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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. Are you guys planning to go to Bowling Green on sunday ? It is slightly more than 2 hours of a drive and it should be lots of fun and most of all, a zips road win would be huge and we can help make it happen.For those who are planning to go, it would be nice if we all sit in the same section to make ourselves heard. Because there were around 50 people in OU i guess but they were dispersed all over the huge Convo so we couldn't be very effective... so let us all coordinate so that we sit in the same section behind our bench maybe.For those who are not planning to go, come one ! what are you doing on a January sunday ? there is no football on TV and there isn't much to do. And before you say it, i am sure you're not overwhlmed with HW and exams because we are still in the second week of school. So come on everybody, let's car pool and show the MAC who are the zips !
  2. I do have a job and we share the same hobby zip-watcher but this post is worth the time. Good post.
  3. Oh Boy ! This seems to be a hell of a fired up game.This is not the type of games to be watched on TV, and especially on ONN. I am sooooo driving down to Athens this afternoon. I think that this game and Akron @ Can't should be our toughest season games this year so a win there would mean a whole big lot and i don't wanna miss it (or see it on ONN).
  4. I hate to say that but i think that he will go undrafted ... (i hope i am wrong though).However, even if he goes undrafted, i hope the brown scouts have their eyes open to sign him as an undrafted FA because Domenik can do way better than the golden flush Joshua Cribbs as a WR and as a kick returner.
  5. That's exactly what happened, I am not too worried about Buffalo the joke team. They are so overrated and i never took them seriously as a Mac power in the east.Akron, Miami, Can't and Ohio are the teams to watch for !
  6. C'mon Akron people !It is time to sell out the JAR ... from now on, every home game should be a sell out.After tonight, the remaining games are hard ... we need you to be there and to be loud, remember you are going to a bb game not to a movie so you have to stand up and jump and scream and shout.
  7. It seems that the broncos are doing a good job.Too bad the flushes are beating the huskies by 11 at the half. If things stay this way and hopefully with a win over EMU tonight, the zips and the flushes willl be the only unbeated teams in the MAC... I can't wait till we flush them (i mean beat them).
  8. How does this conference thing work ?How can we move into a better conference ? is it by invitation or what ?and does the move happen in all sports or one by one ? i mean can we play in the big east in football and in the mac in basketball ?can anyone explain ? thanks in advance.
  9. I actually like our uniforms and i do not have any problem with the football team looking like the rams...My problem is with zippy, I would love to see zippy without his big heavy ugly tail.Look at every single mascott in the area, the stupid astronaut can run faster than zippy and can definitely move easier and be more active. Same with the golden flush who has a tiny tail that doesn't limit his mobility. Same with CSU's vike who can run, jump, ride his bike etc... With his big heavy tail, the only thing zippy can do is to walk around and wave his hands.To make it worse, the CSU cheer leaders were stepping on his tail which made him fall down.Another thing is that zippy's face is way too nice and smiley and baby face, i love the smart look of the vike and also the mean look of the flush.Is it too hard to modify zippy's uniform ?
  10. I absolutely support the ABJ !I mean is there anyone of you guys who doesn't make mistakes ?c'mon give them a break.
  11. Hey Ohio fan... before you talk about central michigan (which we beat), why don't you tell us about your loss to NIU (that we beat by double figures).Something to think about !
  12. Ooooh Boy !I was taking those two games (central and eastern michigan) as granted... I can't believe we had to go to overtime. It seems that something is going wrong... what ever the problem is, i am glad that it is happening with CSU and CMU because we are still managing to get the W but when we play the MAC east foes, we have to be at our best.
  13. To the guy from BG,Welcome on board and thank you for sharing your point of view.Even though, i respect your opinion but i absolutely do not agree with it ! No body here is trying to bash Bubba or hate on him, we are just stating our flat opinions about what happened... as a matter of fact, if it wasn't for him talking to the Cincy news paper, i don't think any body would have brought it up !You feel that Bubba is a top notch player and that he deserves more playing time but you only watched him play in one game (i guess) while the coaches are daily watching him and observing him in all games and practices and if he was outperforming nick dials than why would the coach give him less playing time ?Bubba had 6 or 7 games last year when he scored big numbers and had a high 3pt shooting percentage but he had some other nights off when he didn't score anything and than the only thing he was good at (in some games) was his 3pt shooting... Nick is a more all around player.Moreover, coach Dambrot expects a 40 minutes all-energy performance from all his players that is why he has a 9-10 players rotation to keep everybody fresh. The team has a balanced scoring... In almost all the games, we have 3-4 players scoring in double figures but none of them scoring more than 15... this tells you that we play a team game and that everybody gets benched and Bubba simply couldn't accept that because he thought that he would be the star of the team which he isn't.The last question i have for you and Bubba, what is it that guarrantees him more playing time at Ohio ? he is a walk on player who would start playing next January, how would he feel if he doesn't get more playing time ?
  14. Wow ! that's great news ! Hopefully it won't be too long till the flushes loose their first Mac game too.
  15. All these dorms/apartments stories are non sense... Bubba's problem was (Nick Dials).Just watching the first 2 home games in the season, i noticed that something is wrong with Bubba, like he was not passing the ball to nick even when he was open and he was making faces everytime he was benched... I honestly did like Bubba's 3 pointers at some games and i used to cheer for him a lot... However, If i had to choose (which i don't), i would definitely pick Dru, Nick and Ced over a million Bubba !
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