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3.1 to stand


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I don't see much wiggle room here for UofA :( . An appeal may take longer than they want and then they also have the lawyers fees to make the appeal. At some point, UofA needs to move forward. They may be at that point now. As far as changing the project, there is a cost to changing construction and I don't think it would be worth it to do so. Since the project is being financed with bonds, the additional cost will just be spread out over time. In the end, the people of Ohio will need to pay the bill for this.

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I don't see much wiggle room here for UofA :( . An appeal may take longer than they want and then they also have the lawyers fees to make the appeal. At some point, UofA needs to move forward. They may be at that point now. As far as changing the project, there is a cost to changing construction and I don't think it would be worth it to do so. Since the project is being financed with bonds, the additional cost will just be spread out over time. In the end, the people of Ohio will need to pay the bill for this.
The scary thing is that, if the University decides to not appeal and just pay the decision (3.1 million), precedent is set for FMV compensation hearings for the properties Manny owns. It's a catch 22, appeal, the Manny hearing keeps getting pushed back, then the dorms take longer to get up, court costs increase. Don't appeal, risk the chance of getting hosed on the other properties still yet to be acquired. The big thing is this all has an impact on other campus projects, with out the new dorms, then Galluci has to stay, funds have to be shifted around for student residence buildings and the University has to turn kids away that want to live on campus.
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The first thing we need to remember is that this land was being acquired for new dorms, not the stadium. I wonder if the jury understood that, or the judge.Perhaps the wisest thing to do is the same thing most of us would do if the price was too high on something we wanted. Wait. Let the county tax assessors revalue theproperty. Do they agree with the court? If not, then go back to court with a current property evaluation. Let the Nemer's pay tax on $3.1 million. The city and countybenefit. We, the people benefit. Some how I do not see the Nemers being inclined to add to the tax coffers.The difficulty with all of this, whether you are pro University or pro Nemers, is the absurd, outlandish over evaluation of the property. One has to suspect the judge as being on the take. Certainly remember his name the next time he is up for re-election.

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Like another one of the reponses. This does not effect the stadium. This is property for the much needed dorms that will surround the stadium. The stadium is still on budget and this once again effects the dorm piece of the propect which has already been delayed from Dec 2009 completion to August 2010.I don't think UofA can walk away from this. In my opinion they'll appeal and some sort of agreement will be worked out along the way. UofA needs the property and Joe Nemer is going to get a nice sum one way or another. This also assures his greedy cousin Manny will as well whenever his trail comes up in the near future.It's an election year and Spicer whimped out on this one leaving it up to circuit court to rule if this jury erred or not. That's 50/50 with Joe Nemer being in a stronger position with UofA trying to show this jury erred, which IMO they did.I'm also through arguing with the trolls and other assorted morons posting at the ABJ blogs. I can't believe there so many negative brain dead people out there with a computer ready to post that crap against UofA and the City of Akron.The City of Akron would truly be dead without UofA and I applaud all the great things going on and don't speak like those assorted trolls and morons other there.

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I don't see much wiggle room here for UofA :( . An appeal may take longer than they want and then they also have the lawyers fees to make the appeal. At some point, UofA needs to move forward. They may be at that point now. As far as changing the project, there is a cost to changing construction and I don't think it would be worth it to do so. Since the project is being financed with bonds, the additional cost will just be spread out over time. In the end, the people of Ohio will need to pay the bill for this.
It's kinda funny. The slums surrounding the place in question have many people living off the people's tax dollars and now the recipients of the 3.1 million are going to be getting paid by the same people's tax dollars as well. How fitting.
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I'm also through arguing with the trolls and other assorted morons posting at the ABJ blogs. I can't believe there so many negative brain dead people out there with a computer ready to post that crap against UofA and the City of Akron.The City of Akron would truly be dead without UofA and I applaud all the great things going on and don't speak like those assorted trolls and morons other there.
those aren't just any assorted trolls and morons. Those are the fine alumni and students of can't state
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I'm also through arguing with the trolls and other assorted morons posting at the ABJ blogs. I can't believe there so many negative brain dead people out there with a computer ready to post that crap against UofA and the City of Akron.The City of Akron would truly be dead without UofA and I applaud all the great things going on and don't speak like those assorted trolls and morons other there.
those aren't just any assorted trolls and morons. Those are the fine alumni and students of can't state
I have no doubts that some of them are just that. I find it funny many of them slam the Morrison House deal which still is unresolved. But, applaud with Joe Nemer is getting. :angry: :wall:
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Back when the stadium site was just a rumor there were plenty of postings on this board begging UA to buy the "Plasma" building at the southwest corner of Exchange and Brown Sts. Anybody want to guess what that building would go for today?
I saw that, like the MAC, the Plasma Center recently changed their logo in anticipation of an eminent domain action?plasma-hands-final.jpg
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