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zipsrule last won the day on February 19

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About zipsrule

  • Birthday 06/08/1973

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  1. https://collegefootballnetwork.com/mens-college-basketball/kent-state-rob-senderoff-become-fordham-head-coach/
  2. It looks like you could stream it on Max.
  3. They can whine all they want about the refs, but how about the fact that Miami scored 0 baskets the last 5 and a half minutes of the game (only two free throws).
  4. They also kept saying it has been 15 year since Miami made the NCAA tournament. Miami last won the MAC Tournament in 2007...
  5. Does anyone have the all-tournament team?
  6. After being down by 18 at halftime, Western cuts Kent's lead down to 6.
  7. The Zips are favored by 8.5 over the Rockets.
  8. Groce was not happy about that.
  9. Great start. Taking a lot of threes, but for the most part, they are good shots.
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