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dre22era last won the day on May 29 2020

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  1. I feel bad for the defense. Only so much you can do with a garbage offense not putting up points.
  2. You take a timeout to stop the clock for Toledo who has all their timeouts. Pure genius coach
  3. Sleepy Joe Morehead and his sh!tty offense strikes again.
  4. Even in a blowout our coach looks like a inexperienced rookie with no clue how to manage the clock
  5. Unfortunately thats how bad this season is for both teams. Not much else to talk about. This is a get it over with game.
  6. Folks had how many years to pick up the CBS Sports Network If folks who give a hoot don't have CBS Sports network by now = they haven't watched half of Akron / Kent Games Period
  7. 2 MS Degrees working in a building in DC you will never have access to lil one
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