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Staton14 last won the day on April 15 2015

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  1. The wall coverings and carpet were replaced prior to last school year. Also, the bathrooms were renovated.
  2. US Open 4th round draw is tonight at 7 pm. We'll know then if the Crew will be playing in Akron or on the road.
  3. Brad Ruhaak scored tonight in the US Open Cup for the Michigan Bucks (who are an amateur team in the PDL).
  4. Timbers Academy alumni Jesse Garcia-Aguilar (University of Akron) and Anthony Macchione (University of Akron) join the U-23 squad following their freshmen season in college. http://www.timbers.com/u-23s/2015/05/portland-timbers-u-23s-add-five-more-players-2015-season
  5. Is it bad that it says they are not considering a name change and I still don't believe it?
  6. We're actually 19-19 after Tuesday's non-conference win over WMU. But yes, very good season, especially in the MAC, so far.
  7. Zips beat Marshall 7-0. Four game win streak, now 17-16. http://www.gozips.com/sports/bsb/2014-15/releases/20150414p38o5a
  8. Zips sweep the doubleheader over NIU to move to 7-4 in the MAC. Tied for 1st in MAC East.
  9. Doubleheader on Sunday, single game tomorrow.
  10. 2 of 3 wins to start conference play. 4 home games this week, if the weather holds.
  11. I don't know. We tied a professional team earlier this week in Pittsburgh.
  12. 4-1 crew at the half. Not sure what lineup Crew has in but the twitter account mentioned Kamara scored one of the goals, so it sounds like they have some top guys in (they don't play this weekend). Akron starting lineup: https://twitter.com/ZipsMSoc/status/578963867147042816 Second half lineup: https://twitter.com/ZipsMSoc/status/578977746518425600
  13. That would help but I'll still always think its an extremely strange format.
  14. Exactly. I understand the reasoning behind the format (other than the second round being all winners from the first round. I think it should be eliminated.) but its just so awkward. And its really unfair for the five seed who has to win 5 games compared to the four seed, who may have the same record, but only has to win 3 games.
  15. Yeah, all the games from here on out are on TWC Sports and ESPN3.
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