It was a wonderful night to watch football. However, it was too sultry to play without losing one's cool, as exhibited by both sides. They were kicking, shoving and butting the whole game. Every player seemed in ill temper from the very jump. Tackles were often late and brutal. I hope no one sustained lingering injury. But I guarantee many were walking gingerly this following morning. Particularly impressive was the charter bus full of Indy Eleven faithful who made the five hour transit to Akron. They were replete with banners, scarves and jerseys. (They have existed for little over a year.) They were generous with stories and brew before the match. Once things started, they were in full voice throughout the night. Though we are more closely aligned with Columbus Crew, both geographically and experientially, Zips Nation salutes the Indy Eleven and their supporters. Our game is evidently alive and well in America’s heartland.