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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. Are you kidding me ?? Does Can't even play football ???!!!
  2. I personally think that we should put Nevada behind us and remember that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ! i know that Nevada game hurt us but it shouldn't kill us.I know that we have a team of great kids and great coaches and that they will bounce back and make something good come out of this season (even though it is already good enough compared to the Hipsher era).So let's see what is coming next. We are playing 4 tough matchups. We are hosting the only 2 MAC teams who beated us this year (Ohio and Can't) and we know that they are both very beatable, and we are also playing Miami and Buffalo away.IMO, if we win 3/4 or at least 2/4 (including Can't) we should be in a good shape in the MAC tournament. I don't mind a 4/4 though. Now that was the short term future, how about the long term future, (next year) ? So far, our teams have always been made of local under recruited kids who didn't get better offers...I think that this is not going to be the case anymore. It is about time that KD can convince high schoolers that coming to Akron is a good thing and i think that our staff should spend some serious effort recruiting some body who is bigger than 6-9. I think that our team for next year is fine and deep at the guard positions (Dru, Ced, Dials, Sowers, Mraz), should be fine at the SF (with Linhart, Conyers and hoping that Rybak will improve), and at the PF (with Romeo, Wood and Milum). But Guess what ! we won't have a Center ! and for god's sake don't tell me that any of the 6-7 Power Forwards will play center because i won't buy it. I know that Romeo was playing the C in some games but that would only work with some MAC teams but won't work at all when we go to the higher level (which we should do next year). So here are my recommendations:1-Go out recruiting an excellent big guy by convincing him that he will be a starter in a winning team that has everything except a big guy.2-Lock Quade Milum in the gym over the summer with lots of food (Protein food) to build some muscles on.3-Use the help of a professor from the college of fine arts (acting or theater department) to help Quade getting rid of the (what is going on) look off his face everytime he is on the court.I can't believe i wrote this much in one post, andi can't believe you read it either
  3. I am sorry man, no disrespect intended but this is non sense !I don't think that the elevation had anything to do with Nevada shooting 12/19 3 ptrs and with Fazekas (6-11) owning Romeo and Quade (both 6-7). This Nevada team can beat us anywhere anytime and in all circumstances.Let us put this game behind us and thank god that the next four games are against MAC fellow teams.
  4. I am sooo confused about this issue too ! Peterson have the potential of being the team's MVP but he doesn't get playing time. Zach Sowers seems to be a very athletic (relatively big) shooting guard and yet he doesn't get any pt and we keep talking about our guards getting tired and blah blah blah while sowers is sitting on the bench !I wish we have somebody with inside information to explain this !don't get me wrong ! we are still :macc:
  5. Thank you ignited wolf for the nice words ! I am obviously not happy about our game tonight but i don't think that we should hang our team over it !Nevada is a contender and they are definitely better than (RPI 33) especially when the shoot 12-19 behind the arc.One last thing ! let's all think reasonnably, i think that we should stop hating on NCAA and start admitting that only one MAC team (if any) deserves to be at the big dance. I hate to say that but even though we are the best MAC team (or at least one of the best 2 teams with Can't), we still far from beating big teams. That is not to say that our team is not doing great or anything like that !!! we are still :macc: and we are still getting a 20 win season but that's about it for the moment. We can hope that a Mac Championship will help our recruiting and keep getting better and better before we start thinking NCAA.To summarize it: We are heading in the right direction, but we are not there yet.
  6. What is the maximum capacity of Pannini ? It seems like a lot of people will be there. What is the size of the TVs they have over there ? UAM, Open the JAR !!!!!!!
  7. Even though i love the fact that there is a student group supporting our team, I am starting to think that we need to be more agressive in our remaining home games and in the Q as well. The main reason why the ak-rowdies existed is to make a supportive environment for the zips and intimadate the other team. While i know that we are doing the first part, i am not sure how are we doing in the second (intimidating the other team).The best example of a student section i have seen so far is the OU o-zone, (i know some ou fans will come here and start bragging about it but oh well... they deserve some credit). In our game in Athens, when our team went on the floor, they were booing them like crazy and they were physically so close to the floor they could touch the players and i saw the looks on the face of Linhart and Rybak (like what the hell is that !). And when our team players where introduced, all the o-zoners turned their backs to the court and booed loudly.More over, everytime the refs made a call against them, they booed so loud and even started chanting the BS chant so loudly that the ref asked the PA to announce that they have to stop... i know that they stopped but believe me the refs were thinking a million times before making every call afterwards.Not to mention how many times they yelled at KD to sit and shut up and so on. Same thing in Can't where the refs were also making ill calls because of the thousands booeing every call they make against Can't... Even in BG, we were leading by 20 in the beginning of the 2nd half and the fans were chanting with the band (la la la la la heeeeeey... you suck !) and pointing their fingers at us ! (we were beating them by 20 )Now let's see what do we do ?When the other team comes in the floor, we don't even notice because no body is in their seats yet. And then when their team is introduced by the PA, the AK-rowdies are chatting with each other and no body is booing except me and may be 2 other people.The worst part comes when the refs make stupid calls against us in our house... people are like (ooohh come one !). I am sorry but if we don't boo the guy for like 40 seconds he won't feel that he is doing anything wrong. The worst part is the idiot from BG who wanted to start a fight with Dru last Tuesday, and guess where ? in our house and 2 ft away from the ak-rowdies' South Bound seats. That incident made me realize that we are not exactly doing our job. Had the JAR been a hostile environment for guests, that idiot wouldn't have the balls to do what he did.P.S: Please note that i am not asking that we act in a non civilized way and use obscenity or anything like that ! I am only saying that we should use the (legal) ways more agressively to intimidate the guest teams.
  8. My Sign will read: "Thank you for picking our trash (Buh Ba) OU !"
  9. Way to go Zips ! winning on the road is not an easy job...22 win baby !
  10. The only good thing i saw tonight was the W we added to our list !Other than that, call me pessimistic but i was not happy and here is why:1-The fan turnout was horrible and even the ak-rowdies seats were not full. and before you start telling me about the weather, for gods sake basketball is played indoors so don't tell me you couldn't walk/drive there. 2-Even the fans who were there, it seemed like they were watching a movie. They were barely clapping their hands. In the second half, i decided to go to the GA section to cheer a bit, thinking that i might provide a spark but people looked at me like: "shut up and let us go back to sleep".Now about the team !3-We were winning by 20 in the second half and i was hoping that KD will give a blow to the 3 guards and give the others a chance to showcase their skills. Surprisingly, Mraz didn't get any second and Sowers and Goddard were checked in at the 1:01 mark.I admit that i haven't seen those guys playing much but whenever i saw Sowers he was awesome 100% 3FG (5/5) for 15 points, no turnovers and no messing up. So everytime i hear talks about our guards getting tired etc... i wonder why doesn't he get some pt ? any ideas ?
  11. The rockets are flushing them down in Toledo ! 57-36 with 5:04 left.The zips need a win tomorrow to get back their natural position (# 1).
  12. I have though about this issue for years and years and here is what i came up with:Whenever you have a college in a town that is geographically close to a professional team, fans will never show up for the college games.Look at northeast ohio, even though NEO dominates the MAC basketball, the fans don't seem to care because the Cavs are around. While at Tolede, Athens, Cincy or even columbus all you got is college so people show up. To prove my point further, universities like CSU, Unive of Chicago, Detroit, UWM all play in the horrible horizon league and they all suck because they are all NBA team cities. On the other hand, Kentucky and Connecticut are two states with no NBA teams so you got Louisville, UK and Uconn. One more example the carolinas have Duke, UNC, NCSU, Wake, Clemson, etc... why because the closest team to any of those cities is Charlotte (2 hours driving)... Got my point ?The only exceptions to thid rule are California and NY states.
  13. Other than Mraz, how about the other guys ?Why doesn't KD (which i love and respect) give any chance to Zach Sowers and Nick Goddard ? John Rybak ... Why are they on the team if they cannot contribute and give their teammates a blow ?By the way, do you guys agree with me that Quade Milum SUCKS !!!! ?The whole last year i kept telling myself that he is only a freshman and that he will get better but now he is towards the end of his so. yr and he still seems to be clueless everytime he is on the court ... what the heck ! Is KD a great coach but a bad recruiter ? I hope not.
  14. The link is not working ! I would love to see the ad
  15. It is too bad that Hixon did not perform in the MCB which definitely hurts his chances. I don't think he will get drafted (hope i am wrong though) but i think that he should get an undrafted FA contract somewhere... I mean if Josh Cribbs can do that, he definitely should do it as well. I would pick Hixon ahead of cribbs both as a receiver and a kick returner.
  16. Well I personally saw the fingers coming only from their side but if you say otherwise than it is even worse.I am into rivalry and everything but can't we have a decent rivalry ? i think that we all know how many middle schoolers attend those games right ? What's next ? throwing chairs at each other ?
  17. Besides the fact that they are so dumb that they couldn't figure out the Stark county trick, i am talking about their attitude here . I have been to Athens (vs Ohio) and to BG and to CSU and so many away games and i never seen fans showing their middle fingers to other fans... Is it that i never witnessed it before or are the Can't staters the worst fans ever ?
  18. they destroyed us in the inside game ! the 3s were falling in the first half but they won't keep falling all the night. You got to score some inside points and for god's sake know how to defend your zone. Our guards did a hekuva job defending the perimeter but inside !!! we had 4 3 points plays (basket in with a FT) 3 from Preston and one from Milum. And for god's sake somebody tells Futch not to shoot 3s anymore i know he can make 1/20 but so does my grandma. It seemed to me that whenever we shoot the ball, no body, (well except Nate Linhart), tries to even reach for an offensive rebound ... what the hell !!! they are not bigger than us nor more athletic. Why can't we get offensive rebounds ?We lost one but the 22-win season is still achievable ! and still especially that they can't guard their student section and that idiot was welcoming he fans from stark county
  19. The Ak-rowdies were ok last night ! they could have been louder but they were not bad !At least the Cedrick's better was awesome. And even though i am not a fan of making fun of peoples' names, i assume that screaming (idibidbidibihi) and (fedetov) and the Johnny cage shouts were disturbing the players enough !But Instead of blaming the Ak-rowdies for not being loud enough... how about the people of Akron ! 2,815 people in attendance ! are you kidding me ? This is how the people of Akron support their 16-4 team ? and then they come and complain that Akron is not doing that good !!!!! I think it is about time for the people of Akron to shake their booties and come to all home games and seel the jar out.
  20. I will be there attending both events !I have to miss an evening class to attend the game ... oh well !
  21. Does anyone have a list of all the committed players with their info ?I am really worried about our front court. The only big guy i am hearing about so far is Bardo and i do not know how ready he is to deliver in his freshman year.Do the coaches realize that next year, the only big guys we have are Romeo (6-7), Jeremiah (if healthy, 6-7) and Quade who is a big disappointment so far ! How are we going to deal with the opponents' big guys next year ?
  22. I know ! Let's go to BG and help our team get that road W
  23. I agree with Mike, 22-7 before the MAC tournament should be good and then i don't think that we will loose our first game at the Gund (if we loose at all)... To summarize, the next two weeks are huge, extremely huge !!! and the game at BG on sunday will make a big difference in the end (being a road winnable game) and yet i don't see any body in this forum who is enthused to drive there and cheer for our team is there ?
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