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Everything posted by interfx

  1. I'd use symbols of both Akron's History and Akron's Future...Use the traditional red/tan brick you find in the old Firestone/Goodyear buildings, and also mix with lots of clear plastic sheeting in the overhang to symbolize the Akron Polymer leading University. (like the new Beijing stadiums for the 2008 Olympics)Good mix of both.For examples of other items to incorporate into the stadium, at Ohio State the marching badn has a rehersal hall (storage), which may help free up space @ Guzetta Hall... It would also make a great room for future prospects (both musical and athletics)I heard that one of big sponsors (or potential sponsors) for this project, is actually a former marching band (trombone) I think that has a very successful business in Ohio. Can not confirm, but heard that a few months ago.
  2. This would be so awesome!!!So anyone have good sources on if this is real? or us just dreaming/speculating... E Domain is a public process, and I would imagine if this was true this would be in the public record by now (or very soon) No doubt someone would start a protest about the city/Univeristy doing this...Any other data out there?I'm also assuming, as they get closer - they will start sending letters out to Alumni for donations/fundraising campaigns...
  3. I was one of those guys that really got into the game... And yes, we were all volunteers... Where else can you go have fun with your friends, watch Joe Jakubik, Roth (Moose), yell, and cheer, and really get into the game...I remember getting a warning from the refs for a technical foul for being too loud!!! (when we sat in the upper deck)... Also that time we all threw toilet paper onto the floor... NCAA, and NIT playoff games...Those were the days... Maybe they should have an alumni band get back togther for BB band once a year...Unfortunately I live 12 hrs. away - but really would like to see them get "fired" up...Go Zips! Watch them on ESPN when they're on national TV (ESPN2)
  4. Here's an improved quality version of the Blue and Gold (mp3). I had to zip it to upload it here...For those of you looking for a new CD, you should email the current Directors @ http://www3.uakron.edu/bands/marching/staff/index.html. I bet they'd consider updating the CD if there was enough interest out there... BlueGold.zip
  5. Absolutely agree... I believe that last one was made around 1999/2000... It was a great CD, but long since sold out...
  6. is there a feature that you can get a RSS feed from the latest posts of the discussion forums...Also you should consider having a forum that searches RSS feeds with the Zips included... that will become a great feature, so I will only have to go to your site (vs. all of the other sources I check)Great site, keep it up!!! You need to get the word out!!!Go Zips!'89
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