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This may only be a wild rumor....but after the polymer building was built I heard there was an uprising there on the 13th floor. The building was taken over by superintelligent spiders. Since the revolt, the goodyear blimp flies near, but never directly over the polymer building. It's obvious that there is some kind of highly technological warfare going on between goodyear and the spiders. And the university is powerless to stop the spiders. The Beacon Journal won't report on this because they don't want to give uakron any publicity, even if it's in a negative context.

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This may only be a wild rumor....but after the polymer building was built I heard there was an uprising there on the 13th floor. The building was taken over by superintelligent spiders. Since the revolt, the goodyear blimp flies near, but never directly over the polymer building. It's obvious that there is some kind of highly technological warfare going on between goodyear and the spiders. And the university is powerless to stop the spiders. The Beacon Journal won't report on this because they don't want to give uakron any publicity, even if it's in a negative context.
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This may only be a wild rumor....but after the polymer building was built I heard there was an uprising there on the 13th floor. The building was taken over by superintelligent spiders. Since the revolt, the goodyear blimp flies near, but never directly over the polymer building. It's obvious that there is some kind of highly technological warfare going on between goodyear and the spiders. And the university is powerless to stop the spiders. The Beacon Journal won't report on this because they don't want to give uakron any publicity, even if it's in a negative context.
What a huge announcement for Akron. Will it help us by keeping good jobs in Akron or will this draw funds that would have perhaps gone to the university? Any opinions or information?
Okay, I give. What the double H-e-c-k is the news??? :rolleyes:
The news is that the State, County, and City are giving Goodyear tons of money to stay in Akron. The money could be better spent by hiring Terminx to get rid of those spiders in the polymer building, except the Beacon never wrote a story about them and nobody even knew they were there and harrassing Goodyear. This entire mess should never have happened except the Deputy Mayor in charge of "Things That Could Go Wrong" turns out to be a Can't State graduate, and a good friend of Lee Owens.
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Anything that keeps Akron from turning into "Youngstown" is a very good thing.
Funny!!!!I don't know if it will keep Akron from becoming Youngstown, but it may slow it down for a year or two.Only the ABJ could sell this story as some big deal for the Mayor. At a minimum, the Mayor should be maintaining the current business base in Akron. The ABJ should only get excited when they start bringing jobs to Akron.On a side note relating to the ABJ, notice my signature line. It references one of the great shows ever on television (HBO). The new season of The Wire will start in a few weeks and it will be the last season. Each season of the program has an underlying theme pertaining to why the urban areas are just broken. This year will be about the media and how it contributes to the fractures in urban areas. The ABJ is a horrible paper that is somewhat responsible for the lack of reporting on the problems in NE Ohio, especially in the city of Akron. Every bit of bashing this board does on the ABJ is justified.
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Anything that keeps Akron from turning into "Youngstown" is a very good thing.
Funny!!!!I don't know if it will keep Akron from becoming Youngstown, but it may slow it down for a year or two.Only the ABJ could sell this story as some big deal for the Mayor. At a minimum, the Mayor should be maintaining the current business base in Akron. The ABJ should only get excited when they start bringing jobs to Akron.On a side note relating to the ABJ, notice my signature line. It references one of the great shows ever on television (HBO). The new season of The Wire will start in a few weeks and it will be the last season. Each season of the program has an underlying theme pertaining to why the urban areas are just broken. This year will be about the media and how it contributes to the fractures in urban areas. The ABJ is a horrible paper that is somewhat responsible for the lack of reporting on the problems in NE Ohio, especially in the city of Akron. Every bit of bashing this board does on the ABJ is justified.
GP1, it may be hard to believe, but you are actually underestimating the effect that the ABJ has on the negative aura surrounding the University of Akron. I suggest you read some of the discussions that are held on the Ohio.com messageboards about the stories that are written. There is an incredible hatred of all things UA held by many residents. They don't understand what UA is trying to do by improving facilities and eliminating the ghetto that surrounds campus. they are trained all their lives to believe that UA is hilltop highschool and that it is just a communitty college that people go to when they are too stupid to make it into OSU. Whenever UA announces a plan to improve the campus or accademics, people come rushing from all over the area to bash it as a waste of taxpayers money and they ask the questions like "Why would UA do that? They are an urban campus! They don't need things like trees. Urban campuses serve simple people who don't go to Can't or OSU and shouldn't care whether they have nice things." It's terrible. The amount of hate spewing from the people who benefit from UA keeping this city barely afloat is astounding. They revel in their own ignorance. I'm glad that there's a few voices of reason enough to balance them out.Here's just a few examples, if you can stomach them:Discussion about the stadium upgradesAbout the renters on the stadium siteAbout the $1000000 donation for a new commons behind Buchtel Hall
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uakronkid said:"I suggest you read some of the discussions that are held on the Ohio.com messageboards about the stories that are written. There is an incredible hatred of all things UA held by many residents. They don't understand what UA is trying to do by improving facilities and eliminating the ghetto that surrounds campus. they are trained all their lives to believe that UA is hilltop highschool and that it is just a communitty college that people go to when they are too stupid to make it into OSU. Whenever UA announces a plan to improve the campus or accademics, people come rushing from all over the area to bash it as a waste of taxpayers money and they ask the questions like "Why would UA do that? They are an urban campus! They don't need things like trees. Urban campuses serve simple people who don't go to Can't or OSU and shouldn't care whether they have nice things." It's terrible. The amount of hate spewing from the people who benefit from UA keeping this city barely afloat is astounding. They revel in their own ignorance. I'm glad that there's a few voices of reason enough to balance them out."Well said and very true. The contempt for Akron and UA by some of its own residents is both bizarre and sad and is probably a symptom of low self-esteem. Or a victim mentality that growth can only happen at the expense of someone else and not through education, hard work and investment. Obviously if someone offers a large donation earmarked for a particular constructive use the U is going to try very hard to accomodate them. And obviously that donated money is not coming out of taxpayers pockets. It is the students who are demanding more residential/dorm units on campus but I guess UA is supposed to refuse to develop new living spaces because it's in an urban area, I mean what the heck? I thought the definition of an urban area is someplace where a lot of people live, work, learn, etc.

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uakronkid said:"Well said and very true. The contempt for Akron and UA by some of its own residents is both bizarre and sad and is probably a symptom of low self-esteem. Or a victim mentality that growth can only happen at the expense of someone else and not through education, hard work and investment. Obviously if someone offers a large donation earmarked for a particular constructive use the U is going to try very hard to accomodate them. And obviously that donated money is not coming out of taxpayers pockets. It is the students who are demanding more residential/dorm units on campus but I guess UA is supposed to refuse to develop new living spaces because it's in an urban area, I mean what the heck? I thought the definition of an urban area is someplace where a lot of people live, work, learn, etc.
If you read the "Reader's Forum" regularly you will notice that there is contempt for almost everything in Akron and the area. Police, government, downtown development, suburban malls, ladies hats and dogs on a leash. They even hate other posters in this forum. And in reading these comments you come to the immediate conclusion that most of these people have I.Q.'s in the single digits. People used to say that half the population of Akron was made up of escapees from West Virginia, however you might think that is a very big slander against West Virginia if you read these posts.
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I just read some of the forums listed above-- I am actually kind of heartened that there were so many pro-UA comments, people willing to call out the negative posters as being the ill-informed, backwards-looking, self-defeatists they are.Is there a rendering of the new Coleman project available? It'd be great if they could demo Carroll and Memorial as part of that-- the U would be well-served to remove all those buff brick, 50's era buildings over the next decade and completely re-create the inner campus.

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BTW, what happened between UA and Goodyear? They should be ponying up to support the stadium with some major support given the level of investment they are getting from the community. I love that they are staying but am really distressed to hear that UA and Goodyear-- which should be its largest corporate benefactor in terms of geography and specialty-- aren't on the same page. Seems like that would be Job1 for the UA administration if in fact it's the case. Anyone know anything?

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