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We need a QB


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i know this probably will not b popular, but jd needs to let both guys play next week.even if cj11 is the so called starter cj7 needs to play.the reason i say this is cj7 is one play from being the starter .he needs some time even if he is the backup.you see teams plays backups at other postions db,ol ect,and no body even notices.jd needs to also get some younger guys some expierince at other psotions.this is the perfect game to do this.i want to win but in reality this game is going to be a glorified scrimmage.whay not take advantage of this, and get some experience for some younger guys also.you can still play the starters but get some of the younger guys in a play or two.you would be suprised what it does for team morale when alott of guys get some pt.

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What we need more than anything is an offensive coordinator who can develop a scheme, or who runs a scheme that fits the praticular strengths and weaknesses of this offense.I hate to point to the Browns as an example, but if you look at what Rob Chudzinski has done up there this year it is nothing short of a miracle. He's taken guys like Braylon Edwards, Kellen Winslow II, Derek Anderson, Joe Jurevicius, Joe Thomas and Eric Steinbach and allowed them to do the things they are good at. Let's face it. CJ11 is never going to be effective running this parallel to the line, read option offense. Asking him to do it is absolutely ridiculous. He just doesn't have the mobility to do it. As for CJ7, sadly enough, it's becoming more and more obvious why the big programs wanted him as a CB or a WR. He can make a few good plays now and then at QB, but he's just not enough of a pure QB to be effective at the position. I don't know exactley what system is going to work for these guys, but it most certainly is not the system we are running and we need to get out of it as soon as possible.

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i am not speaking for everbody but i do not think cj11 is the answer at qb.he has played most of the games this year.he is making the same mistakes every game.we were deep in miami territory and he made the huge mistake of throwing an int.you at least have to come out with a fg.what is jd supposed to do?let cj 11 play two losing season while he may develope?c.fry had one redshirt year,and came in and lead the team right away.either you can play or you can't.igreanted it may take a redshirt year to mature for some postions.cj11 is a sophmore now,and i don't see him playing more games is the answer.
Racer is right CJ11 is no longer a soph...he has not shown significant improvement AND he will NEVER be MOBILE...JD said it himself you need a mobile QB!...hell the ZIPS can't handle one...too bad but i think next year is also going to be a LONG one...
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lee i have to agree.i only thing that might help a little is if our two wr from last year come back.at the same time if you dont have a qb it may not even matter.i don't think the spread is the answer right now because cj11 is no running threat,and we have do not have the gamebreakers at wr.how many times have we ran the screen pass to the wr for no gain.c/k did make a good point on wy not try to go back to a power i formation sometimes.i think it could ge real ugly next year if we do not find a qb.

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i just wonder since things have been so bad at qb if jd will go to the jc route and try and find a qb.i know mike johnson came in the jc route and was really good.if i am jd i am going to find a qb next year,and if it's the jc route so be it.i know its easier said than done ,but it should be the #1 priority.he really has nothing to lose.if we have a losing season next year i would think his job is in trouble.at the same time the defense and kicking game have played well enough. this team with any kind of offense consistency should not have four wins.if we can find a qb almost all the rest of the o will be back.a big time qb i think could turn things around right away.

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Matt Rogers would not have done any better this year than CJ11. Remeber that this kid is a first year player. They all get better with experience. It's not like he's out there with Great receivers and a innovative offense. A QB can not win games by himself. Be patient. CJ11 is a good QB and will improve with time and maturity. If you think Matt Rogers is the answer, what his high school film and compare it. I don't think so.What we need is better receivers and a better offensive scheme!
While we do not know how good Rogers is, CJ11 is not the answer. Getting a good frickin quarterback is the difference between 8-4 and 4-8 in the MAC. I'm watching the Oregon-Arizona game and Oregon's qb left with an injury. With the back-up in, Oregon looks like a second tier MAC school. They look, fat, slow, with poor special teams, an awful defense and I swear I'm watching CJ11 play on consecutive nights. A major BCS school looks this bad? It just goes to show how much a good quarterback hides other weaknesses.
Good points.I've been saying on this board for years not that the first thing a team needs is a QB that can win games. In this day and age, that means a QB that is smart, mobile, above average arm and can run with the ball in the read option. You guys look at the highly ranked teams as your examples. My example would be Wake Forest. Wake has little to offer as a major college program and should never make a bowl game; however, Skinner is a smart and mobile QB with an above average arm that manages the spread offense very well and is a winner. They have six wins and will make a bowl game with very average to below average talent.The spread offense masks an average to below average offensive line. It can also move the ball enough and score enough points to mask a bad defense.Akron's problems have never been about defense or offensive line. It has almost always been about the lack of a QB that can win games when it really matters.Getting to another point on the board about Illinois not being better than OSU. That's just not true. Illinois came into Columbus and kicked OSU's ass up and down the field. At the end of the day, that means you are a better team. In the fourth quarter, they absolutely dominated that overrated defense OSU puts on the field. OSU's defense looks great against YSU, Akron and the host of bad teams they play in the Big Ten. It will look great today against that antiquated offense Michigan runs. Zook learned in the SEC what it takes to win in big time college football. With the exception of Northwestern and Indiana, nobody else runs the read option. Illinois wil be good for a lot of years because Zook knows it is about a mobile QB. Illinois is actually just getting started. In the near future, OSU's offense will be antiquated as well and they will try to run the read option with the talent they recruited and they will look like Akron this year trying to do it.
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Matt Rogers would not have done any better this year than CJ11. Remeber that this kid is a first year player. They all get better with experience. It's not like he's out there with Great receivers and a innovative offense. A QB can not win games by himself. Be patient. CJ11 is a good QB and will improve with time and maturity. If you think Matt Rogers is the answer, what his high school film and compare it. I don't think so.What we need is better receivers and a better offensive scheme!
While we do not know how good Rogers is, CJ11 is not the answer. Getting a good frickin quarterback is the difference between 8-4 and 4-8 in the MAC. I'm watching the Oregon-Arizona game and Oregon's qb left with an injury. With the back-up in, Oregon looks like a second tier MAC school. They look, fat, slow, with poor special teams, an awful defense and I swear I'm watching CJ11 play on consecutive nights. A major BCS school looks this bad? It just goes to show how much a good quarterback hides other weaknesses.
Good points.I've been saying on this board for years not that the first thing a team needs is a QB that can win games. In this day and age, that means a QB that is smart, mobile, above average arm and can run with the ball in the read option. You guys look at the highly ranked teams as your examples. My example would be Wake Forest. Wake has little to offer as a major college program and should never make a bowl game; however, Skinner is a smart and mobile QB with an above average arm that manages the spread offense very well and is a winner. They have six wins and will make a bowl game with very average to below average talent.The spread offense masks an average to below average offensive line. It can also move the ball enough and score enough points to mask a bad defense.Akron's problems have never been about defense or offensive line. It has almost always been about the lack of a QB that can win games when it really matters.Getting to another point on the board about Illinois not being better than OSU. That's just not true. Illinois came into Columbus and kicked OSU's ass up and down the field. At the end of the day, that means you are a better team. In the fourth quarter, they absolutely dominated that overrated defense OSU puts on the field. OSU's defense looks great against YSU, Akron and the host of bad teams they play in the Big Ten. It will look great today against that antiquated offense Michigan runs. Zook learned in the SEC what it takes to win in big time college football. With the exception of Northwestern and Indiana, nobody else runs the read option. Illinois wil be good for a lot of years because Zook knows it is about a mobile QB. Illinois is actually just getting started. In the near future, OSU's offense will be antiquated as well and they will try to run the read option with the talent they recruited and they will look like Akron this year trying to do it.
I'm glad you made this last point...How much more can one team dominate the opponent, on the road, with everyone healthy and still be called inferior. But that's what happens when living in Ohno! And one more thing, how can the offsides on the fumble vs. MU be ignored. If that happened in c-bus, the entire city would be on fire.
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Matt Rogers would not have done any better this year than CJ11. Remeber that this kid is a first year player. They all get better with experience. It's not like he's out there with Great receivers and a innovative offense. A QB can not win games by himself. Be patient. CJ11 is a good QB and will improve with time and maturity. If you think Matt Rogers is the answer, what his high school film and compare it. I don't think so.What we need is better receivers and a better offensive scheme!
While we do not know how good Rogers is, CJ11 is not the answer. Getting a good frickin quarterback is the difference between 8-4 and 4-8 in the MAC. I'm watching the Oregon-Arizona game and Oregon's qb left with an injury. With the back-up in, Oregon looks like a second tier MAC school. They look, fat, slow, with poor special teams, an awful defense and I swear I'm watching CJ11 play on consecutive nights. A major BCS school looks this bad? It just goes to show how much a good quarterback hides other weaknesses.
Good points.I've been saying on this board for years not that the first thing a team needs is a QB that can win games. In this day and age, that means a QB that is smart, mobile, above average arm and can run with the ball in the read option. You guys look at the highly ranked teams as your examples. My example would be Wake Forest. Wake has little to offer as a major college program and should never make a bowl game; however, Skinner is a smart and mobile QB with an above average arm that manages the spread offense very well and is a winner. They have six wins and will make a bowl game with very average to below average talent.The spread offense masks an average to below average offensive line. It can also move the ball enough and score enough points to mask a bad defense.Akron's problems have never been about defense or offensive line. It has almost always been about the lack of a QB that can win games when it really matters.Getting to another point on the board about Illinois not being better than OSU. That's just not true. Illinois came into Columbus and kicked OSU's ass up and down the field. At the end of the day, that means you are a better team. In the fourth quarter, they absolutely dominated that overrated defense OSU puts on the field. OSU's defense looks great against YSU, Akron and the host of bad teams they play in the Big Ten. It will look great today against that antiquated offense Michigan runs. Zook learned in the SEC what it takes to win in big time college football. With the exception of Northwestern and Indiana, nobody else runs the read option. Illinois wil be good for a lot of years because Zook knows it is about a mobile QB. Illinois is actually just getting started. In the near future, OSU's offense will be antiquated as well and they will try to run the read option with the talent they recruited and they will look like Akron this year trying to do it.
I'm glad you made this last point...How much more can one team dominate the opponent, on the road, with everyone healthy and still be called inferior. But that's what happens when living in Ohno! And one more thing, how can the offsides on the fumble vs. MU be ignored. If that happened in c-bus, the entire city would be on fire.
We had the Illinois game on at my house yesterday (why anyone would watch that 14-3 horrible OSU game is beyond me) and I heard that the top four teams in the Big Ten were OSU, Michigan, PSU and IL. IL beat OSU, Michigan and PSU. That means they are the best of the top four. If they don't stumble with a young team early, they win the Big Ten as they are the best team in the Big Ten at this point in the season.Illinois is going to be good next year. OSU needs to go to IL. OSU had better enjoy the Rose Bowl this year because IL is the team to beat in the future.I'll stop now with the non-Zip issues.
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CJ7 is a pretty good athlete.i have know idea if he can play wr, but we also need playmakers there to so i do not think it would hurt to give him a shot at wr.i just cannot see a kid coming from high school to play some qb.i guess that is the big question is if rogers is the man.i would hope jd is going to look at every jc qb that is out there.im not saying that is the answer ,but at this point what else can jd do? i think most agree neither qb we have now is the answer.maybe one of the guys will come through next year with a new offense,but i dont see that happening.

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