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"He's basically kicking 100 yards"


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http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,695209247,00.htmlThis kid is going to be insane to watch next year... too bad he'll be at BYU.Justin Sorensen• Bingham High senior is regarded as the nation's top high school kicker.• Has already verbally committed to BYU.• In Bingham's two August games, he kicked field goals of 26, 26, 36, 51 and 59 yards.• This past week, Sorensen broke the state record with a 62-yard field goal.
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That kid at Mentor is Kevin Harper. He just broke the state record with a 61 (or 62) yd. field goal at the game vs. Solon last week. He is a senior, but I have heard he already expressed interest in playing for the Zips and we passed. Our loss.....I saw him play a few weeks ago and he is amazing.I graduated with Chris Jacquemain at Mentor and I believe Igor graduated the year after. I saw every high school game the four years I was there and UNFORTUNATELY the years they were at the helm were not some of the most memorable.

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You've got to remember that high school kickers are allowed to kick field goals off two inch blocks. That adds 10-15 yards onto kicks, so numbers are always inflated, and that's why a lot of these kids that look like they can kick it like Jason Elam are only 2 star players and don't turn out to be all that great of kickers when they have to kick the ball off the ground (see Igor).

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Ok. I don't care if he has a block 4 inches tall, he still kicked the 1st and I believe 3rd longest fields in the history of Ohio high school football. I can see where a block lets a normal kid kick a 40 yarder, but any kid consistently hitting from upper 40's to low 60's in a game is a stud.

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Tee height was brought up being the reason for this kids leg. This is a story about him in the plain dealer..........Height: 5-11. Weight: 175.Grade-point average: 4.35.Class rank: 2 (out of 871).Kicking stats: He has made 6 of 8 field-goal attempts this season, including 44, 58 and 61 yards (state record). Missed from 25 and 38 yards. Made 7 of 14 attempts last season.Tee time: High school kickers can use a 1-inch tee for kicks. Harper uses a half-inch tee to show colleges he is ready to kick off the turf. College kickers do not use tees.College plans: Considering a business major, possibly law.Record ball: The ball used for the state-record 61-yard field goal went back in the Mentor ball bag. Harper said he intends to keep using it.-- Tim Warsinskey

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  Zipgrad01 said:
Just saw on Rivals where Pittsburgh offered him on Wednesday. Good for him. Can't believe we haven't with our kicking situation.
We really should offer. Hell he wants to go to school for business or law, and um we have a top level business school and a best value law school.And we need a consistant kicker
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