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Lee Adams

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I am sending my ticket money in right now!! I can't wait. Me plus 9 other new season ticket holders for 2008 and 2009 Foundation Package. We got the General Admission seats, figuring we would have guests each game day and we would all want to sit together at Infocision. It's gonna be an exciting next two seasons to say the least.GO ZIPPERSMy Akron complaint of the day: The gozips website neglected to include their mailing address for ordering/paying for season tickets!!!! Come on AD guys, lets get it together!!!! :wave:

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All right....one more complaint for now and that's it.There was no mention on the web page of a 5 dollar handling charge for each season ticket. I expect this crap from Ticketmaster, but come on guys. I'm not a student anymore so I'm not eligible for fifty dollars in b.s. fees lol. Thats my precious beer money we're talking about.

I am sending my ticket money in right now!! I can't wait. Me plus 9 other new season ticket holders for 2008 and 2009 Foundation Package. We got the General Admission seats, figuring we would have guests each game day and we would all want to sit together at Infocision. It's gonna be an exciting next two seasons to say the least.GO ZIPPERSMy Akron complaint of the day: The gozips website neglected to include their mailing address for ordering/paying for season tickets!!!! Come on AD guys, lets get it together!!!! :wave:
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Mine have drawings from local kids.
This is interesting. Before I rip apart the idea of putting kids drawings on a D-1A ticket, I would like to know if this is true for all tickets. Do reserved tickets have this as well? My guess is it is true because it would be too much to have two types of season tickets.Here is what you see when you go onto the Miami web page.. Here is what you see on Go Zips. It really does not take a trained professional to see that one school is doing something different to try to sell tickets by using the internet and the physical ticket as a selling tool. Is using kids drawings on tickets really the best we can do? :rolleyes:
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Mine have drawings from local kids.
This is interesting. Before I rip apart the idea of putting kids drawings on a D-1A ticket, I would like to know if this is true for all tickets. Do reserved tickets have this as well? My guess is it is true because it would be too much to have two types of season tickets.Here is what you see when you go onto the Miami web page.. Here is what you see on Go Zips. It really does not take a trained professional to see that one school is doing something different to try to sell tickets by using the internet and the physical ticket as a selling tool. Is using kids drawings on tickets really the best we can do? :rolleyes:
Well you have two ways to look at this. The way you are looking at it. orThe fact that Miami is concerned with the past (ala showing a bunch of people who have little relevance in today's world). And Akron is trying to build for the future by getting children interested in the Zips.Now granted my version gives a lot of credit to Akron's Marketing, but you see my point. Kids can drive the market. You don't see sell outs and parents fighting to get their hands on Pet Rocks anymore, but try to find Wii right now. Plus there is the whole building a sense of ownership thing.
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Mine have drawings from local kids.
This is interesting. Before I rip apart the idea of putting kids drawings on a D-1A ticket, I would like to know if this is true for all tickets. Do reserved tickets have this as well? My guess is it is true because it would be too much to have two types of season tickets.Here is what you see when you go onto the Miami web page.. Here is what you see on Go Zips. It really does not take a trained professional to see that one school is doing something different to try to sell tickets by using the internet and the physical ticket as a selling tool. Is using kids drawings on tickets really the best we can do? :rolleyes:
Well you have two ways to look at this. The way you are looking at it. orThe fact that Miami is concerned with the past (ala showing a bunch of people who have little relevance in today's world). And Akron is trying to build for the future by getting children interested in the Zips.Now granted my version gives a lot of credit to Akron's Marketing, but you see my point. Kids can drive the market. You don't see sell outs and parents fighting to get their hands on Pet Rocks anymore, but try to find Wii right now. Plus there is the whole building a sense of ownership thing.
Please tell me you are joking with this nonsense? How can you possibly say that Woody Hayes, Ara Parseghian, Paul Brown, and John Pont are a bunch of people who have little relevance today? Do you understand how many coaches, offensive and defensive schemes, NCAA championships, NFL franchises, etc... came from these people? Most of them are a who's who list of college football coaching legends!! You amaze me more and more every day when you completely diss other programs. lolAlso, if Akron is targeting these little kids as their marketing plan they are not very bright. These kids will draw whatever their teacher asks them to draw. Besides, none of them can afford tickets!!! If their parents are not Zips fans they simply won't take them to the games. Marketing college football games to a bunch of elementary and middle school kids would be absolutely comical.
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Mine have drawings from local kids.
This is interesting. Before I rip apart the idea of putting kids drawings on a D-1A ticket, I would like to know if this is true for all tickets. Do reserved tickets have this as well? My guess is it is true because it would be too much to have two types of season tickets.Here is what you see when you go onto the Miami web page.. Here is what you see on Go Zips. It really does not take a trained professional to see that one school is doing something different to try to sell tickets by using the internet and the physical ticket as a selling tool. Is using kids drawings on tickets really the best we can do? :rolleyes:
Well you have two ways to look at this. The way you are looking at it. orThe fact that Miami is concerned with the past (ala showing a bunch of people who have little relevance in today's world). And Akron is trying to build for the future by getting children interested in the Zips.Now granted my version gives a lot of credit to Akron's Marketing, but you see my point. Kids can drive the market. You don't see sell outs and parents fighting to get their hands on Pet Rocks anymore, but try to find Wii right now. Plus there is the whole building a sense of ownership thing.
Please tell me you are joking with this nonsense? How can you possibly say that Woody Hayes, Ara Parseghian, Paul Brown, and John Pont are a bunch of people who have little relevance today? Do you understand how many coaches, offensive and defensive schemes, NCAA championships, NFL franchises, etc... came from these people? Most of them are a who's who list of college football coaching legends!! You amaze me more and more every day when you completely diss other programs. lolAlso, if Akron is targeting these little kids as their marketing plan they are not very bright. These kids will draw whatever their teacher asks them to draw. Besides, none of them can afford tickets!!! If their parents are not Zips fans they simply won't take them to the games. Marketing college football games to a bunch of elementary and middle school kids would be absolutely comical.
Hey, at least they are better than the crap we got prior to 2006!! I have to say that the ticket design is completely unexpected and I think it was simply an effort to raise awareness of the Zips with the local community. There was probably a contest last year and the winners got free season tickets to the Zips this year. Our marketing had done it again! Who thinks of these things??? As for Miami, they have an amazing coaching history and they do an excellent job exploiting it.
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Here is why the Miami tickets are such a good idea. First, they remind people, specifically the alumni, of a proud past. My wife and several of my family members went to or are going to Miami and the connection to the past with that school is very strong. There is a whole Old Miami, New Miami thing going on there that I don't quite understand, but they do.Secondly, I see this as an opportunity to sell extra tickets to existing customers. There are a certain number of people who will purchase an extra ticket in order to frame the ticket as a keepsake. Most season tickets come as a sheet of paper and you have to tear the tickets apart when you use them; they are actually perfect for framing if you don't tear them apart. If UofA had this history of coaches and offered tickets like this, I would buy an extra ticket and have it framed and hung in my man cave. I can't even go to games anymore, and I would buy one ticket just to have it framed. Why are the kids drawings so bad? First, the average person looking at the tickets would think, "What do childrens drawings have to do with UofA? This makes no sense."Secondly, nothing says "minor league entertainment" like making children the centerpiece of your marketing program. Just think of the nonsense that goes on between innings at Aeros games. In a year when they are closing the Rubber Bowl, couldn't they market some of the great Zips of the past? Only five games, let's see who we could put on tickets....... Future first ballot Hall of Famer Jason Taylor, Dwight Smith (Super Bowl winner), Blackburn and Dom Hix after the Super Bowl win, the greatest Zip ever Mike Clark, Vic Green, etc. Perhaps even a small book to give out with season tickets and to give to paying walk-ups at the RB describing the careers of the guys pictured on the tickets. These names say "major league entertainment". If we want to be thought of as one of the "big boys", we need to start acting like them.Thirdly, there has to be a tie to next year with the new stadium opening. Wouldn't it be nice if the same people that were on your tickets this year had huge banners of the same picture that was on your ticket outside of InfoCision Stadium next year. Something like what the Indians do in the upper deck of Jacobs Field. Next year, have current players on the tickets and include their banners as well. Connect the past with the new. I believe sports tradition is the connection of year after year after year (This internet definition defines it a little differently.). We never seem to be able to connect the years with our marketing themes. Our marketing is run like a political campaign (one time event with a specific end date until the next campaign) in lieu of an effort to connect loyal followings year in and year out and then grow that following. This isn't just a problem at UofA, it goes on everywhere in college athletics.Speaking of tradition, wouldn't a picture of the doorless bathroom stall in the mens room on the pressbox side of the Rubber Bowl give most of us a more nostalgic feeling than the incoherent scribblings of a child? I'd like to see that on a ticket. That would be a ticket I would put a lot of money into.

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Here is why the Miami tickets are such a good idea. First, they remind people, specifically the alumni, of a proud past. My wife and several of my family members went to or are going to Miami and the connection to the past with that school is very strong. There is a whole Old Miami, New Miami thing going on there that I don't quite understand, but they do.Secondly, I see this as an opportunity to sell extra tickets to existing customers. There are a certain number of people who will purchase an extra ticket in order to frame the ticket as a keepsake. Most season tickets come as a sheet of paper and you have to tear the tickets apart when you use them; they are actually perfect for framing if you don't tear them apart. If UofA had this history of coaches and offered tickets like this, I would buy an extra ticket and have it framed and hung in my man cave. I can't even go to games anymore, and I would buy one ticket just to have it framed. Why are the kids drawings so bad? First, the average person looking at the tickets would think, "What do childrens drawings have to do with UofA? This makes no sense."Secondly, nothing says "minor league entertainment" like making children the centerpiece of your marketing program. Just think of the nonsense that goes on between innings at Aeros games. In a year when they are closing the Rubber Bowl, couldn't they market some of the great Zips of the past? Only five games, let's see who we could put on tickets....... Future first ballot Hall of Famer Jason Taylor, Dwight Smith (Super Bowl winner), Blackburn and Dom Hix after the Super Bowl win, the greatest Zip ever Mike Clark, Vic Green, etc. Perhaps even a small book to give out with season tickets and to give to paying walk-ups at the RB describing the careers of the guys pictured on the tickets. These names say "major league entertainment". If we want to be thought of as one of the "big boys", we need to start acting like them.Thirdly, there has to be a tie to next year with the new stadium opening. Wouldn't it be nice if the same people that were on your tickets this year had huge banners of the same picture that was on your ticket outside of InfoCision Stadium next year. Something like what the Indians do in the upper deck of Jacobs Field. Next year, have current players on the tickets and include their banners as well. Connect the past with the new. I believe sports tradition is the connection of year after year after year (This internet definition defines it a little differently.). We never seem to be able to connect the years with our marketing themes. Our marketing is run like a political campaign (one time event with a specific end date until the next campaign) in lieu of an effort to connect loyal followings year in and year out and then grow that following. This isn't just a problem at UofA, it goes on everywhere in college athletics.Speaking of tradition, wouldn't a picture of the doorless bathroom stall in the mens room on the pressbox side of the Rubber Bowl give most of us a more nostalgic feeling than the incoherent scribblings of a child? I'd like to see that on a ticket. That would be a ticket I would put a lot of money into.
That is a damn good idea to put the best players to have called the RB home on the tickets. Maybe they could have had different pictures of the teams through the years that have played at the RB. Either of those would have been MUCH better than the kids pictures. Just another example of what goes on inside our athletic dept. :rolleyes:
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Here is why the Miami tickets are such a good idea. First, they remind people, specifically the alumni, of a proud past. My wife and several of my family members went to or are going to Miami and the connection to the past with that school is very strong. There is a whole Old Miami, New Miami thing going on there that I don't quite understand, but they do.Secondly, I see this as an opportunity to sell extra tickets to existing customers. There are a certain number of people who will purchase an extra ticket in order to frame the ticket as a keepsake. Most season tickets come as a sheet of paper and you have to tear the tickets apart when you use them; they are actually perfect for framing if you don't tear them apart. If UofA had this history of coaches and offered tickets like this, I would buy an extra ticket and have it framed and hung in my man cave. I can't even go to games anymore, and I would buy one ticket just to have it framed. Why are the kids drawings so bad? First, the average person looking at the tickets would think, "What do childrens drawings have to do with UofA? This makes no sense."Secondly, nothing says "minor league entertainment" like making children the centerpiece of your marketing program. Just think of the nonsense that goes on between innings at Aeros games. In a year when they are closing the Rubber Bowl, couldn't they market some of the great Zips of the past? Only five games, let's see who we could put on tickets....... Future first ballot Hall of Famer Jason Taylor, Dwight Smith (Super Bowl winner), Blackburn and Dom Hix after the Super Bowl win, the greatest Zip ever Mike Clark, Vic Green, etc. Perhaps even a small book to give out with season tickets and to give to paying walk-ups at the RB describing the careers of the guys pictured on the tickets. These names say "major league entertainment". If we want to be thought of as one of the "big boys", we need to start acting like them.Thirdly, there has to be a tie to next year with the new stadium opening. Wouldn't it be nice if the same people that were on your tickets this year had huge banners of the same picture that was on your ticket outside of InfoCision Stadium next year. Something like what the Indians do in the upper deck of Jacobs Field. Next year, have current players on the tickets and include their banners as well. Connect the past with the new. I believe sports tradition is the connection of year after year after year (This internet definition defines it a little differently.). We never seem to be able to connect the years with our marketing themes. Our marketing is run like a political campaign (one time event with a specific end date until the next campaign) in lieu of an effort to connect loyal followings year in and year out and then grow that following. This isn't just a problem at UofA, it goes on everywhere in college athletics.Speaking of tradition, wouldn't a picture of the doorless bathroom stall in the mens room on the pressbox side of the Rubber Bowl give most of us a more nostalgic feeling than the incoherent scribblings of a child? I'd like to see that on a ticket. That would be a ticket I would put a lot of money into.
The pics of NFL Zips from the rubber bowls past would have been an excellent idea. Too bad you don't work for the UA marketing department.
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Most of your assumptions are all wrong. First, you assume we have a marketing dept that understands marketing, wrong! They do not understand their customers, the market, branding, messaging, value proposition etc. Second, putting kids pictures is completely consistent with our marketing dept ...... another admission that they continue to miss the customer. The customer is not kids or their parents. The customer is the person(s) who has a growing interest in the Zips, is curious, wants to see what all the noise is about, what's to see if the stadium will be a tangible expression of a better program or is just window dressing. Third, this customer wants D1 football in NE Ohio. Whenever Akron or Can't have a big game the crowds come. The people want us to succeed, but they are spohisticated enough to know they don't want their hopes dashed on false promises. They have to believe we can deliver.Kids have nothing to do with that. Warm fuzzy's don't sell tickets. A clear, articulated vison of the future does. Give them hope and they will come. Our marketing is pathetic. :puke:

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First, you assume we have a marketing dept that understands marketing, wrong! They do not understand their customers, the market, branding, messaging, value proposition etc. Our marketing is pathetic. :puke:
I think the website not including a mailing address to buy season tickets may support your claim 72Roo. I do think the U does a terrible job of promoting its football heritage. "Be-a-part. From-the-start" jingle is terrible. However, that being said, I actually kinda like the season ticket art. I like the fact that kids are drawing Zippy.
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