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Bleacher Bum

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Posts posted by Bleacher Bum

  1. with the amount of screaming and cheering that is done in the rowdies section, would it hurt to hand out say bottles of water at half time? when big chad's voice goes out on a cheer... i think it would just help keep people going longer and keep the rowdies refreshed enough to keep the opponents (in tonights case, the refs) down.
    I was thinking that exact same thing tonight!
  2. paid attendance: 4138Actual attendance: 1514 Yeah I know. Sarcasm just doesn't transfer right sometimes.JAR would have sold out last night if mother-effin-nature would have agreed.I must say though, for the people that were there, they actually really wanted to be there! People stood up, okay not for the entire game like the Rowdies. But standing is standing.
    That's a great point! The people that made it last night were the die-hards. It was truly a great atmosphere even considering there were only 1500 people. The way the crowd was, it sounded like there were 1500 AK-Rowdies.
  3. Oh, I know. There is no way he's going anywhere. He fits in perfectly at T. Tech and after they beat aTm for the 2nd time of the season last night, he's not going anywhere. But if Akron loses the Bracketbuster to Austin Peay this weekend, I say we fire Dambrot and go after John Wooden. Seriously, the guy's almost 100 now, what's he been doing?

  4. Appalacian U, er OU fans are now calling on...sitting down...Bobby Knight to replace O'Shea.
    Sorry guys. I friggin' love Bobby Knight! Especially when he throws chairs! If he went to OU, I may find myself wearing green! Good thing it's never gonna happen!
  5. I just miss wearing the rbberized bald caps that resembled huge condoms on orur heads... you can't tell me that's not classic humor! :lol:
    That was a great game last year. Toga Night, TOS Bald Heads, and Lucky Charms! And don't forget that Dr. Evil, Mini Me, Chewbacca, and Darth Vader were there too! Plus that game was on the deuce.
  6. OU fans are saying their team lacked effort tonite... nope we just brought it and they couldn't keep up....
    Ergo, the lack of effort. Can you tell me our guys looked like they wanted it tonight?Not trying to take anything away from you guys here. You wanted it. We didn't.
    Your guys looked like they wanted a swift kick in the pants. Which is exactly what they got. After the game, Bubba looked like he needed a hug.
  7. Well, then let's do it. I'll be in front of the JAR a little after 5. After the team heads inside, we can head to the Rowdies entrance and wait for the doors to open. I'll let everyone know if I hear anything about what time the Zips may be showing up. Of course, they'll be showing up at different times, but maybe a few Rowdies outside the door with some encouragement will fire them up.Spread the word...Let's get as many Rowdies there early as we can.

  8. Can't wait until tomorrow's game. 1. We are going to beat OU by double digits. 2. Because it's my 21st birthday.
    Did someone say 21st birthday?!?!! I hope to God you don't have class on Wednesday morning. Good Luck! Haha!
  9. Boy to I feel stupid. I thought all of the coaches were wearing tennis shoes because Toledo was anal about what types of shoes could be worn on their hardwood. Whoops! Sorry for the bad guess Bleacher Bum. :wave:
    Haha. I thought there was something fishy as to why the coaches were wearing tennis shoes but they still allowed a giant unicycle, skateboards, roller skates and the giant douche rocket that jumps on its head. For the record, the giant unicycle was one of the greatest halftime shows I've ever seen. Period!
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