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    Lakewood, OH

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  1. POST OF THE DAY! LOL Well done sir!
  2. +1 Becky's is walking (staggering) distance from Convo. May be closest drinking establishment to the game.
  3. YOUR grammar is off. Thanks for the updates though.
  4. I love how the brickwork in the first picture is already falling apart. Way to stay classy, Manny.
  5. +1 Relax folks. It is all just speculation for now. Let's see how the teams looks in October when MAC games start. If the team is still getting <200 total yards a game at that point, then start the mutiny.
  6. Yes, I think it was. Remember, this is UofA Athletics you're talking about. When have they EVER done anything right? Or heck when have they ever shown common sense?
  7. I love reading this: "Akron will meet Louisville in the national championship match on Sunday at 4 p.m." Courtesy of ZIPS BLOG
  8. Pshew! wow what a win...2 years in a row...CONGRATS SOCCEROOS!!
  9. SKIP-ZIP: "...as a fan, I'm losing my enthusiasm to go to a 3/4 empty Info and cheer along with a few other people each play, and hearing our hollow sounds echo in the empty atmosphere. I want excitement. " Captain Kangaroo: "Note: $5 vs. $15 makes a big difference for a family of 4. $20 gets you off the couch. $60 keeps you on it. " I could care less if the athletic dept makes or loses money. I want what Skip-Zip wants; EXCITEMENT. That would mean more butts in the seats AND a good product to watch. At least the UofA can try to address the first this year and hope I-Coach and his staff can correct the latter. I'm a broke mid 30's guy. I have made some bad choices in my personal finances, but still like getting out to tailgate and watch some football. $15-20 for tix to this drivel is a joke. The UofA should do whatever it takes to get people to campus on Saturdays. At least for the rest of this year.
  10. GP1 said: "Unless the culture of losing changes, nothing is going to change. " Agreed. Haven't seen anything this year or the last 4-5 years that shows a corner being turned towards successful thinking in the football program. This is going to take awhile ZN. OU 37 UofA 17
  11. Awesome. Nice! Let's put the Flushes in a LockBox.
  12. First off, I hope we CANNOT State real good. I did see this mentioned in this thread that has me scratching my head: "This year's team is experienced and talented." Whaaaa?!?! How so? Just because we HAVE Seniors on the roster doesnt mean they are/were starter quality. We have one mediocre WR. We have 2 slow-moving but good tackling LB's of any quality. I don't think our secondary actually exists. And special teams is definitely not anywhere near talented on a Div-1 level. So please tell me where the Zips have all this talent?
  13. "What happens to a program that hits rock bottom? " You turn into Eastern Michigan of the East. Guys, this team sucks worse than most teams I've watched in the last 15 years. I have little to no hope for this year. However, I do not think Proenza and Coach-I are epic failures who will never succeed in NCAA Football. We have witnessed epically terrible games; but only a few. Let's see where we are this time next year. And until then, tailgate until everything is blurry...then it doesnt matter what happens on the field.
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