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  1. Does anyone know how to lay hands (technologically speaking) on the animated Zippy video set to Michael Jackson Thriller?
  2. There are chairbacks on west side lower reserved duct taped together. 30 years of wear and tear. I hope Tommy Evans seating is open to court and not enclosed in glass.
  3. If Worcestershire Sauce doesn't lose his job for complaining to the MAC about the refs, he should be fired.
  4. Coach Tressel went from great div II school with great support to premier DI and took program to top Coach Winters is at a previously poor div II school with no support and he gets into D II playoffs and wins Zips are currently one of the worst programs in BCS hemorrahging fan support by the week He from here his family is still here Can someone name a better Offensive coordinator at akron in last 30 years I will not attend another game until Coach I is gone
  5. Another item noted at Friday's BB game. The electronic sign at the scorer's table shows "This is Roo Town" all through-out the game. Look closely at the skyline in the background - it is Cleveland's!!???!!
  6. Quote from Coach I: "Let's face it Charlotte Webb played one T double-E double-R double-R double-I double-F double-I double-C, C, C game".
  7. If we go 0-12, our draft position should be awesome.
  8. Go Zips - if you paid for tuition you should probably ask for a refund. Keep charging $20 for GA and putting crap on the field and you will be laughing out loud and no one will be there to hear you. I expect more from the U of A athletics too. The general public who aren't die hard fans will not become fans until they come to see a affordable, quality and entertaining product. I could go to any City Series High School game and see less illegal procedure calls on both teams. I have been as big a fan as anyone, traveling many miles to away games for both FB and MBB for 25+ years. The Zips always seem to lay an egg when they get opportunities to show their stuff. Like 5,000 white wearing Zip fans and one section of Can't State fans at a home basketball game and the Zips go out an play like it was their first week of practice. Morgan St was great for an opener and followed by Indiana and they come out flat. How was attendance the following week? Syacuse debacle will yield similar results, especially at $20 per.
  9. Could someone on the coaching staff correct the punt team's illegal formation after the first, second or third penalty? All that time to practice and soooo many penalties for illegal procedure or formations. Simply poor coaching. Mid-way through the 3rd quarter, my son said, "maybe next week the Zips could erect a barn in Info to see if Nicely could hit it", I frankly had to agree. To Nicely's defense, the dropped pass by Carter early on and the penalties had to be frustrating. Protection was not good. Anyone ever hear of a quick slant? Anything to get the ball out on the perimeter, and I'm not talking about the WR screens thrown 3 yards behind them. Zips have needed someone to step up at RB for 15 years. Every series of the Zips downs should have started at 2nd and 8, first down play calling was predictable. Defense played well, especially DL and LBs. 4th and 1 or 2 on the 25 yards line - you play the games to win, not to be respectable a loss is a loss. GO FOR IT, successful you are down by 7 - unsuccessful, they have to go 75 yards for a score. I heard they are charging $20 for GA seats. Really? Are they 300% better than watching high school teams? They should "give the tickets away" until they fill the place up (hint: winning - look at the soccer team). A guy told me he spent $80 dollars for GA seats for his family to see the bands' butts and watch a poorly played game. He said he would not go back, too expensive. Sell them for $10, soak them for $5 for hotdog and pop. Easy math $20 time one game versus $15 less $0.75 for the pop and hot-dog times 6 games = $85 - all other costs are fixed.
  10. I would also request that the new coach work on self control of players and coaches. The former coach hopefully was not aware of the F bomb being used on the sideline by players and coaches. I have seats are in row one right behind the benches where the Defensive players gather and when the O is on the field. Everyone around me and I probably heard the F-Bomb 20+ times per game. I know its been 20+ years and kids are very different today, but Coach Dennison would have administered 20 lashes at mid field for even a gosh darn. Self control should be something the university teaches these fine student athletes. WIN the right way.
  11. It will be hard to test run everything, because it looks like they will still be installing seats right up until the gates open for Morgan State. Maybe they'll use the blue tarps from the Rubber Bowl to close off a few sections.
  12. The athletic department is pretty stingy with season tickets. I know, I have tried to secure them for non-profit raffle prizes.I know of two instances where the winners of basketball season tickets, renewed by their seats the following year ($$$). Of course a winning team helps, but I can assure you they would never have attended a game without those freebies.If the seats are empty, how much do they really cost?Maybe the marketing department could explain to the athletic department the concept of loss leaders.J.D. really needs to get his team to learn how to finish. They seem to be a 3/4 team which ususally translates into 50% wins.There will be big crowds at game one through three, winning those three games will bring them back to the remaining 3 games. Winning the next three games will bring them back next year.They do need to sell their soul to the Cleveland TV stations. Of course, on opening day all 3 or 4 stations will be camped outside the stadiums, touting "our own Akron Zips" and the next day you will only hear about OSU and the Clowns.
  13. The SkyHi (Db Cheeze and special sauce) is better.
  14. Ever parked right next door to an OSU game? Downtown has plenty of parking as it is a ghost town after 5:05 pm Friday.
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