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Everything posted by interfx

  1. Was also back home for the holidays, and drove by the stadium yesterday... The webcams are fun to watch, but in person it looks huge! (as my kids in the backseat said)... It is very impressive, and a long overdue addition to campus. (Does anyone else think it looks too large, as you pull up next to it, while driving along Exchange?The only funny part was the line of persons in front of what they used to call Plasma Alliance (not sure the name right now). You would think someone would want to buy that building, with all those fans coming in Fall 2009.One last question, where will parking be?
  2. Well to really put it into perspective. Here is what the University of Minnesota has in store for it's band.http://stadium.gophersports.com/multi_virtual_tours.htmltake a virtual tour of the band room to get an idea how much money these big ten schools really have. I'd say it's better than most MAC school's football practice facilities.Wow, that's an impressive band room. Reminds me when the marching band used to practive in Olsen Hall, and practice marching half time shows with concrete pillars every 20 feet. That room is so big in the video, you could march an entire half time show inside...Thanks again, I do think there is an opportunity to have a fund raiser for the band related to the new stadium. There ARE alumni that would donate $$$
  3. Great article today in the Beacon.http://www.ohio.com/news/top_stories/34445849.htmlOne thing that I think will help you next year - is not having to rent buses anymore to drive to the Rubber Bowl... Take that money and get more uniforms! and some more tuba's...Good luck - can't wait untiul next year at the New Stadium!
  4. This was from 1990 season - Ken Morehead ws the Tuba player that dotted the "i". I'm not 100% sure, but think the first time we did it was back when Golemo first came as the director back in the mid 1980's (1984) I think it is a good thing, but should only be done once a year (Acme Zips Game - if they still have it). I would not do it each week (like OSU), that would be way too much...If anyone is looking for other video, audio of the Zips marching band - here's a site that a bunch of us old alumni run.http://www.zipsalumniband.com/index.php/media/video.htmlhttp://www.zipsalumniband.com/index.php/media/audio.htmlhttp://www.zipsalumniband.com/If you want to watch some old video of the band watch these 2 videos. (the bell bottom pants are hilarious). These were promotional videos (one for Goodyear) that were used to promote the band program to local schools (which is why there were larger bands back in the 1970's- 1980's)Something Called Pride (1978)http://www.zipsalumniband.com/index.php/me...lled-pride.htmlSaturday's Challenge (1971)http://www.zipsalumniband.com/index.php/me...-challenge.html
  5. Here's what everyone is looking for...http://www3.uakron.edu/bands/marching/resources/sounds.html and for a "top secret" version often heard on those rainy days in October marching to practice... This was from 1983, back when a few of us here in ZipsNation were rookies in "Ohio's Pride".
  6. I can now finally see a hole in the ground... When it was all snow, it was hard to tell what elevations had changed.
  7. Awesome!!! I must admit, I do not miss all the snow currently showing up on those webcams!!! (live in ATL now)Go Zips! Can't wait until 2009!
  8. Getting rid of the Odd Corner is very simple. The student government should organize a campaign to encourage all university customers of the Odd Corner to buy their bowls, bongs and rolling papers at another store. Boycotts have traditionally worked well in US history. Why not one here?I have a simpler solution... Have a drunk/stoned college student loose control of their car, and crash right into the Odd Corner... Just like on the evening news - always seems like someone is driving through the front of restaurants, banks, hotels.On a more somber note, wouldn't it be sad if the Odd Corner is what is holding the Stadium back? A store that sells recreational drug paraphernalia to college students that aren't even old enough to drink, is slowing down "progress" at UA. I honestly never thought I'd see the day the UA was going to build a stadium on campus... Hope they get over this hurdle... (quickly)
  9. I find it funny, they do a story in the newspaper right after Homecoming and all of those Alumni at the game this weekend... I guess they held the public story until after all of those alumni (not many at the rubber bowl), had their campus tour, and pitch on why they should contribute to the new stadium fundraiser...Oh well, sounds like a tight timeline... The other examples are interesting on how fast they build these things... If a good job i done preengineering I can believe it can be done. (either that or play in the Brown's Stadium in 2009 :>)
  10. great looking stadium... can't wait to see it in person!!!Any updates on season tickets? When will they sell seats? or will current seats get you same location in new stadium? Or will it be a lottery? (KNow this is kind of early to ask)BTW - What happens to the Rubber Bowl? Does the University own it? (ie. keeping it maintained for safety?) or does the city own it?InterFX
  11. That's it... It's REAL, and confirms the timeline...Can't wait to see the design (although it's been well discussed here on this forum)
  12. What amazes me is the number of ideas you're getting... Tell Galen, Bob - there are people that do care about what songs they do play... I'm happily surprised by the number, and actual ideas posted in this discussion forum...Good luck, hope some of these ideas turn into a half time show.InterFX
  13. Here's some ideas... Trouble with today's pop music, there is just too many styles out there... You'll never make anyone happy... Stick with the classics....Star Wars show... Who doesn't know the theme, and some of the other songs from Star Wars...More ideas...- Beatles Show? (Did that back in the 1980's)- Devo Show... bring DEVO back, let them do a half time show with UAMB.- Disney... Yes, I know can be "hokey" but everyone recognizes it... Pirate of the Carribean?- Years ago we did a Civil War show, with mortars and everything... - Classics Show - 1812 with Canon's in the End Zone.Also, look at some other events that are happening in Fall 2007... any major movie sequels? Thought I heard Raiders of the Lost Ark? Do a Raiders show...
  14. I personally like Theme Shows...Do A Sports Half Time Show"ABC Wide World of Sports""Olympic Theme - Pick which Olympic Song you Like""NFL Today"so many good ones out there...
  15. I disagree. High step and swing can sound good: watch this1990 pregame video Maybe someday they'll doubletime like we used to! Absolutely Agree!!!High Step can be done very good... use PreGame for Tradition, use HalfTime to go back to the Jackoboice style...Opening SongDrill to move to 2nd Formation (During Drum Feature)2nd Song FormationDrill to "Big Sound" Formation (Duing Drum Feature)"Blow Everyone Away" SongBossa Nova off the fieldVery simple...
  16. Here's the image of the "tire" drum....http://www.zipsalumniband.com/photo1950.htmGet Goodyear to sponsor, and create a real crowd pleaser... Bang the drum for each point scored... (oopps. starting to sound like Purdue) It was dropped 1-2 years after, because it was hard to move around...Thought you'd like to see it...
  17. sure, but I'm biased as an alumni band member I third that... Make a large room that can be used for Marching band, or any other large meeting room... Ohio State has a great example...Live webcam of the stadium construction would be great for those of us alumni that don't live in Akron...
  18. 26 wins13 home wins4 straight wins over Can't3 ncaa tourny teams we beat2 Mac award winning playersGetting Screwed by the NCAA/NIT Selection Committee...PRICELESS
  19. I'm really amazed... Something doesn't seem right....How do 18-xx teams make the NIT, and Akron doesn't?
  20. Shocking...Any chance for a NCAA wild card?
  21. Sitting here in NRT (Tokyo) airport, flying in for Alumni Band... Hope we play "More", "Temptation", etc. to honor the "Chief"...the ABJ story was a great reflection of "Chiefs" effect he had on mnay of us.Come to the football game!!! Watch the half Time show dedicated to "Chief"...
  22. This was from a Band Blast from 1986, where we calculated the actual salary of an Akron Marching Band member. Back then we got paid $100 - which covered your semesters of books. Bottom line, it's not about the money! (never was)
  23. Unfortunately it would be quite difficult to make a CD of including the "Blue and Gold" our primary fight song...because we don't even own the rights to our own song. I believe it still belongs to the Fred Waring estate. We can't make CDs and sell them unless we own (or at least have rights to use) the content. Actually, the Blue and Gold was included on a 45 (1985), Cassette Tape (1888), and a CD (2000) that was for sale (and sold quite well), that included the Akron Blue and Gold.It might have changed, but do think a CD of favorite songs from the Zips would be a great idea...See you at Alumni band this year.InterFX
  24. It was just rumor, I did not hear a name... The person is not involved with the alumni band group, or we would know about him/her...Anyone else know any other datapoints?
  25. Is the 2006 Football Schedule out yet?
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