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  1. and down go the flashes to the redhawks
  2. no. Not all fraternities are like that. Hazing has not place at Akron and I personally am in one of the social fraternities. I can guarantee you that behavior like that is not tolerated by not only our members but the governing council at Akron and our national headquarters.
  3. For those of us that aren't making the trek over to k e n t, does anyone know if any of the bars around campus actually have TWC Sports Channel?
  4. funny thing was that it was almost the exact opposite with GMU hitting a 3 with 21 left in the half to take the lead
  5. Just so everyone is aware, that was the entire marching band that was at the game, not the blue and gold brass (which is normally there). There is a new director this year since the Director of bands has just retired and things are still in transition. So they will not be taking up that much room the whole season whether or not that is where they will be residing this year.
  6. You should have gotten an email from the university if you qualify.
  7. I'd be interested to know if that included the student tickets as being "sold" and if so, how many of the 3300 they are claiming as students
  8. Today we finally get to see so Zips Basketball!!!
  9. No... Long structural story short... they would have to do major, and I mean MAJOR construction to reinforce what those walls are holding up in order to make that a possibility. It would be more worth while to just bulldoze the JAR and start over.
  10. Oh right, that is going to change. I didn't like the amount of chairs that were in the rows so I changed it and haven't gotten around fixing those boxes. The end zones I am not too sure about, I was going to wait for the seats to be set before I made any decisions in that area, but I am planning on keeping the corners open to open up the concourse area underneath the stands so it isn't cramped for the concessions also for handicapped seating.
  11. Ok, before I completely finish the seats, are there any major concerns with this? EDIT: concerns with the seating or layout of the stands, not concerned about the floor size at the moment
  12. The floor is not sized for a hockey rink the extra room is just the normal extra you talked about.
  13. Well, I'm just tarting co-op so I don't completely hate it.... yet Everything is 1:1 Each bowl is in 4 sections and each different kind of box is its own part/assembly. If I didn't do that, I would probably go through sooo many keyboards from slamming my head on them trying to make it work. And thanks for the tip!
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