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Whiny losers


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Unbelievable. I've never seen an instance where a team that lost blamed it so much on some other factor, rather than giving credit to the victor.I'm sure that Lively and Grant, in making a tackle a Jarvis, both took time to stop and say to themselves, "Hmmm...I wonder which ankle I have in my hand right now?".In order for this theory to be true, this would have had to happen. YOU LOST !!! GET OVER IT !!! And tell your coach to accept it as well.

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not that I wouldn't want to support one of our players when he says he was just trying to make a play, but I thought the rule was "one knee down". So, did jarvis have both knees off the ground?Like I said, I wouldn't want to take the side of a whiney opponent over one of our guys, but if his intentions really were malicious, that is something I cannot support, and I think that's something coach should try to nip in the bud

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Eugene Jarvis sure is a whiny loser.Click to read about him accusing Zips players. (WARNING: this link goes to a Can't State web page. :puke: )
"Brookhart, remember, tried to bring Jarvis to Akron back in 2005. By not censuring Lively's attack on another player he recruited, the coach seems to be telling parents of future recruits he will take care of their sons as long as they choose Akron. And if they accept a scholarship to play at another school like Can't State, they better wear titanium-reinforced ankle braces when they play the Zips."Wow...is this me or is this bordering on slander?
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They mattered during the 1997 MAC men's basketball tournament when Can't State freshman star Kyrem Massey was suspended for a semifinal meeting with Miami after allegedly throwing a flagrant elbow during a pick of Akron's Jami Bosley
ALLEGEDLY!!?? At least the writer isn't biased!! :lol:
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Like Coach, like player. Coach complains, players complains. You lost the game! get over it and move on to the next opponent. Or better yet, keep dwelling on the fact that you thought you got "Screwed by the Roo", and you won't win on Saturday.WHAT A BUNCH OF WUSSIES.And now we really know why :screwks:

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not sure if anyone else noticed this, but the cant state folks are talking about akron playing dirty.... what about the time akron had the ball going towards the endzone, jackson threw the pass, and was still hit.........and as he got up the Can't state player shoved him down to the ground, why was no flag thrown???? or the pass that sailed over an akron WR's head near the side line an was completely out of his reach, but the Cant state DB lowered his shoulder an ran thru him anyways. so lets not talk about playing dirty.

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I clearly remember the play where Jackson got pushed back to the ground after he got up. It was LONG after the whistle. Maybe this writer would like to talk about that one. :rolleyes: I can't remember any of us saying anything else last year except that we lost, and they played better than us. I guess we can't expect the same class this year.

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:rofl::screwks: i know eric, and if anyone else out here knows him, they would know that whole piece is a bunch of bs. not only is he a nice guy, but a class act. the author clearly was looking for something that wasn't there. btw. if you stop on a play because you think it's over and are "practicing restraint" you're going to lose ball games. that's part of the reason trick plays work. the play isn't over until that whistle blows.
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Please, lets not over analyze this. It's nothing more than some people looking for some other explaination why they lost a game, other than being flat-out beat.I keep hearing different people on the losing side say that they dominated the statistics. Well, that's not true either (even though the only statistic that matters is the score).We had more first downs.We had a better 3rd down conversion rate.We converted a 4th down try (they were 0-2)Our QB's had a better completion percentage.We committed less turnovers. We had more interceptions. We controlled time of possession.That covers roughly half of the statistical categories.

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As long as we are whining; I want to add my two cents about all the "no call" holdsCant enjoyed. Some of those holds were so blatant that I thought the Cant player wasgiving polka lessons.I wondered about the shove down of Jackson. It occurred in front of at least two officials.No call. That must be why Dink Martin came off the bench to complain to theofficials that his players were not called for a personal foul, since Dink is such a truesportsman.Give us a break.Karim Massey was a "good" kid? Hell, he have a reputation throughout his collegeplaying time of being an aggressive, vicious thug. Before you yell racism, that wasCharly Coles opinion of Massey.Hey Cant fans .... AKRON 27, Cant 20Deal with it.

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This reminds me to ask....Even though I was there, I didn't see exactly how John Mackey got hurt. Did someone see it on their recording of the game??I remember him running into the backfield, then the running back took an inside route. I think a blocker was trailing Mackey from behind at the time. I'm wondering if someone can look at that.

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