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vote 4 zippy

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Just voted again. Zippy down by 98. Our race is the only one that is even remotely close. This really is the toughest test we will face. Everybody, and I mean everybody, is trying to knock us off. It's a testament to Zippy's fans that she's the only winning mascot that's not getting completely blown out.

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3:15PM ... Zippy's down by 113. I'm really hoping we can stay close heading into the weekend. At that point, I begin to hope that gaps are wide enough in most of the other races that voters take a weekend break (leaders and losers). No doubt we have to stay on it from now until Monday at 9AM if we stand any chance of going 5-0. I haven't seen us drop below about 225 or so this week so we seem to be hanging in there. Come on Zippy fans ... we can do it!

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Very interesting that the lead Seymour has enjoyed the last couple of days faded last night and has turned into a 200-vote lead for Zippy this morning. As I noted in a previous post, Seymour REALLY faded late last week and I was hoping to see that happen again this week. Zippy's voters really seem to be in this for the long haul and have consistently kept her in the running week in and week out. Keep it up everyone and keep your fingers crossed that voter fatigue and apathy will work in Zippy's favor as we head into the weekend. Let's all try to make a strong effort Monday morning in particular to create another big push as the 9AM deadline approaches. It's worked VERY well the last 4 weeks ... let's make it 5 in a row!Nice to see Cosmo (3-1) struggling big time against Hokiebird. Cosmo's currently down by 1600+ and I would expect that to continue and possibly go higher assuming we continue to vote in big numbers for Zippy and for Hokiebird while we're at it.Is it safe to say that Zippy is currently ranked #1 in the BCS (mascot) poll?! Probably has a lot of voters at the bigger schools scratching their heads ... :thumb:

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Up by 30 or so. The key is to keep an eye on her and get through end of day tomorrow (Friday) in the ballpark. Catch them napping through the weekend and then hit it hard Monday morning through 9AM. Don't forget to vote while you're watching MLB baseball and college football tonight and tomorrow night.

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