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GameChanger, (Zeke's mom) stole my thunder about Zeke's fine showing down in WVA. CoachBoals was there to enjoy Zeke's stellar performance. I heard about it Thursday afternoon. Outstandingplay on Zeke's part. Rest assured that Coach Boals was checking out potential wing men. The only missing piece of the puzzle.The two previously mentioned wing men (Casey Prather and J D Witherspoon) are definitely on the Zipsradar. Either one would be an excellent "get". I think the primary target is Prather. But, he is a Tennessian and Tennessee has offered him. Boals wont go down without a dog fight.Met Nikola Cvetinovic today. Huge. Positively HUGE... !!!! Nick is a full six-eight with arms like treetrunks. He has a deadly outside shot to go along with his inside play. Some of the players I chattedwith were very high on Nick's talent.Oh, I failed to mention that I watched open gym today. A number of the Zips were playing. Met Alex Sullivan today. Great smile. You will like this kid. Looked good on the floor, too.Humpy played. Quick. Heck, all those guards are quick.Brett McClanahan hits from every where. Needs some lasagna. Still, he looked good stroking the trey.Not every player was on the court. One player was there that you would all recognize. He put on ademo of his NBA threes that earned him the nickname "Overtime". I am speaking of Nick Dials.Nate Linhart is sporting a brush cut that us old timers use to call a bald-de-sauer. Nate is in playingcondition as are nearly all the others.Brett McKnight jammed home a number of power dunks that reminded me of Jeremiah Wood.C-Mac was there playing his solid game.Mike Bardo is holding at six-ten and now sporting a nifty short range jump hook. Sweet.Speaking of six; CMAC, Nate and Nik are all up to six-eight. With Bardo and Swiech the Zips areBIG up front.The guys say that the young freshmen guards are much, much quicker than Dails and Middleton.Sure looked like it to me.Steve McNees had the play of the day. On a break away off a steal the outlet pass was just off Steve'sfinger tips. He gave the barely touchable ball a little flick to aim it down the side line. He caught upto the ball and took it straight into a dribble. By this time two defenders were under the basket.Left handed, Steve went up on the glass and laid the ball in over the defenders. Missing were Steve Swiech, Ronnie Steward and Darryl Roberts.

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Thanks Gozips. Any of those open gyms taking place any time soon?
My best guess is that there will be open gym every weekday the rest of the Summer. I would suggest checking with the coaching staff if you plan on showing up frequently. Once a week would be about right.I have heard that there are a lot of pick up games over in the Rec Center that Zips players often participate in.
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Go Zips,Thanks for your great posts :wave: . I always feel like I get insider information when you are on the board. I've got a question, how is Ronnie Stewart? Is he fully healed and ready to start and carry the load on a D1 team? We need him and the other young pups to come up big this year.Regardless, it's good to be a Zip! :thumb:

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The guys say that the young freshmen guards are much, much quicker than Dails and Middleton.
Was Cedrick there when the "guys" said that?I'd like to know why Ronnie was not there. Any clue?
I figure that the guys are all probably taking a class or 2 during the summer. That's the best guess. I did see Roberts walking around the JAR when I snuck in to see the King James thing last week .. so he's around.
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Thanks for the update GoZips. LOVE that kind of update. LOVE how big we are up front and the quickness it sounds like we can expect out of the guard play. Really make it easy to look forward to another exciting year on the hardwood. Wish the same could be said about the gridiron ... try as I might, I'm having a hard time getting pumped up for the football season. Thanks again during a r-e-a-l-l-y slow time of the year.

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Dr Z, Ronnie Steward was not there because he is back home in Columbus for a few days. Heprobably is not in class this session.Cedric Middleton is now a part of the Zips coaching staff. Thus, he is not allowed to be at open gym. Nick Dials is probably tuning up for a shot in Europe. Nick is not restricted from playing or being in open gym.Probably ALL the Zips are taking classes in either or both Summer sessions. This is now a commonpractice in both football and basketball at most major universities.Most of the players that I did not see at open gym were probably in class. A couple left during open gym to attend class.

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Dr Z, Probably ALL the Zips are taking classes in either or both Summer sessions. This is now a commonpractice in both football and basketball at most major universities.
Sounds like a smart idea to me, specially basketball players. You can reduce your class load a little during the playing season if you take summer classes.
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Dr Z,Cedric Middleton is now a part of the Zips coaching staff. Thus, he is not allowed to be open gym. NickDials is probably tuning up for a shot in Europe. Nick is not restricted from playing or being in open gym.
Dear GoZips,That makes the Akron coaches more conscientious than some other college coaches I know of. I've been to universities in the off-season, and seen things like this: Coaches playing together with their own players in 'open gym' situations; Coaches sitting in the stands at open gym sessions, yelling out instructions to players -- even calling out plays to them. Of course it's easy for one school to get away with it, because there is no other D-1 school within 2000+ miles to turn them in. :rolleyes:
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Dr Z,Cedric Middleton is now a part of the Zips coaching staff. Thus, he is not allowed to be open gym. NickDials is probably tuning up for a shot in Europe. Nick is not restricted from playing or being in open gym.
Dear GoZips,That makes the Akron coaches more conscientious than some other college coaches I know of. I've been to universities in the off-season, and seen things like this: Coaches playing together with their own players in 'open gym' situations; Coaches sitting in the stands at open gym sessions, yelling out instructions to players -- even calling out plays to them. Of course it's easy for one school to get away with it, because there is no other D-1 school within 2000+ miles to turn them in. :rolleyes:
I wonder if said school used to be called the Rainbows?
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