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UC Game

Zip Watcher

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There were so many free tickets floating around prior to the game it was ridiculous. If you paid at the gate it is your own fault.
Well unfortunately I am not "in the know" enough like you, to be able to locate them.How about some help for next time, or is this just a forum for people to berate others for their opinions instead of helping each other out?Believe me I have given that damned university more money than I have ever wanted to via parking passes and fees etc...and really did not want to give anymore, but it is my favorite college football team and I wanted to see the game.
Just ask people. Everyone at our tailgate who didn't have tickets go them for free. They just asked around. There's always a few guys out there whose companies have tickets and of course, no one comes, so they just find people to give them to.But I still say $15 is a good price for D1 football. Not gonna get that at OSU, PSU, UM, etc.
Thank you for the advice, I will have to give that a try next time, just hope I do not seem like a mooch.Also not gonna get the level of football or the facilities either so I guess it is all relevant. I guess $15 is not horrible, just kind of annoying when I was not expecting it. I am just broke and grumpy and tired of seeing them squander away victories, and of the splinters in my ass from the bleachers. But now I get to choose my splinters, either wood or fiberglass!
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I will add three gripes. I only add these because I always hope to see the Zip athletic events being pulled together competently and professionally, and when I don't I get irked. 1. I entered through the upper gates approximately 30 minutes before kickoff (I enjoy watching the teams warm up) and there was no one selling programs on the upper level. I had to walk down to the main gates to purchase a program. There was an old, rickety, wooden folding table where they usually sell the programs, but no one was there. That's just stupid.2. We could do a whole lot more and a whole lot better with our ROTC students. I was in a junior Air Force ROTC program in high school (I know, how nerdy) and our drill instructor would have absolutely chewed our a$$es if we weren't crip, sharp, exacting and synchronized with our marching and flag-bearing. Our ROTC students look like they don't really know what their doing. What's up with that? These are college students, for crying out loud. We were just stupid, pimply-faced, brace-wearing high schoolers. Kick that unit up a few notches, Sarge. Also, get more of them out there. Have them do push ups after scores. Get them involved with the gameday festivities. Show off the program. It can be put on display for the whole stadium to see. Have some PRIDE!3. Did you guys see the pregame show? Did you see how the band lined up and how the team got confused about the band's formation? It looked like the band was trying to funnel the team towards the sideline, while they normally congregate around the 35-yard line. The team sort of tip-toed through the band to get together on the 35 to mosh & jump around. The first two Akron players leading the team actually tip-toed through the band and jogged over to the 50-yard line but then saw that the coin toss was still taking place. The rest of the team meandered over to the 35. Man, talk about an anti-climactic moment. The home team running onto the field is supposed to be one of the kick-a$$, pump-me-up moments of the evening but unfortunately it was just bush league and tragically comical. I hate to say it, but man, it was just so typical UA bush. Do the coaches and band director communicate about anything at all? Not only are these supposedly intelligent men, but they represent an institution of higher learning, for crying out loud. Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING, should be done with excellence.I hope that EVERYONE involved with gameday execution puts A LOT of forethought and planning into the gameday structure and environment once we move into the Info. I'll be pissed if the incompetence continues.To end on a positive note, I really like the 3:30 start time! I hope we do more of that in the future! There was plenty of time to tailgate in the morning and early afternoon before the game (I just can't party too much before 12:00 noon like some of you diehard tailgaters do) and then the game is over early enough to unwind & get dinner at a restaurant after the game. (My group went to the Ohio Brewing Company after the game.) This would be perfect for The Info when we could get dinner at a number of downtown establishments! Plus, in a few weeks it starts getting AWFULLY cold for those 6:00 p.m. starts. The afternoons are usually pretty nice though.

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:D stop squawking about the grounding call!!! read the blurb in today's(9-29-08) Plain Dealer...JD basically said HE screwed the pooch in not kicking the field goal AND going for 2!!! if JACQUEMAIN had again not lost his head, he would have thrown the ball into the seats across the line of scrimmage and its AN INCOMPLETE PASS, no ref's involved...look...how many times in crucial situations do we have to keep coming back to bad coaching decisions and bad player decisions in close games against good teams?... 3 years later we are still paying good money to watch this stuff...now not only does the season ride on beating can't, it may very well decide JD'S future here...whatever that means...good luck on Saturday guys!!!
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The tickets prices have increased, yet they have done nothing to warrant the increase.
So a Big East football team is playing 10 miles from your house. It costs $15.00 to watch the game. Parking is a whopping $3. That's $18.00...that's less than a pitcher of Dortmunder and 12 wings.
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