Zip_ME87 Posted August 28, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 THOUGHT THIS WAS ABOUT HAKES? Me, too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZachTheZip Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 THOUGHT THIS WAS ABOUT HAKES?Me, too September 9th can't get here soon enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Kangaroo Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 THOUGHT THIS WAS ABOUT HAKES?OSU fans can't help themselves. They MUST talk up their Buckeyes on the Zips board. It is as predictable as the sun rising in the West.OSU Fan is so used to getting his way in NE Ohio that he thinks people even want to hear his "wisdom" on a Zips board. It is kinda like the drunk chick at Karoke who thinks she's Toni Braxton, but really sounds like Rosanne Barr pinching out a 4 pound turd. The chick really thinks she's compelling...but she isn't.Truth is -- no one cares about OSU here. Ok...we've proven that two people utilize this board for OSU discussions. One person is grunting out the turd, and one thinks she sounds great. Out of our 1000+ members (ones that aren't porn spammers) I guess that's not too bad.F OSU. Oh, and Hakes....who cares. He's at a California JUCO. You'll see him at North Texas next season. Or maybe Sam Houston State. Either way, who cares. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buckzip Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 This was about Hakes. Until a certain poster had to change the subject to start a fight with others. But as usual it gets blamed on the Akron/OSU fan. I am still in awe of how someone can't understand how you can be a fan of 2 different schools. Especially when you went to both schools. Oh well, that's my issue I guess. I guess anyone that can't remember when UA was a DII school will never understand.I have a thought Captain, maybe you should ask the losers that keep bringing up and bashing OSU to stop doing that. Of course I understand you feel that this is a Zips board and they have the right to do that. Again, I agree, However, nobody should get upset when those things are replied to. Then we won't have these discussions. After all, they start every single one of these ridiculous arguments. However, you and others say "the OSU fans start it" I guess when you see or read only what you want to see or read, that is the way it looks.Oh wait, I forgot in this world the jerks are the ones that respond, not the ones that instigate. Instigators are fine. However, if anyone responds to them, they are the troublemakers.... I will try to remember that from now on.I love the line about Zip fans knowing more about what's going on in C-Bus than Buckeye fans. That made me seriously LOL. Must have been posted by an 8th grader. Of course people that say things like that can never back it up with facts..I know, I know, If I don't like it go somewhere else. That is a great line....Actually Captain, I have no problem with you. For the most part you let everyone have at it. However, when you post stuff like you just posted, you may want to look a little farther into things. Just because this is an Akron site, doesn't mean that people shouldn't have common decency and objectivity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Kangaroo Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 Actually Captain, I have no problem with you. For the most part you let everyone have at it. However, when you post stuff like you just posted, you may want to look a little farther into things. Just because this is an Akron site, doesn't mean that people shouldn't have common decency and objectivity. I certainly have no problem with you either, Buckzip. GMann-17 deserves some backing. I agree with the guy regarding the pro-OSU banter on this board. It has no place here. Aside from two people, no one wants to read it. Likewise, incessant OSU bashing has no place here either. Anything between these two extremes is subjective, but usually stays posted as-is if it is not ridiculously off-topic.I also agree that OSU bashing is VERY welcome on this board in 2007 because they are our opponent. Once the game is over, if people want to bash, they can do it in the smack forum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buckzip Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 Fair enough Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zipgrad01 Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 1st off Captain Kangaroo, g-mann, or whomever else reads this.....I am a Zips fan, graduate and season ticket holder. I lived with Akron football players (probably about a dozen of them including Matt Cherry, Chase Blackburn, Greg Gromek, Brock Knisely, Brad King, Jason Wiggins, Morris Ellington, etc... the entire time I went to UA. If anyone on earth knows about the Akron football culture, views of players, etc... it is me. Do you think I lived with these guys and am not a loyal fan? Do you realize that a lot of these guys were still die hard Buckeye fans even though they played for UA? I mean...were you so ingrained in the program at such a level? I grew up a Buckeye fan my entire life, so I am not going to apologize because I love to root for 2 teams. 99% of the time neither one has anything to do with the other, so it really isn't a big deal unless they are playing one another. We don't recruit the same players. For the most part we don't play the same teams. Unless Akron gets FANTASTIC for about 10 years in a row and gets out of the MAC I will never consider OSU a major competitor to UA like you guys believe it is. I have never, and I mean never brought up Ohio State on this board unless some jealous or uneducated poster made a dig or a factually incorrect comment regarding OSU. Guess what happens? I come back and show why the dig or misinformation is not true. As soon as I do that I get blasted with insults, etc... G-Mann sat and posted lie after lie after lie in one thread and I kept showing where he was wrong. By your standards and his, me stating facts about The Ohio State University makes me the bad guy, not the guy out and out lying. I am the one that knows both programs inside and out. Most of the posters on here don't know the first thing about the players OSU has coming back or has coming in. I know, I know. This is a Zips forum and you don't care, right? Well, is OSU an opponent of ours this year? If so, knowing the real facts about them is relevant to the forum. Listening to a bunch of idiots post "We will beat OSU because we will play perfect and Chris Wells will fumble" just sounds retarded. If that is the type of quality discussion you like to have brought to this board it is no wonder the "real" posters get chased off. Nobody wants to sit and discuss valid arguments. It turns into a mud slinging contest because most of you believe if anyone says anything critical of UA they are an OSU fanboy.Just look at this thread. Everyone was having a discussion about Sean Hakes including the 2 evils in the world (Buckzip and Zipgrad01). Did either of us mention OSU? Nope. G-mann did by attacking us and we defend ourselves. Once again lies start flying (by g-mann) and I put the boy in his place. NOBODY could dispute the facts of what I wrote. I don't see anyone picking apart my comments just that I posted to begin with. Then you Captain, have the nerve to come to the little liar and instigators defense and call me out. You make a stupid comment like..... "OSU fans can't help themselves." You are right to a point. Anyone with an unbiased view can't help themselves when they see such blinded homerism. I will not apologize for stating what I believe are unbiased facts. If you or anyone else wants to call me a fanboy go ahead. I will say the same things in defense of not only OSU, but any other topic that I truly know about that I think is being falsely debated. If you don't like it, ban me. Frankly I don't care. If you have to be a blinded Zips fan to be a member of this board I don't want to be a member. If you can't say that a team is far superior to Akron (when anyone else on earth besides the people on this board would agree) without being personally insulted I don't want to be a member of that board anyway. If you don't agree with what I say prove me wrong with REAL facts. Calling me a fan boy and saying "F-OSU" just makes me sound correct and it makes you sound like someone that can't beat the argument so they go to the 5th graders approach and name call. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zipgrad01 Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 Quote from G-Mann:You can wipe the floor all day long with me? LOLI called you and Buckzip out for the same thing a long time ago. Then on this thread I called Buckzip out for saying people have a double standard. And as from what I can see, you both and as well as a few of the other "fair weather" OSU front-running fanboys do have a double standard.The Zips aren't perfect, that's an easy assessment. Because I am a realist.OSU is far from what they were last year, but all of you fanboys seem to think they will be competing with The Blue for the Big 10 championship maybe even back where they were. They certainly won't lose to Akron. HAH! That my friend is a double standard.Wipe the floor with me, you can't even wipe your own ass.I'm not getting back into the OSU being weak this year argument. Everyone has read what I wrote. The only arguments I got were from you fanboys. I'm trying to get along with you guys on here, I didn't say anything offensive, I just argued my point. Then you have to come along with your crybaby, Google searching self and tell me I'm a liar. Anyone can send a recruitment letter, that doesn't mean they "recrutied" every school in the country knew Tressel had Wells. Wells' stats are inflated, like I said I am close to the Akron High School football scene. But I am done defending my comments.You have a jaded view, every poster on here knows you have a jaded view. So 'nuff said.And obviously the only person who got embarrassed in all of this was you. I wrote, and you wrote "My, my my. I feel bad about tearing this apart, but you obviously have no idea what is going on in Columbus."I'm afraid that everyone on here has more knowledge of what goes on C-bus then you do my friend. And again, go back read, and see how you got embarrased. You little fanboy troll.And again this is a Zips fan board so enough with the OSU crap.Let me see...fair weather OSU fanboy? How am I am fair weather fan boy? You don't know the first thing about me. I was a Buckeye fan since I was about 5 years old. That was through some bad seasons and some great seasons. I am also a die hard Browns fan. Does that make me a fair-weather fan? You insult about things you know nothing about.OSU isn't close to what they were last year. Ok. In your opinion. In my supposed "jaded" opinion I said they lose 1-3 games. Does that sound like I am saying they are as good as they were last year? Only in your warped mind. I did, however, say there is the "talent" there to win all their games. Their D will be better than last year and I don't believe the offense will lose a lot, especially considering how good the D is.Compete with "the blue". Now I see!!! You are a Michigan fan!!! You are a Michigan troll boy, right? Also, I am setting a double standard because I said OSU won't lose to Akron? How? You willing to put a wager on the game? I will bet anything you want. You name the price and you have it. Lets see how your biased views are affected when a bet is on the line. You can't go with your heart, you have to go with your head.Can't even wipe my ass. Good one. Did that take you 1 or 2 minutes to think of?You are right. Everyone did read what you wrote on the other thread. Maybe they didn't respond because I was doing a pretty good job of beating you into submission myself. Then you have the balls to say that you are trying to get along with me on here? All you do is attack and all I do is defend myself. You even say "I have to come along with my google searching self." Why is that comment relevant? Because it shows that you spew whatever garbage you want to believe and not true facts. I actually look up facts before I post it. I don't just assume people will believe what I say. We can go back and look at that other thread and do fact checking on what you wrote and what I wrote. I challenge anyone to go see who was more accurate in their posts, me (OSU fanboy) or G-mann!!Recruiting letter? Rivals does not check an offer sheet due to a recruiting letter. Kids get recruiting letter from tons of places, it doesn't mean they get offers. However, Wells had offers from USC, Michigan, Ohio State, and MANY others. You, however, expect people to believe that OSU was the only school that recruited him when he was the #1 rated prospect in the country!!! You talk about his inflated stats, yet I posted his "official stats." You said he was overrated in high school, so I posted the news story from the Army all-american game where it talks about him being a man amongst boys and winning the games MVP. I am sure you are done defending your comment because I have corrected all of them for you and I did it in the other thread. It pisses me off that I have to keep doing it and you have the nerve to try and make me look like the bad guy when you can't get ANY facts correct!!!Every poster knows I have a jaded view? I don't believe that. I think some do and they are the ones that are blind homer fans like you that take it as an insult when you say that Akron is outmatched against Ohio State. You take it as some sort of insult on the program when in fact about 75% of D-1 schools are outmatched against Ohio State. It is just a fact. You , however, have to call me a fan boy because I say so.I feel sorry for you that you think you embarrassed me on the last thread or this one. You are delusional and frankly I feel sorry for you.As for aren't worth my time anymore. I am done proving you to be the uninformed troll that you are. Go try to pick on another poster, because you bit off a little more than you can chew with me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Kangaroo Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 1st off Captain Kangaroo, g-mann, or whomever else reads this.....I am a Zips fan, graduate and season ticket holder. I lived with Akron football players (probably about a dozen of them including Matt Cherry, Chase Blackburn, Greg Gromek, Brock Knisely, Brad King, Jason Wiggins, Morris Ellington, etc... the entire time I went to UA. If anyone on earth knows about the Akron football culture, views of players, etc... it is me. Do you think I lived with these guys and am not a loyal fan? Do you realize that a lot of these guys were still die hard Buckeye fans even though they played for UA? I mean...were you so ingrained in the program at such a level? I grew up a Buckeye fan my entire life, so I am not going to apologize because I love to root for 2 teams. 99% of the time neither one has anything to do with the other, so it really isn't a big deal unless they are playing one another. We don't recruit the same players. For the most part we don't play the same teams. Unless Akron gets FANTASTIC for about 10 years in a row and gets out of the MAC I will never consider OSU a major competitor to UA like you guys believe it is. I have never, and I mean never brought up Ohio State on this board unless some jealous or uneducated poster made a dig or a factually incorrect comment regarding OSU. Guess what happens? I come back and show why the dig or misinformation is not true. As soon as I do that I get blasted with insults, etc... G-Mann sat and posted lie after lie after lie in one thread and I kept showing where he was wrong. By your standards and his, me stating facts about The Ohio State University makes me the bad guy, not the guy out and out lying. I am the one that knows both programs inside and out. Most of the posters on here don't know the first thing about the players OSU has coming back or has coming in. I know, I know. This is a Zips forum and you don't care, right? Well, is OSU an opponent of ours this year? If so, knowing the real facts about them is relevant to the forum. Listening to a bunch of idiots post "We will beat OSU because we will play perfect and Chris Wells will fumble" just sounds retarded. If that is the type of quality discussion you like to have brought to this board it is no wonder the "real" posters get chased off. Nobody wants to sit and discuss valid arguments. It turns into a mud slinging contest because most of you believe if anyone says anything critical of UA they are an OSU fanboy.Just look at this thread. Everyone was having a discussion about Sean Hakes including the 2 evils in the world (Buckzip and Zipgrad01). Did either of us mention OSU? Nope. G-mann did by attacking us and we defend ourselves. Once again lies start flying (by g-mann) and I put the boy in his place. NOBODY could dispute the facts of what I wrote. I don't see anyone picking apart my comments just that I posted to begin with. Then you Captain, have the nerve to come to the little liar and instigators defense and call me out. You make a stupid comment like..... "OSU fans can't help themselves." You are right to a point. Anyone with an unbiased view can't help themselves when they see such blinded homerism. I will not apologize for stating what I believe are unbiased facts. If you or anyone else wants to call me a fanboy go ahead. I will say the same things in defense of not only OSU, but any other topic that I truly know about that I think is being falsely debated. If you don't like it, ban me. Frankly I don't care. If you have to be a blinded Zips fan to be a member of this board I don't want to be a member. If you can't say that a team is far superior to Akron (when anyone else on earth besides the people on this board would agree) without being personally insulted I don't want to be a member of that board anyway. If you don't agree with what I say prove me wrong with REAL facts. Calling me a fan boy and saying "F-OSU" just makes me sound correct and it makes you sound like someone that can't beat the argument so they go to the 5th graders approach and name call. You need to type more words. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Kangaroo Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 Quote from G-Mann:You can wipe the floor all day long with me? LOLI called you and Buckzip out for the same thing a long time ago. Then on this thread I called Buckzip out for saying people have a double standard. And as from what I can see, you both and as well as a few of the other "fair weather" OSU front-running fanboys do have a double standard.The Zips aren't perfect, that's an easy assessment. Because I am a realist.OSU is far from what they were last year, but all of you fanboys seem to think they will be competing with The Blue for the Big 10 championship maybe even back where they were. They certainly won't lose to Akron. HAH! That my friend is a double standard.Wipe the floor with me, you can't even wipe your own ass.I'm not getting back into the OSU being weak this year argument. Everyone has read what I wrote. The only arguments I got were from you fanboys. I'm trying to get along with you guys on here, I didn't say anything offensive, I just argued my point. Then you have to come along with your crybaby, Google searching self and tell me I'm a liar. Anyone can send a recruitment letter, that doesn't mean they "recrutied" every school in the country knew Tressel had Wells. Wells' stats are inflated, like I said I am close to the Akron High School football scene. But I am done defending my comments.You have a jaded view, every poster on here knows you have a jaded view. So 'nuff said.And obviously the only person who got embarrassed in all of this was you. I wrote, and you wrote "My, my my. I feel bad about tearing this apart, but you obviously have no idea what is going on in Columbus."I'm afraid that everyone on here has more knowledge of what goes on C-bus then you do my friend. And again, go back read, and see how you got embarrased. You little fanboy troll.And again this is a Zips fan board so enough with the OSU crap.Let me see...fair weather OSU fanboy? How am I am fair weather fan boy? You don't know the first thing about me. I was a Buckeye fan since I was about 5 years old. That was through some bad seasons and some great seasons. I am also a die hard Browns fan. Does that make me a fair-weather fan? You insult about things you know nothing about.OSU isn't close to what they were last year. Ok. In your opinion. In my supposed "jaded" opinion I said they lose 1-3 games. Does that sound like I am saying they are as good as they were last year? Only in your warped mind. I did, however, say there is the "talent" there to win all their games. Their D will be better than last year and I don't believe the offense will lose a lot, especially considering how good the D is.Compete with "the blue". Now I see!!! You are a Michigan fan!!! You are a Michigan troll boy, right? Also, I am setting a double standard because I said OSU won't lose to Akron? How? You willing to put a wager on the game? I will bet anything you want. You name the price and you have it. Lets see how your biased views are affected when a bet is on the line. You can't go with your heart, you have to go with your head.Can't even wipe my ass. Good one. Did that take you 1 or 2 minutes to think of?You are right. Everyone did read what you wrote on the other thread. Maybe they didn't respond because I was doing a pretty good job of beating you into submission myself. Then you have the balls to say that you are trying to get along with me on here? All you do is attack and all I do is defend myself. You even say "I have to come along with my google searching self." Why is that comment relevant? Because it shows that you spew whatever garbage you want to believe and not true facts. I actually look up facts before I post it. I don't just assume people will believe what I say. We can go back and look at that other thread and do fact checking on what you wrote and what I wrote. I challenge anyone to go see who was more accurate in their posts, me (OSU fanboy) or G-mann!!Recruiting letter? Rivals does not check an offer sheet due to a recruiting letter. Kids get recruiting letter from tons of places, it doesn't mean they get offers. However, Wells had offers from USC, Michigan, Ohio State, and MANY others. You, however, expect people to believe that OSU was the only school that recruited him when he was the #1 rated prospect in the country!!! You talk about his inflated stats, yet I posted his "official stats." You said he was overrated in high school, so I posted the news story from the Army all-american game where it talks about him being a man amongst boys and winning the games MVP. I am sure you are done defending your comment because I have corrected all of them for you and I did it in the other thread. It pisses me off that I have to keep doing it and you have the nerve to try and make me look like the bad guy when you can't get ANY facts correct!!!Every poster knows I have a jaded view? I don't believe that. I think some do and they are the ones that are blind homer fans like you that take it as an insult when you say that Akron is outmatched against Ohio State. You take it as some sort of insult on the program when in fact about 75% of D-1 schools are outmatched against Ohio State. It is just a fact. You , however, have to call me a fan boy because I say so.I feel sorry for you that you think you embarrassed me on the last thread or this one. You are delusional and frankly I feel sorry for you.As for aren't worth my time anymore. I am done proving you to be the uninformed troll that you are. Go try to pick on another poster, because you bit off a little more than you can chew with me. More words...we want to see MORE WORDS!!!! Is that the best you've got?! 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Zipgrad01 Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 Obvioulsy better than what you have. I have substance, you that all you got? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Kangaroo Posted August 28, 2007 Report Share Posted August 28, 2007 With all due respect to Sean Hakes, I think the topic of his departure will be closed. I'm sure this will break some hearts, but sometimes tough decisions need to be made. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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