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We still have no killer instinct-- we just blew an opportunity to blow the game open after that punt returen.Such a bummer-- we are letting these guys linger and could end up losing this game.
We should be hanging 30+ points on this team. No reason Army should still be hanging around. Offense is going to be a MAJOR liability this year. I'll be happy if we score at all on OSU's defense.
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Thoughts on the game. Couldn't make it downtown tonight, but caught most of the second half on FSN.-Jacquemain has some skills, but has a long way to go. He overthrew Jabari a few times. I'm also curious as to why we are set up in the shotgun so much. Is Chris having trouble taking snaps from under center???-We HAVE to find SOMEONE other than Jabari who can catch the ball. OSU is going to double team him all day next week and dare Chris to throw somewhere else. Someone needs to step up.-That said, Jabari is doing a nice job. He missed a few that maybe he should have had, but he did a real nice job of making himself available to the young QB and should be commended on it. You can tell he's Chris' security blanket.-Liked the stable of runningbacks. Any one of them can come in and pick up positive yardage. Like Allen's awarness staying in bounds and picking up extra yards late.-Again, that said. What on earth are we doing trying to run clock with 12 minutes left and only a 2 score lead. That play not to lose strategy almost lost us a ballgame, and it burnt the D out.-Hats off the the O-line. For a bunch of guys making their first real starts they did a nice job. Chris had time to throw and the RB's had some decent holes.-Our linebackers and secondary are as good as I've seen. These guys are REALLY good. Mackey especially is impressive. The kid just does everything, and he's as sure a tackler as you'll find.-Defensive line held their own. I've been real worried about what these guys could do, but they held up pretty well. Very impressed with Sewell, true freshman was never really out of position and was in on a lot of plays.-Kicking game was better than last year but I still can't say I'm comfortable with it. What in gods name is that stupid rugby kick??? It doesn't make any sense. They tried to explain it on 1350 during the 1st half while I was in the car on the way home, but it still doesn't make any sense. Igor, despite a few misses is lightyears beyond Domonkos. -Stupid penalties again. Offsides on a punt, false starts, block in the back on the punt return in the second half. I dunno if I can sit through another year of all those bonehead things. This should have been priority #1 in the offseason.

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Pathetic showing in terms of attendance. The idea of playing a service academy in Browns Stadium is stupid-- they should make it a MAC-Big Ten game or something. Maybe a MAC-SEC, Pac10, Big 10 or ND. The concept is just flawed-- no one cares about Army, Navy, Air Force. In terms of the game play itself, I saw reasons to be excited and hopeful. I am hoping that a big crowd at Ohio Stadium will cause the team to kick into another gear. I thought Jacq looked very solid, the d looked pretty good, return teams were clearly v good. All in, promising. But the attitude still lacked, that intangible that eliminates penalties and drives the team to refuse to be denied at TD or a first down at a crucial moment. Something is still missing from JD's teams...

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Pathetic showing in terms of attendance.  The idea of playing a service academy in Browns Stadium is stupid-- they should make it a MAC-Big Ten game or something.  Maybe a MAC-SEC, Pac10, Big 10 or ND.  The concept is just flawed-- no one cares about Army, Navy, Air Force.  In terms of the game play itself, I saw reasons to be excited and hopeful.  I am hoping that a big crowd at Ohio Stadium will cause the team to kick into another gear.  I thought Jacq looked very solid, the d looked pretty good, return teams were clearly v good.  All in, promising.  But the attitude still lacked, that intangible that eliminates penalties and drives the team to refuse to be denied at TD or a first down at a crucial moment.  Something is still missing from JD's teams...
Dude, I know what you mean when you say "no one cares about Army, Navy, Airforce"But try to be a little respectful to our armed forces. These guys are fighting a war for us right now and dying doing so. Some of those guys playing tonight could be on the front lines sooner or later. These guys are dedicated to our country. Let's show a little respect.Ok, I am off the soap box now... ;)
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Attendance: 17865
I'm not sure there will be a patriot bowl in 2008my thoughts1) defense was consistent. There were mistakes, but overall consistently the most solid aspect of our game.2) if it wasn't for those kick returns, I would have to say that special teams picked up where it left off from 2006.... piss poor. I guess I should qualify it. They guys who use their feet on this team are in 2006 mode.3) Offense. Too many screens and too much running around the line trying to turn the corner. Game planners must have feared the trenches. Spreading the field means putting the ball everywhere, not just horizontal to the sidelines4) I hope Army generals don't have gameplans that lame. 5) I think the marching band turned blue trying to hold that note for the flyover :lol::rofl::tomato:
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Just got back.Some thoughts:1.) Special Teams still needs some work. Botching FGs, can't cover returns well, blocked punt. The only bright spot is our kick returning. Just like last year.2.) The running game looks good. Very good and very deep. The opposite of last year.3.) Defense looked solid, but still has a few things to work on, like penalties.4.) I was suprised at how many jerks attend West Point. A cadet broke one of our $2,000 A-K-R-O-N flags that the cheerleaders run with. Another stole someone in the band's hat, but an officer returned it. Certainly not our nation's best and brightest.5.) Leave it to UA not to be able to secure a unified student section during what is being counted as a home game. Being scattered because none of the tickets are next to eachother is bush league crap that a D-I school shouldn't have to deal with.6.) The only way we will score on OSU next week is through kick returns unless the playcalling changes on offense.7.) Attendance was crap, but the pre-game atmosphere was excellent.

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