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Everything posted by interfx

  1. I really wish they'd upgrade the webcams to HD... All you see is a bright light for the scoreboard...I hope they leave them on throughout the year?
  2. Then you'll be not impressed with many scoreboards around the country.I've been to dozens of college campuses across the country and you'll find open spaces, gaps backsides that are crap.Many schools have the team emblem on the back of scoreboard on similar material UofA is using. TV has funny way of making some Jumbotrons better looking then they actually are in person. They're replacing the ones in Georgia Dome this season and the multi-million dollars one they're replacing were not all that fancy looking in person. What we have is light years better then what we had and couple gaps that common in big boards and tacky backside is not going to spoil what I feel is awesome scoreboard compared to that piece of crap at the Rubber Bowl.Completely agree, most appear to look like these images... I would assume they'll continue to work to refine it over time... I'm also in Suwanee, GA... Perhaps we should start a Zips backer club here in ATL - might only be 2 of us though... Glad to see the Zips finally get a real stadium - maybe persons will actually recognize Akron as a great school to go to...
  3. Hey the sprinklers are on by the scoreboard... At least the grass won't all turn brown...
  4. Are they going to be painting the concrete at field level around the field? All the gray in the photos looks worn already... You can actually see the rain stains down the fronts of some of them? Any update for those of you who took the tour?
  5. Maybe this is like the whole outback kind of theme? make zippy feel at home.This is where they're adding a real kangaroo environment... Looks like the Outback... Real Kangaroos at the Infocision for opening weekend...
  6. Wow! What great photos! I can finally see what the scoreboard looks like...I wonder if they'll leave the webcams up, once they start playing games? Would be great for those of us outside of the Akron/Cleveland area...Thanks again!
  7. Any chance to uploaded higher res versions?
  8. Bring your digital cameras and snap some great photos for those of us, who are no longer in the Akron area... The stadium looks done from the webcams - assuming the webcam won't show much more due to resolution...
  9. Why is part of the Zippy Oval covered with the sign saying Infocision Stadium? Or is that just an illusion from the webcam?Anyone out there sneak in and get some good images of the new scoreboard yet?
  10. Quick question, I've been wondering why the stands are two different colors? Especially on the lower deck, at the 50? I can't figure it out via the webcams, and was wondering in person what this is?
  11. They're taking the bottom back down? Must have had a left over peice they didn't know where it went?
  12. Here comes the scoreboard. Bottom section is completely up...
  13. Had not seen that view before... Looks great!When does the scoreboard start to be assembled and installed?
  14. It's almost 9pm, and they're still working on the stadium using a lift (putting glass up?)...Great to see them working so hard (and late). Can only mean one thing... (They're hurrying...)When does the score board go in?
  15. Wow, with the field & logo's it's starting to look like a "real" stadium... Can't wait!
  16. it's looking awesome! Just looked at the webcams (it's been a few weeks since I last looked)...Finally a professional stadium for the zips! (and the marching band)
  17. AWESOME!!! No more walking band (at least for pregame)... Leave the walking band to Can't State... See you at Alumni Band!
  18. I'm a student and i would buy one even, actually i would like a picture of the blimp formation you guys did. That was awesome.How about the Scrpt Zips photo? Anyone elese buy one?
  19. During halftime at the last game in the Rubber Bowl when we played Up, Up and Away. It was the last set and then we marched it downfield and straight into our seats. Someone wasn't paying attention. It was a tribute to the band back in the 70's.The original was done back in 1977 (finished in 1978) as part of a promotional video for the Goodyear Sales/Marketing dept. for their sales training department. It was called "Something called Pride". You can see the original blimp in the second video, at the end. It's kind of cool to see the band more than 35 years ago... This video was used to recruit members to the band through NE Ohio as part of a recruiting campaign to get more members in the band.
  20. Here's some good fundraising ideas for you...1. Sell limited edition prints of the Script Zips photo that hangs in the Band Dept. (the really large one of the wall...) I know many fans (both band alumni and Zips fans) that would pay $100 for a copy of that photograph. Seems like that is an easy fundraiser that would make some easy money... Based upon all of the discussion about the Script Zips - I would assume this would be a popular item.2. Many years ago we did a Piano Smash in front of Guzetta Hall, as part of a May Day carnival. We advertised in the ABJ, that we were looking for tired, worn out pianos... We hauled in front of Guzetta and charged $5/swing. It's amazing how many swings it takes to destroy a piano.3. Car Washes, Selling just about anything (including KKY/TBS pledges for a day) was quite common back in the 1980's.The sousaphones that are falling apart, and refurbished in the mid 1980's, along with the risers (built in our townhouse one weekend) were all donated by the KKY/TBS chapter. You should speak with those organizations about ideas.That said, I completely agree that the University should come up with some funds also - I'm just realistic about that happening in the short run. Maybe some of us Alumni will strike it rich and donate our estate to the band.I really think #1. above could seriously raise some serious money. Talk to GK/RJ about this one if you're serious about making some money for the band. I would buy one right now...
  21. Here's what PreGame used to look like. We started with a double time, and knee lift and SWING! (Trust me it it hard to double time, and then come in with that entrance) At 6:05 is what is called the Bossa Nova... Perhaps some older bands persons on here know what that is...There's a bunch of old videos on YouTube, look for ZipsAlumniBand...Check out what Navy thought of the band - listen to the end...
  22. Bring back Bossa Nova!!! (and drum cadence 16)
  23. Does anyone know a site that will SMS text me the latest scores of the game while in progress? I'll be away from a TV tonight, and would like to get updates throughout the game tonight... Anyone have any good ideas/solutions?
  24. Awesome, it's been a long time since 1986... Way to go!
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