SKIP-ZIP: " a fan, I'm losing my enthusiasm to go to a 3/4 empty Info and cheer along with a few other people each play, and hearing our hollow sounds echo in the empty atmosphere. I want excitement. "
Captain Kangaroo: "Note: $5 vs. $15 makes a big difference for a family of 4. $20 gets you off the couch. $60 keeps you on it. "
I could care less if the athletic dept makes or loses money. I want what Skip-Zip wants; EXCITEMENT. That would mean more butts in the seats AND a good product to watch. At least the UofA can try to address the first this year and hope I-Coach and his staff can correct the latter.
I'm a broke mid 30's guy. I have made some bad choices in my personal finances, but still like getting out to tailgate and watch some football. $15-20 for tix to this drivel is a joke. The UofA should do whatever it takes to get people to campus on Saturdays. At least for the rest of this year.