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Bleacher Bum

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Posts posted by Bleacher Bum

  1. Toledo didn't impress me a whole lot. I think we win by close to double digits this weekend. I also was not impressed with the Can't crowd. 3200 people for the East #2 vs. West #1??! Are you kidding me? I'd like to think that if the Toledo game was in Akron this year, we'd pack the joint! Their student section was only loud during the final two minutes. I know I'm biased but I think the Rowdies are generally loud throughout the whole game, at least I know I am. Kudos to the five Toledo superfans at the game. We heard them across the arena! We're gonna shut them up this weekend though!

  2. My only concern from the Ball State game was the massive struggle against the press. I hope that was just an isolated abomination and not an exploitable weakness. With Dru out, I think it's the latter, so let's hope he stays healthy.I'll probably take some heat for this, but I thought the Rowdies were kind of lame for this game. My 5-year-old was more into the game, and i guess the color coordination rule has gone by the wayside.Speaking of the Rowdies, how about some love, signage and chants for Jeremiah Wood. He has played his butt off the last couple of games and his contributions have been huge. With a name like Wood, I know there's creativity just waiting to explode.
    I couldn't make it to this game because I was working, but I think there is a J-Wood sign. It says "Shaq of the MAC" or something along those lines. Dru and Quade signs are coming.
  3. I just got back from the game. I'm hoping you could all hear us on the radio. I think our volume turned up their student section, all 8 of them. Anyhoo, I'm done taking signs to away games. I think the entire state of Michigan teaches Sign Breaking 101. Our first Z-Fense was made out of the foam-board and was broken by a Central Michigan fan. So we got this great idea to make the new one out of wood. Seemed like a great idea until EMU's mascot got ahold it. So now that's missing a corner. I feel like one of the three little pigs. The next Z-Fense will be made out of bricks. Look out! By the way, props to the EMU fan who came up with the "Juliet" chant in response to our "Romeo" chant. Clever... :rolleyes: In all honesty though, the fans they had were pretty good. I had a good time.

  4. Thanks for the info. Actually I really don't know what AK-Zips is talking about. No wonder all other MAC fans hate Akron. On this board, we talked about how the Ill-Chi game was gonna be tough. I don't know enough about AP other than the fact that their name is kinda funny. I really hope none of our players are approaching this game the same way most of members of this board are.

  5. I don't get it. Why is everyone dissing the blue hair section? I wear blue hair to the game. :rofl: Anyhoo, the band should be on the north side. Let the south side rise and be obnoxious. Let the band be with the north side and let them be quiet together!

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