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One More Time For Zippy!!!!


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Speaking of Zippy -- Here is a big, FAT thumbs down for the University's handling of the "Zippy's Kid's Club" in 2007-8. No newsletters, no Birthday cards for the kids...nothing. Of course, all that stuff is promised to the kids up-front.I buy my son season tickets for football and hoops to support the respective programs even though he's in the Kid's Club. He liked it, so for $30.00 it was worth keeping him in it. He's out of it next year. #1 mascot in the nation, but #317 ranked Kid's Club. Shoddy, UA. Very shoddy. :nono:

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hmm. They made her look rather . . . masculine. Wonder if they know she's a she?
Haha! This is quite the controversy. I just can't think of Zippy as a 'she'. He's not a she, he's a he! Zippy's a dude. Mascots are quite often (more often than not?) idiosyncratic. Very quick examples: Can't's bird has teeth, Brutus Buckeye has a body and the Miami Dolphins are affectionately called "The Fish" - even though dolphins are mammals! And while all mascots are at least somewhat idiosyncratic, additionally, there's not a mascot is the world that is anatomically correct!!! So just 'casue Zippy has a pouch doesn't mean he's a girl. Who ever thinks of a kangaroo sans a pouch? No one! So Zippy, being a kangaroo mascot, is naturally going to have a pouch. I could even perhaps begin to accept it if Zippy were officially androgenous. But a girl? Never!!! Btw, Zippy's outfit is quite similar to Donald Duck's - nice shirt & hat, but no pants!
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