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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. Is Cincy looking for a coach ?They should consider Jim Christian because he's the Mac coach of the year unlike KD who sucks !and by the way JD Brookhart and Mack Rhoades and all our staff members, they all suck ! So may be it is about time they go recruit somewhere else !P.S: They can have Kelly Kennedy if they want !
  2. count me in !Hey msopher, are you rooting for toledo tomorrow ?
  3. My understanding was that Matt is a graduate student/assistant rather than a regular employee ! So when poeple talk about him going to Cincy, that means either giving up his graduate degree or transferring to Cincy (transferring in grad. schools is not that simple).I didn't know Mike Wodall and that's why i didn't comment much about his departure but i know Matt and I hope he is not leaving !
  4. That can't be right. You can get to DT cleveland significantly faster from DT akron than you can from DT k ent, traffic phenomenon aside.LOL, I'm not trying to go OT or start an argument. Just wondering how that could be 3 minutes difference. You can complain to mapquest buddy !
  5. On one side, let's not look past WMU but on the other side, let's make sure we wisely use our energy to be alive on Saturday. It seems that the winner of the other sider of the bracket (OU, Can't, or Miami) should be more worn out that the winner of our bracket (hopefully us), but still, it won't hurt if KD goes deep on his bench in a game that is going our way coz if i have to choose, i would rather win all 3 Mac tournament games by 1 point each rather than winning the first two by 20 and loosing the final !
  6. Hey every one,Are you guys ready for the tournament ? did you get your tickets/vouchers (for students)... there is no excuse for anyone, $20 for 3 days of games, transportations, food specials and a free t-shirt ... wow !I already talked to my Prof. about skipping a Thursday afternoon class and called off work on friday evening and i assume that everyone is doing the same, right ? This is the first time since forever when we have championship contenders and we need to help our team by being there. If you are not sure how can we help, keep in mind that the zips went 13-0 when playing in a pro-zip environment and 8-8 when their fans were not there. Playing at the Q should be a great advantage for us because we are geographically the closest team. Take a look at the driving times from the different MAC cities to Cleveland estimated using mapquest and this should make you appreciate the fact that we have it way easier than others.I remember last year when we played WMU, the 2 crowds (zips and broncos) were almost the same and we didn't have any home court advantage over them so i hope it won't be the same way this year.1-Akron-->Cleveland : 46 minutes.2-Can't-->Cleveland : 49 minutes.3-Toledo-->Cleveland: 1 hour, 57 minutes.4-Buffalo-->Cleveland: 3 hours, 9 minutes.5-Athens-->Cleveland: 3 hours, 45 minutes.6-Kalamazoo-->Cleveland: 4 hours, 7 minutes7-Miami-->Cleveland: 4 hours, 24 minutes.8-Dekalb-->Cleveland: 6 hours, 42 minutes.
  7. Our team is so balanced to the extent that some people who come off the bench (like cedrick, preston, and peterson) are as good if not better than the starters and i also cannot say that Romeo is a better player than Preston or Dru or Nick or Cedrick etc... There is no standout in this team, but the team is a standout team ! That is why i am not surprised that no zips are first teamers.This makes me think, if KD was able to build a championship team with no stand out player and with Jer. Wood and Conyers out... what would he do in the next years when the recruiting becomes much easier ?
  8. I think that this issue is getting a little annoying and even though this is a discussion board and people are supposed to discuss things and argue about controversial issues, but i think that this issue has to be resolved.If you guys allow me, i will try to get both sides (msopher and the guys criticizing him) to a common ground so that we stop this useless argument and we all get together behind our team at this critical coming week ! 1 - To msopher: Ok we get your point that we only won one football championship so far and that we did not destroy all the Mac teams and that the tie breaking rules were in our favor ... but this is a board for zips fans, and i do not see any reason why you expect the zips fans not to be proud and bragging about their championship. Is it like people should be disappointed when they win their first and second championships and start celebrating only after their third ? And then we understand that you have emotional connection with the rockets (being a toledo alum.) but do you seriously expect everyone on this board to have similar feelings towards the rockets ? and do you expect us to not comment on a football team loosing 6 scholarships and believe that it wouldn't hurt them ?And one last thing, do you think that just because you disagree with people on this board, you should go on other boards and bash this board and the zips fans ?2 - To the other side, the man (msopher) has said many times that he is a uakron student and that he is impressed with the zips and he calls them "his newest team" but that does not mean that he has to hate toledo to be a zips fan. A lot of the zips fans also root for the buckeyes and other teams so why are you hating on him just because he had good things to say about Toledo. And please don't tell me that he goes to other boards and does this and that because i addressed that in point (1) above.There is a common ground between all of us and that is we all are zips fans so please let's all declare peace, can we ?
  9. I think that the article (or the letter) published in the ABJ is very logic because it is true that most of the students at Akron are commuters. However, i don't think that being a commuter (like myself) is an excuse to be less loyal to the school you go to or the city you live in ! I consider driving to school to attend a game on saturday is as important as driving to attend a class any other day of the week.The thing is about the pride and the school spirit... you walk on campus everyday and you see people wearing OSU, UNC, Duke, Texas and all kind of non akron stuff. I understand that people want to be winners but the thing is that when you watch a winning team on TV and wear their gear does not make you a winner. You will only be a winner if you support your school and go there scream your lungs out and help them win, only then you are part of the winning team and you are a winner.For example, in the last olympics and wroldcup the US BBall team didn't win so is any body now supporting Argentina or yugoslavia and wearing their gear ??? People have to choose between supporting a strange winning team or making their team a winning one... I chose the second option.
  10. Four years? It seems a lot longer than that......I think I still had hair when DP came to Akron. You are right ! he is in his fifth year ! he was red shirted for one year ... i meant to say that he gave us a lot of memories in the 4 years when he played !
  11. what the hell are you talking about? his defense and hustle in the second half turned the game around. the opening minutes of the second half set the tone for the entire rest of the game. That's right, he did play good defense in the beginning of the 2nd half but he was a little frustrating with some bad decisions in the first half ! he shot 1-6 from the floor and commited 3 TO for the game.However, I think that the best is yet to come not only from Nick bit all the team. Nick and Cedrick are the type of champions who bring the best of their game when best needed. DP is also a champion who won't mind going to the big dance in his senior year.Rob Preston seems to be better and better after each game. Dru and Rome-ee-oh have been awesome the whole year and they know that this is the time it counts the most.
  12. What a day this senior day was ! a sellout croud, recognizing 3 MAC champion teams at the half, Charlie Frye and co. and a 21st season win and over Can't state ! wow !And how about that recognition before the beginning of the game. Wasn't it something special to see Matt Futch with his 2 daughters ? Those seniors are special and they deserved this special seniors day ! Thank you seniors for all what you did ! and what you will do next week I like it how the university hired Rick McFadden last year as an administrative assistant and i hope they keep opening opportunities for our brilliant alumnus athletes !
  13. I am not sure why was futch out of the game ! was he fouled out ? was it a double technical ? was it a flagrant ? i really have no clue why was he ejected.any one can explain ?
  14. I think that being in the ak-rowdies seats is a privilege and that only die hard fans should be allowed there in the big games like today !I know that this season is over and there won't be any more games at the JAR but may be for next season, it might be a good idea to check the records (you know how we swipe our cards at the entrance) and award the seats for those fans who attended the most games !I was downthere in games against WMU, miami, toledo and all home games when the crowd was barely 3000 people and out of a sudden, some seasonal fans decide that they want to attend one game a year and there you go... i don't have a seat anymore !
  15. In general, Mac officiating is horrible. It seems like the officials get paid per call, like $2/call or maybe it is a competition between them as if they think that the more you use your whistle the better you are. But today in particular, those three idiots dressed in zebras are the worst ever !What's up with that Futch call ? and how about the fragrant foul that never get whistled for dials late in the game and all the traveling by Warzynski and Gerwig... and the offensive fouls against us !!! oh my god ! I hope the Mac re evaluates the coaches' performance before choosing those who will be in the Q.
  16. I was the happiest man to see him introduced as a starter... DP gave us a lot of heart and great memories over the last 4 years and his job is not yet over. Go get that Damn trophy zips !
  17. Is this issue of Rowdy going to be passed out to the ak-rowdies tonight ? like if you guys email it to us so that we can get familiar with the stuff in it before the game tomorrow !
  18. msopher can you do me a favor ?open your wallet and tell me... is there a zip card in it ?I don't understand are you a zip or a rocket ?
  19. Ok my posting is not about Wodall, it is about the U of Akron !I am sure that this is a good move for Wodall and i only wish him and everyone else on this board the best. I am just worried about our situation... I am not sure i understand how is it a good thing being a stepping stone ?Was it a good thing when Huggins moved to cincy and we had to go through a decade of basketball mediocrity ? Is it a good thing that Lolla left and now Louisville is challenging us in recruiting our very local kids ? fortunately it didn't work out for them this time, but you know what i mean. I am just too worried because great people come to mid-major programs every once in a while so when you find one of them, you should really hold tight on him/her.I am so anxious to see how would the soccer team perform under coach porter and i am too scared of the thought of JD and/or KD leaving any time soon and i would be so broken-hearted to see the likes of Hipsher and owens coaching our teams again !
  20. I was surfing the nfl website (specifically the Pro Day) NFL Pro DayI couldn't find a scheduled date for an Akron Pro day ! What's up with that ?I mean even Can't State (who is loaded with football talents) is having one... any inside info ?
  21. Couldn't agree more !If i am DP i would be real pissed ! I hope KD would give the guy some respect on senior night.
  22. He's not becoming an AD at Cincy ! I am so not into management and i have no idea what did Wodall do or what his position was etc... I just hate the fact that we are always used as a stepping stone ! Even our own people do not believe that we are becoming a good athletic program and they are always looking for another chance somewhere else.
  23. Is there anyone who isn't better than Can't in Football ?Can't read, can't write, can't play football, can't meet the APR etc...
  24. Have O'shea and his team ever heard of the word rebound ? I don't think so... What a joke Leon Williams is.If it wasn't for Michael Green on this team, i would think i was watching a HS playing Can't.
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