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Posts posted by a-zip

  1. You are correct, the teams were not championship caliber in the begining of the season but they sure had a chance at the end.

    Answer three questions...........

    Were the teams eligible for postseason play?

    Did less deserving teams make it to postseason play?

    Why did the Zips not make it to postseason play?

  2. "I was in Can't 7 years ago when we beat them in hoops for the first time in 31 years (in Can't). Us Akron fans sat in the Can't student section behind a hoop. There were plenty of empty seats. That game drew about 3,000 fans. 2,000 were Akron fans...it was like a home game."

    BTW- you supported my point...

  3. My point has to do with my belief that the football team and basketball team should have seen postseason play and the reason it did not happen is because of the lousy Akron fans. The teams played good enough.

    Football, we beat Marshall but they got the bowl bid - we were the only bowl eligible team not to get a game. In basketball, we had the highest RPI rating of any team to not to get postseason invite.

    I am not pointing out the individuals on this board as i am sure you are all loyal fans.

    Let me say this.........The Rubber Bowl and JAR can be loud places offering a tremendous homefield advantage. The teams would do better with these venues filled. And the committees that make invites to post season would take more notice if they thought people cared about the teams.

    In football, we have to travel to Penn State, Iowa, Maryland, Virginia etc early in the season. We get thumped and come home to an empty home field. VERY INSPIRING....

    This past season was the best, gutsiest team in a while with a legit Heisman candidate who did a lot for the community. The community does nothing for the teams!

    What is the answer? I don't know. It is kinda like the chicken and the egg. The administration seems to be doing everything they can. I hope all these new facilities don't go to waste.

  4. There is one reason why football AND basketball got snubbed. THE FANS! PERIOD! :puke:

    Both team overachieved, played well and won big games. Remember Akron vs. Marshall this year. That was one of the best games of the year. Unfortunately only 30% of the fans that went to the game were there for the end (that leaves about 5K people). It is embarrassing and reflects poorly on our ability to draw fans. THAT IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT! Basketball, we went on a tear at the end of the season, won a big game against Miami.

    The University, athletic dept, coaches and players are doing their part. Heck, they are practically giving tickets away and nobody will go.

    Until people stop whatever they are doing, go to the Bowl or JAR we will not see any big schools come to Akron or postseason play.

  5. There is one reason why football AND basketball got snubbed. THE FANS! PERIOD! :puke:

    Both team overachieved, played well and won big games. Remember Akron vs. Marshall this year. That was one of the best games of the year. Unfortunately only 30% of the fans that went to the game were there for the end (that leaves about 5K people). It is embarrassing and reflects poorly on our ability to draw fans. THAT IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT! Basketball, we went on a tear at the end of the season, won a big game against Miami.

    The University, athletic dept, coaches and players are doing their part. Heck, they are practically giving tickets away and nobody will go.

    Until people stop whatever they are doing, go to the Bowl or JAR we will not see any big schools come to Akron or postseason play.

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