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Bleacher Bum

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Posts posted by Bleacher Bum

  1. They're gonna have shirts on hand too. Here's the e-mail:**********Dear AK-ROWDIES Members,This upcoming week marks one of the biggest in recent Zips basketball history. So lets wipe the dust off our pom poms, take a quick stretch, and get ready for one wild spring semester.Tuesday evening, the womens basketball squad will take on Ohio University at 7:00 p.m. at the James A. Rhodes Arena. Between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m., wings will be served for AK-ROWDIES members in the upper-level track area. Coach Dambrot will be joining us to address the AK-ROWDIES faithful, answer any questions you may have, and to talk a little about the upcoming contest with Can't State.During the game, the AK-ROWDIES will have their first ever glamour, glitz, and Zips celebrity look-a-like contest. Dress as your favorite celebrity and you will have the chance to win an awesome prize courtesy of the AK-ROWDIES.AK-ROWDIES members will also have a chance to get their lower level seats for the men's contest against Can't State before gates open Wednesday night during the women's game. This is your chance to assure you have a premium seat for Wednesday's rivalry matchup with the Flushes of Can't State.After the women's game, the AK-ROWDIES will have a mandatory meeting in the upper track area. During the meeting, members will have the chance to ask board members any questions and give any suggestions on how the AK-ROWDIES can continue to grow and flourish in the future. Also if you have not gotten a chance to pick up your official AK-ROWDIES t-shirt yet, this is your chance.Ladies and gentlemen this is rivalry week. I know I am ready, how about you?Jessica M. VavraDirector of Public Relations - AK-ROWDIESThe University of Akronjmv19@uakron.edu

  2. OH SNAP!!! ROWDIES CHECK YOUR E-MAILS! At the meeting after the OU game, check this out...."AK-ROWDIES members will also have a chance to get their lower level seats for the men?s contest against Can't State before gates open Wednesday night during the women?s game. This is your chance to assure you have a premium seat for Wednesday?s rivalry matchup with the Flushes of Can?t State."We spoke and they listened! KILLER!

  3. The attendance is going to increase when the students get back from break. I really have no problem with the band sitting on the floor since most of the members are louder than the actual fans. It can be difficult to get the band to jump up and down though. It seemed that the Nevada game and the Miami game, the other team came out flat in the second half with the rowdies jumping and screaming at them. And to be honest, until the students prove they can pack the student section every home game of the season, let the band sit there. At least they're loud and faithful.

  4. How was the attendance tonight? I couldn't make it, but I listened to Miami's play-by-play guys on the Internet cuz for some reason I can never get a clean signal up here on the radio. Of course they sounded like the refs were for the Zips and they ripped Dials a few times. I think Nick Dials might be the most hated player in the MAC except for by Akron fans. I really don't know why.

  5. In response to Akron not being able to make free throws, a few of the Rowdies came up with a new free throw routine that debuted at Loyola and worked at OU. We came up with it in the 2nd half of the Loyola game. Rather than putting our arms up and saying "whoosh," we switched it up and put our arms down. Then in one motion, bring the arms back up and throw them down as you say "whoosh." We failed to do it on one of C-Mid's free throws at OU and he missed it. I don't remember the numbers for the Loyola game, but minus that one we failed to "whoosh" on, we were 11-13 at OU. Who says I'm superstitious?

  6. I just got this e-mail and figured I'd post it here in case some of the Rowdies still aren't getting the mailings.*****Hey everyone!Hope you all had a great break. I have a few AK-ROWDIES updates for you:Thursday, January 11th, the Men's basketball team will take on Miami (OH) at 7:00 p.m. at the James A. Rhodes Arena. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. I know you are all either back in Akron or returning sometime this weekend, so hopefully you will be able to make it there to support our boys!Tuesday, January 16th, the Women's basketball team will host Ohio University at 7:00 p.m. at the James A. Rhodes Arena. This is going to be a big day for the AK-ROWDIES. There will be wings for AK-R0WDIES members before the game at 6:00 p.m. up on the track. Also, Coach Dambrot will be speaking to the AK-ROWDIES before the women's contest tip off. After the game, there will be a meeting to answer any questions you may have or to give any suggestions/comments or any concerns to the board. ALSO! this meeting is going to be the pep rally to prep for Wednesday's game against K-ENT (CAN'T )STATE. The meeting/rally should last about half an hour so make sure you hang around after the girls game.Wednesday, January 17TH, the Men's team is tipping off against K-ENT (Can't) STATE. The game starts at 7:00 p.m. and doors will open at 6:00 p.m. If you don't already know, which you should, Can't State is a HUGE rival for us and it would mean a lot to the boys if you would come and support.**As always, you have to get there early to get the seating behind the hoops! For all of these games, the doors open at 6:00 p.m. at Rhodes Arena. Make sure your there!!***No matter WHAT time it is, K-ent State still sucks~ LET'S GO ZIPS!!!*Jessica M. VavraDirector of Public Relations - AK-ROWDIESThe University of Akron

  7. Playing several MAC games on STO makes alot more sense than showing six Akron home games and one on the road. Even in addition to these seven games, it will provide MAC fans a chance to see the other teams before we play them. I guess Sports Time Ohio just couldn't find any room in their schedule around the replays of Classic Indians Games, Suckeyes Talk, and Cleveland All Pro Wrestling. They do have a show on Wednesday nights about CSU basketball that I have not actually seen yet, but the idea is very cool!Also, why does STO always show crap about Notre Dame? There's even a picture of an ND pennant on the banner on the top of their website amid tons of Cleveland gear.

  8. LinkWHY!?? WHY!?? WHY!!??Six of our seven televised games are at the JAR! The other one? CAN'T!!!! Fifteen Friggin' Minutes Away!How are we supposed to fill the JAR when people can stay at home and watch the games?There's a reason that back in the day Browns games weren't televised if they weren't sold out. Get your a$$e$ in the seats!
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