the posters you just named, this site wouldn't have many posters at all.Yes, there are plenty of OSU sites. And when I want to talk OSU I go there.When I want to talk Akron, I come here. The only time I talk about OSU on the Akron board or Akron on the OSU site is when some jackass like you starts a bunch of BS.You sir,need to go away
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All this bickering over money is silly. It's a done deal. I think many of the players would have been heart broken if the game were changed. To get to play at Browns and Ohio State's stadiums in the same year is a dream come true for most of these guys. Akron is a growing school and is on the brink of great things. Just be patient.

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Can I get an Amen?When do I ever bring up OSU? I bring it up when people start making idiotic comments. I am like Buckzip. When I want to talk about OSU, I go to Rivals, etc.. When I want to talk about the Zips I come here. We are probably 2 of the more knowledgeable posters on this board from what I read and you want us to leave because we don't think Akron is entitled to everything some of you think you deserve just because you exist. It's a capitalistic society. Prove in the field of competition that you are worthy and you will be rewarded. Until then, I don't want to hear what any of you think we are "entitled" to.

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