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Everything posted by Zipgrad01

  1. By mo you mean down by 40 at halftime?
  2. We are offensive ... and that isn't good
  3. Welcome back to reality. Get Bowden out of here. Yes zipoutsider this is for you.
  4. I had to laugh that "bitchoutsider" ... I mean zipoutsider liked this
  5. Who cares if we are winning games? If we can hire someone to upgrade our offense do it today. To say otherwise is idiotic.
  6. So if western Michigan loses out will we look back and say we beat a 4-2 western team or a 4-8 western team?
  7. He didn't do that great his first year at western either. I will wait a year or 2 to let him get his guys in the program.
  8. Can't agree more. They should have continued to pound the ball, but went away from it when we jumped ahead. Cost them the game
  9. I am talking about western. Mostly the same team minus a few large pieces (Qb and WR). They don't even look like the same program without Fleck.
  10. So maybe it isn't all about jimmies and joes... ? Maybe some X's and O's count.
  11. We lose how much a year on the football program? You are going to make a decision of cancelling a game on the cost of a few hotel rooms? Good. I am glad you are a little bitch and blocked us. Enjoy wussy
  12. I don't want to see Ianellos smug face if they beat us.
  13. First off... nobody said this was a bad win. Secondly... we weren't even the home team. Western had just as much stake in playing this game as we did. 3rd..What on earth are you even talking about?? What does this have to do with Bowden?
  14. He is such a Bowden fluffer. lol Any coach was staying to play that game.
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