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  1. The AK-ROWDIES are taking a bus with 50+ students on board.
  2. There are plenty of seats available in the general admission sections with limited seats left int he reserved sections. The number on BackTheZips.com is updated as of a few hours ago. Go Zips! -Brad
  3. The rings will be given away via scratch-off card. Every person who enters the JAR on Friday, beginning at 4:30 p.m. when the doors open for the women's basketball game will receive a card. We had to use this method because we didn't feel it was fair to give them to the first arriving fans since the doors open so early. The cards will be distributed at each entrance. Go Zips! -Brad
  4. We have included a realistic number for student attendance in the "countdown" you've seen on BackTheZips.com. We also used a "capacity" of 5,500 for that countdown. As a point of reference, the number we are aiming for is 4,059, the largest announced attendance prior to New Year's in Coach D's tenure. That is the announced attendance of the game vs. Dayton back on Dec. 6, 2008. The largest home opener in Dambrot's tenure was in 2005 vs. YSU (announced: 3,886). I'm confident we'll surpass that number, but we could sure use your help encouraging friends, family, neighbors, and strangers to attend! Go Zips, -Brad
  5. It is fixed! Thanks for the head's up. I appreciate the kind words and feedback provided by each of you. Know that I do read this forum regularly and am always looking for ways to get better. If you ever have ideas you'd like to share or have feedback, feel free to reach me directly at bswanso@uakron.edu. Go Zips! -Brad
  6. Here is the new schedule poster for this year. The marketing campaign will begin to roll out next week with billboard and bus ads around town. I'll post those designs soon. I think you guys will like the edgy feel of this year's campaign! #BackTheZips!
  7. Check out this behind the scenes look at the Zips Football intro video shoot! Zips Football Intro Video - Behind the Scenes
  8. As I suspected, this is not possible due to the way the back-end of the website is configured. Thanks for the suggestion!
  9. Thanks for the idea. I will share it with members of our communications staff to see if this is possible within the back end of the website. My initial reaction to the suggestion based on my limited understanding of the site is that this will not be possible, but I'll ask and let you know! Go Zips! -Brad
  10. This package includes parking and $30 in concessions vouchers for Football.
  11. Johnny J's in the Valley will host the official watch party and offer several food and drink specials.
  12. An awesome look inside the MAC Championship #ZipsGameday! Get ready for goosebumps! BEAT VCU! http://youtu.be/abzVr4DzCDY
  13. The MAC Tournament is Here!
  14. Scale is hard to tell, but it's 17 feet tall and 60 feet wide!
  15. I appreciate the kind words. We have a great team of people working on spreading the word about this team and Zips Athletics as a whole. The special accomplishments of the team certainly make our job easier and help generate interest. With that said, we have some work to do for this weekend's game. Because the game details were just announced recently and our fans waited to purchase tickets until those details were available, we are a bit behind the normal pace we would expect in order to have a crowd like Saturday. We need your help to encourage people to come out! I appreciate the passion those on this board show for the Zips! I read this frequently and hope I can provide helpful details to certain discussions when it is appropriate. Go Zips!
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