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Curious will we follow our past trend?

Ryno aka Menace

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It seems like every year we win a game we are suppose to lose and lose a game we are suppose to win. Like beating NC State and lose to Army. This year beat I think we will beat Ohio State and lose to Temple? j/k A more realistic scenario would be we beat Indiana, and UConn and lose to Buffalo. Do you think we are going to win the games we should win? Every year I am overly optimistic about the Zips and Browns and every year I lose years off my life in stress. I expected nothing different. But still cheer with relentless ambition and pride, as a fan and former player I feel we can win every game. Lastly, I want the players to believe they can win if they don't feel that way I don't want them on the team. How can you call yourself a competitor if you don't feel you can win. Go Win and Go Zips!!!

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No way we lose to Temple @ home. They're atrocious.When we lost to Army, you could kind of see it coming. Army had't won in a while, but they were playing well. And, the weather was terrible. We were pretty ripe for the picking.Buffalo always gives us a tough game in Buffalo. But...I saw Turner Gill coach at the Rubber Bowl last year. The guy has no clue. He looks to be @ Buffalo what Thompson was to Ball State basketball...a guy with good name recognition...and little substance. Remember the end of the first half of the Buffalo game last fall...it set D-1 football back 5 years! :blink:

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When we lost to Army, you could kind of see it coming. Army had't won in a while, but they were playing well. And, the weather was terrible. We were pretty ripe for the picking.
The weather may be terrible this weekend in C-Bus. Let's hope for really sloppy conditions where we can pull a fast one.
I think that may hurt us since our strength is passing to Jabari!
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If we have the sloppy field added to this, Akron will have problems containing the OSU running game.
I generally agree with this, from the standpoint of the difficulty posed when trying to gain good footing while playing defense on a sloppy field. However, the wet conditions COULD lead to more fumbles and if Akron just happens to create a few more than they give up, this could be a potential equalizer.BTW Ryno, I'm sure some others noticed, but the Zips did not beat NC State and lose to Army in the same season. I'm not sure if that what you meant, but I wanted to clarify. Your point is still valid, though. The Zips do seem to follow that trend. If I have to pick, I will say we beat UConn. I'll skip the other part (picking a team that shouldn't beat us to beat us), because I want us to be :champs:
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I really think bad weaterh hurts Akron more. With this 3-3-5 defense we can't stop a good running game. If we have the sloppy field added to this, Akron will have problems containing the OSU running game.
You keep saying that the 3-3-5 can't stop the run. How did Penn State run against us?
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I really think bad weaterh hurts Akron more. With this 3-3-5 defense we can't stop a good running game. If we have the sloppy field added to this, Akron will have problems containing the OSU running game.
You keep saying that the 3-3-5 can't stop the run. How did Penn State run against us?
Penn State didn't have a back like Wells or Saine for that matter.
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I really think bad weaterh hurts Akron more. With this 3-3-5 defense we can't stop a good running game. If we have the sloppy field added to this, Akron will have problems containing the OSU running game.
You keep saying that the 3-3-5 can't stop the run. How did Penn State run against us?
Penn State didn't have a back like Wells or Saine for that matter.
Wells had 16 rushes for 48 yards against YSU. Obviously he's a better back than that. But if YSU can contain him, I think we'll be ok. Other than Deangelo Williams (1st round NFL draft pick), JD's defense has historically done a great job against the run. As an example -- Garrett Wolfe never did squat against us.
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As an example -- Garrett Wolfe never did squat against us.
I think we'll be OK against the run this year, but aren't you forgetting the obvious Captain? In the MAC championship, Wolfe went crazy for well over 200 :wall:
What I MEANT to say is "other than those 270 yards he posted against us in the MAC Championship game, Garett Wolfe never did squat against us." ;) How'd I forget THAT?
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Bad weather conditions would absolutely favor the Zips. It's not a question of what they do well, or what we do well, and how the weather will affect that. It's simply the idea that bad weather makes things unpredictable, and often leads to sloppy play and turnovers. If last week is any indication, Tressel will be trying (and trying) to run the football. If any of you noticed, it appeared that our defensive front got worn down a little bit by the tail end of that Army game. So, our lack of depth up front could really be a huge difference in this game. They will certainly be pounding the ball at us trying to take advantage of that. As for past trends, I think just about every team wins a game they should lose, and loses a game they should win during just about every season.As for Temple not being able to upset us.....Someone's not following college football close enough, because they pulled one of the biggest upsets of all time on the road by beating a ranked Virginia Tech team a few years back.

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I know this really has nothing to do with this game, but I always hear that the weather makes the game different. I have never really seen it though.Go back, old timers, to red right 88 with the Browns. I remember that the Raiders supposedly were doomed because of the cold weather. I always hear that weather makes a difference. However, I have never seen it affect a game so much that a huge underdog wins.

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The first game that comes to mind is an old AFC championship, where the Bengals beat the Chargers (who had just come off of that crazy marathon win over the Dolphins with KII's daddy having to be carried off the field from exhaustion). It's hard not to think that the negative temperatures had no affect on the outcome of that one. The Chargers were probably the better team. If the game had been in San Diego, the Bolts would have been a big favorite.

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FYI.....OSU has field turf this year, so even if it rains the field conditions won't get sloppy. The most that will happen is a wet ball, etc... If the weather is bad enough to affect the game because of wind or rain it would really hurt us. We are a spread team. We run from the spread and use misdirections, etc. We don't just pound the ball down peoples throat. I don't want to get in a pound away smash mouth game with OSU. We don't have the depth to do that and it isn't really our offenses niche anyway.

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