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Ohio State and MAC Losses


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In light of the fact that we occasionally have people come on here to praise the almighty Suckeyes (even though they have their own fan websites, if you wish to post there) I will focus this post primarily on what impact last night's happenings have on our Zips.First, lets confirm again that when Ohio State fails...it's good for the Zips. You want the perfect example? Look at the Faust era here in Akron, when we recruited many, many great players from the Pittsburgh area....when Pitt was experiencing some lean year following their once-prominent national spotlight period. I don't think that anyone can dispute the fact that when players get the mindset that "well...I can go to a MAC school instead and play right away, since the team in Cowlumbus does not appear to be national championship material right now"....this is a great thing for our program. But lets go beyond that. We all know that a large portion of Suckeye fans are bandwagoners. In other words...when they look to be in contention for a national title, everyone is on the wagon. But right now, with no chance left, that faction of fans will TOTALLY lose interest. Sorry, but it's the reality. That's the only reason they were there in the first place. They just wanted to be a part of something big, which is not going to happen, and they'll subsequently just drift away into other interests this fall.So, you want an example of that too? Search for some of the stories that talk about how many people show up at the OSU parties to "send the players off to the national championship game".....and then.....read about what they say about how many people show up a few days later when they return and people are supposed to be there to "thank them for a wonderful effort". So...is this also good for the Zips? It sure is. One of my best friends, who is an OSU fan, called me last night to say, "hey...I see Akron is having a surprisingly good year...are you going to these last few games?..it looks like they have a chance to win the MAC East year."Just one example, but these are the kinds of things that happen when Ohio State takes themselves out of national championship contention this long before the end of the season. It's all good for us, and I hope that with the help we got from the other MAC teams last night, this situation will have some people paying more attention to their local college team than usual.

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AMEN Brother!Now our problem is having our inconsistent team holding up their end of the bargain. All four of the remaining games on the schedule are VERY winnable. An 8-4 season is within reach, heading into a brand new stadium. One quality season (caliber of what Ball State is doing this year) is enough to open peoples eyes in Northeast Ohio. They're desperate for a winner. I see one, maybe two more losses on the schedule for Columbus. An 8-4 season for them and an 8-4 season for the Zips, winning 5 straight to end the year, would provide a huge media boost for the Zips heading into ICS next year. So far the two non-conference games I know of (@ Syracuse and vs. Indiana) are VERY winnable games for next years squad. Could the Zips be next year's Ball State? Let's hope they can feed off of the electricity of some HUGE crowds next year.

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I think that thinking holds true if:A.) Ohio State has numerous poor seasons in a rowB.) Akron has numerous contending seasons in a rowThat's two big "ifs" to me....First, Ohio State is not on a down right now. The past two seasons they have played for the National Title, and this season is far from a bad one. They lost twice - once on the road to USC, once at home to Penn State. Both will finish in the Top 5. They have done this with their star RB missing a few games and a true freshman QB at the helm. They're #12 in the nation and will most likely finish in the top ten...againSecond, Akron winning 4 of 4 to end the year, as much as I am hoping for it, is a bit of a stretch to me. While their loss has been to mostly good teams, they did lose to BG and squeaked by both Can't and Eastern Michigan. They've been inconsistent all year, and have been this way throughout much of the Brookhart era. I'd LOVE to see them win out, win the MAC Title game, and go Bowling...and my heart says they'll do just that...but my head says it isn't going to happen. And even if OSU loses one or two more, and Akron wins out and wins the MAC, I don't think things will change. While there are many frontrunner fans of OSU, there are also A LOT of diehards that will support the team no matter what. And as much as I love Akron and our fans (we have a great base of diehards), I'm not sure we should be ones calling others frontrunners...how many of you know someone who last went to a Zips game when they played in Detroit? I know that I know more than a few...Look, I'd love to see Akron overtake the state of Ohio in terms of on-field success and media coverage. But it's just not going to happen, anytime soon anyways. With the system college football operates in, the Zips would have to go undefeated to even sniff the top ten...and even then they'd have to have a tough schedule. Ohio State starts every year in the top 10, and can end up there with 1 or 2 losses, sometimes even 3. That's the reality of the system. Ohio State, as long as recruiting stays the same, will always get the first shot at the best recruits in the state. That's the reality of the recruiting. And Ohio State, as long as they continue to at least contend and be in the top 10-15 teams in the nation, will always get more media coverage than Akron. That's just the reality of the media.I'm sure I'll get attacked for all of this, and people will question whether or not I"m a true fan...but I'm just trying to bring some reality into the conversation, that's all...GO ZIPS!!!!!!!!!

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I think that thinking holds true if:A.) Ohio State has numerous poor seasons in a rowB.) Akron has numerous contending seasons in a rowThat's two big "ifs" to me....First, Ohio State is not on a down right now. The past two seasons they have played for the National Title, and this season is far from a bad one. They lost twice - once on the road to USC, once at home to Penn State. Both will finish in the Top 5. They have done this with their star RB missing a few games and a true freshman QB at the helm. They're #12 in the nation and will most likely finish in the top ten...againSecond, Akron winning 4 of 4 to end the year, as much as I am hoping for it, is a bit of a stretch to me. While their loss has been to mostly good teams, they did lose to BG and squeaked by both Can't and Eastern Michigan. They've been inconsistent all year, and have been this way throughout much of the Brookhart era. I'd LOVE to see them win out, win the MAC Title game, and go Bowling...and my heart says they'll do just that...but my head says it isn't going to happen. And even if OSU loses one or two more, and Akron wins out and wins the MAC, I don't think things will change. While there are many frontrunner fans of OSU, there are also A LOT of diehards that will support the team no matter what. And as much as I love Akron and our fans (we have a great base of diehards), I'm not sure we should be ones calling others frontrunners...how many of you know someone who last went to a Zips game when they played in Detroit? I know that I know more than a few...Look, I'd love to see Akron overtake the state of Ohio in terms of on-field success and media coverage. But it's just not going to happen, anytime soon anyways. With the system college football operates in, the Zips would have to go undefeated to even sniff the top ten...and even then they'd have to have a tough schedule. Ohio State starts every year in the top 10, and can end up there with 1 or 2 losses, sometimes even 3. That's the reality of the system. Ohio State, as long as recruiting stays the same, will always get the first shot at the best recruits in the state. That's the reality of the recruiting. And Ohio State, as long as they continue to at least contend and be in the top 10-15 teams in the nation, will always get more media coverage than Akron. That's just the reality of the media.I'm sure I'll get attacked for all of this, and people will question whether or not I"m a true fan...but I'm just trying to bring some reality into the conversation, that's all...GO ZIPS!!!!!!!!!
Well said. Look at Michigan and ND. They have been sicking for a few years and it doesn't help any of the other Michigan schools.
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I am not an OSU fan, and frankly, it is due to jealousy - I turn green with envy and rage everytime OSU is featured on the front page of our local paper, which is about 7 days a week. (So, needless to say, I am not in a healthy state!)However, as much as it pains me to do so, I generally try to keep those sentiments to myself. Currently, I don't think it does much good to try to make life-long OSU fans feel like they must choose between either Akron or OSU. If painted into that corner, I think 99% of greater Akron area sports fans will choose OSU. (Maybe right now, OSU deserves that following - they've been a successful program for nearly 100 years. Here at Akron, we are growing a program.) My hope is that we add to our numbers OSU fans who will also begin to follow the Zips. If, one day, they wake up and say to themselves, "Know what, I actually like the Zips more than the Sucks" great! If not, well... that's okay too; we Zips fans can't be too picky about who our fans are.I remember going to a restaurant a couple of years ago to watch the Zips - NC State game. OSU was on tv after the Zips, so toward the end of the game some OSU fans began filing into the restaurant. Some of them were seated @ the table next to mine. One of them got on his cell phone and called someone, telling them rather excitedly that Akron was actually on tv! Apparently he hadn't heard (again, presently that's okay; it's our reality - we all on this board fish for Zips info, but, currently, we are a rare breed.) When Akron scored the touchdown to beat NC State the OSU fans were cheering, arms raised to the sky, as if OSU had just beaten Michigan for the umpteenth time in a row. So, presently, I think it is probably a strategic error to make lifelong OSU fans feel as if they must completely abandon their love of the Sucks in order to be Zips fans. I'm hoping the next generation - our kids - will be raised PROPERLY and be true to their hometown team. But that's another 20 years away. Right now, I think I'm satisfied with growing the Zips fan base, even if many in that fan base still consider themselves to also be Buckeyes fans.

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We all know that a large portion of Suckeye fans are bandwagoners. In other words...when they look to be in contention for a national title, everyone is on the wagon. But right now, with no chance left, that faction of fans will TOTALLY lose interest. Sorry, but it's the reality. That's the only reason they were there in the first place. They just wanted to be a part of something big, which is not going to happen, and they'll subsequently just drift away into other interests this fall.
I think you have confused band-wagoners with front-runners.It's the front runners who get on board and associate themselves with a winner. These are the most insecure people in all of fan-dom. They actually need things like this to make themselves feel good in the social world. "Look, I'm a buckeyes fan. Buckeyes won again this weekend. I am great"Those are the people who will pretend they were never "fans" as soon as the loses start happening.The bandwagon people actually think they are fans. Because of this, their delusions about being a true fan continues through a few hard times as long as they believe the team will be good again soon. Don't expect the band-wagon people to burn their buckeyes apparel. Just don't expect them to wear it after a loss, or during a bad stretch. But they will pull it back out again after a few wins.I agree with Blue & Gold. I think we are not only unrealistic, but we look like babies, when we go around expecting people to become zips fans exclusively and we complain when they have a mind of their own. In someways, with all the things (in the media) working against the zips, we should just be happy to get new fans at all, even if they root for everyone else in the world (except Can't, lol) and guess what, some of them will be front-runners (when we win) and band-wagonners.
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I am not an OSU fan, and frankly, it is due to jealousy - I turn green with envy and rage everytime OSU is featured on the front page of our local paper, which is about 7 days a week. (So, needless to say, I am not in a healthy state!)However, as much as it pains me to do so, I generally try to keep those sentiments to myself. Currently, I don't think it does much good to try to make life-long OSU fans feel like they must choose between either Akron or OSU. If painted into that corner, I think 99% of greater Akron area sports fans will choose OSU. (Maybe right now, OSU deserves that following - they've been a successful program for nearly 100 years. Here at Akron, we are growing a program.) My hope is that we add to our numbers OSU fans who will also begin to follow the Zips. If, one day, they wake up and say to themselves, "Know what, I actually like the Zips more than the Sucks" great! If not, well... that's okay too; we Zips fans can't be too picky about who our fans are.I remember going to a restaurant a couple of years ago to watch the Zips - NC State game. OSU was on tv after the Zips, so toward the end of the game some OSU fans began filing into the restaurant. Some of them were seated @ the table next to mine. One of them got on his cell phone and called someone, telling them rather excitedly that Akron was actually on tv! Apparently he hadn't heard (again, presently that's okay; it's our reality - we all on this board fish for Zips info, but, currently, we are a rare breed.) When Akron scored the touchdown to beat NC State the OSU fans were cheering, arms raised to the sky, as if OSU had just beaten Michigan for the umpteenth time in a row. So, presently, I think it is probably a strategic error to make lifelong OSU fans feel as if they must completely abandon their love of the Sucks in order to be Zips fans. I'm hoping the next generation - our kids - will be raised PROPERLY and be true to their hometown team. But that's another 20 years away. Right now, I think I'm satisfied with growing the Zips fan base, even if many in that fan base still consider themselves to also be Buckeyes fans.
Outstanding post. If anyone would ever visit an OSU site,(I know you won'T) you would see that most of the fans there have the utmost respect for Akron and are excited when UA does well. When UA was in the MCB, there were a few threads wishing UA well and talking about the game. This hatred is certainly 1 sided.
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I am not an OSU fan, and frankly, it is due to jealousy - I turn green with envy and rage everytime OSU is featured on the front page of our local paper, which is about 7 days a week. (So, needless to say, I am not in a healthy state!)However, as much as it pains me to do so, I generally try to keep those sentiments to myself. Currently, I don't think it does much good to try to make life-long OSU fans feel like they must choose between either Akron or OSU. If painted into that corner, I think 99% of greater Akron area sports fans will choose OSU. (Maybe right now, OSU deserves that following - they've been a successful program for nearly 100 years. Here at Akron, we are growing a program.) My hope is that we add to our numbers OSU fans who will also begin to follow the Zips. If, one day, they wake up and say to themselves, "Know what, I actually like the Zips more than the Sucks" great! If not, well... that's okay too; we Zips fans can't be too picky about who our fans are.I remember going to a restaurant a couple of years ago to watch the Zips - NC State game. OSU was on tv after the Zips, so toward the end of the game some OSU fans began filing into the restaurant. Some of them were seated @ the table next to mine. One of them got on his cell phone and called someone, telling them rather excitedly that Akron was actually on tv! Apparently he hadn't heard (again, presently that's okay; it's our reality - we all on this board fish for Zips info, but, currently, we are a rare breed.) When Akron scored the touchdown to beat NC State the OSU fans were cheering, arms raised to the sky, as if OSU had just beaten Michigan for the umpteenth time in a row. So, presently, I think it is probably a strategic error to make lifelong OSU fans feel as if they must completely abandon their love of the Sucks in order to be Zips fans. I'm hoping the next generation - our kids - will be raised PROPERLY and be true to their hometown team. But that's another 20 years away. Right now, I think I'm satisfied with growing the Zips fan base, even if many in that fan base still consider themselves to also be Buckeyes fans.
Outstanding post. If anyone would ever visit an OSU site,(I know you won'T) you would see that most of the fans there have the utmost respect for Akron and are excited when UA does well. When UA was in the MCB, there were a few threads wishing UA well and talking about the game. This hatred is certainly 1 sided.
I'll agree with Buckzip on this. Outstanding post! My personal story closely relates to this topic in that I was born and bred in PA, thus I have been, and always will be a PSU fan. That DOES NOT stop me from be a die hard Zips fan and having ZIps season tickets for the last 22 years and for the next 22 years, and so on. I can root equally for both schools. It is rarely a conflict, except for those times when Akron does play at PSU. Then I wear Zips gear. Plus, I live in Akron and quite frankly, would rather drive the 15 minutes to the RB than the 3.5 hours to Beaver stadium. I don't think we have to compete with OSU for fans. And we don't need them to switch alliances completely. Just try make them aware that there IS another team in Ohio that's worth rooting for. One of the guys that tailgates with us is that way. That's cool with me. He follows OSU AND Akron. It really doesn't need to be an either/or. I will say, though, that I also really dislike with the fact that the BJ gives SO much paper to OSU in proportion to what the give UA. In my hometown papers they cover PSU thoroughly, but also give pretty near equal space to Bucknell, Susquehanna & Bloomsburg, all of which are NOT D-1 schools on the big stage.
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I will admit that I am both a OSU and Zips fan, although lately I have been ashamed to be a fan of the former of the two. However, lately I have started to drift away from being an OSU fan and towards a Zips fan because of the excitement factor. No, I am not a fair weather fan of the buckeyes, and no, I am not a bandwagoner, I am just a fan who has come to realize that a Zips season offers much more excitement where each win means something to us.Think about it... when was the last time you heard an OSU fan after a win during the regular season, namely in conference, say "That was a huge win. It's really going to help this team go to the next level and compete for the conference title"? Not recently at all. OSU has been, year in and year out, a Big 10 title contender. To OSU fans, ONE loss is devastating to their season because now the chances of competing for a BCS title are gone. To them, an 8-4 season is a rebuilding year. If OSU doesn't go to a bowl game, BCS or not, the season was a complete and total failure and probably would result in the firing of the head coach. The expectations at OSU are so sky-high, even the slightest loss is cause for the season to be deemed a failure. Conversely, look at ourselves, the Zips fans. At the beginning of this season, everyone and their mother picked us to finish dead last in the east, and IIRC, would rack up MAYBE 1 win (I need verification for that). Look at where we are now, sitting atop the East and contending for a MAC title. Yes, we haven't exactly played to our highest potential (I am thinking of 2 games right now we SHOULD have won), but we are WINNING and are sitting in good position. To us, MAKING it to a bowl game is our equivalent to a National Title. We all accept the reality that the BCS system isn't fair to us mid-major teams and essentially prevents us from ever having the opportunity to compete for a BCS title, but we take it in stride. To us, each and every win during the season is a big win and often goes a long way to improving the confidence of our team and propelling them to more wins, and ultimately to the possibility of winning the MAC title and heading to a Bowl game. You see... I am finding it to be much more exciting to be a Zips fan because of the complete uncertainty of how well we will do each season. When expectations are set low, its MUCH easier to meet and exceed those expectations, making everything seem that much better. When expectations are set high and you fail to even meet them, everything is a complete failure. THAT is why I love being a Zips fan.

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I'm enjoying the thoughtful discussion so far. Maybe we're all a little tired of rhetoric with the elections approaching :D I have a few points to add. Buckzip and sgm405, I agree that OSU will pretty much always get the pick of the litter here in Ohio. And since Akron will probably always focus the bulk of its recruiting in the Ohio/Western PA region, this is a definite "built-in" advantage. Will this advantage ever be eliminated? Probably not, but it could diminish somewhat over time given the right circumstances. The fate of college football programs can be difficult to predict. Witness SMU's crazy ride (pre and post death penalty) over the last 30 years or the rise and fall of Miami (Fla) or Snyder's miracle work at Kansas St or Boise State's ascendance.Demographics could possibly prevent the Zips from ever seeing a meteoric rise in program status, like the ones seen in Fresno, Boise, USF, etc. But a consistent improvement is certainly achievable with the resources that are now in place.Buckzip, your statement about the "hatred" being one-sided in the UA-OSU debate made me think. You probably have a point here. But is it better to be hated (in return) or to be ignored? I think that's where a lot of Zip fans who hold any resentment towards OSU are coming from. I think they'd at least like to be recognized and not ignored, whether it's by the media or by "Joe the Football Fan".Oh I do need to share a pretty funny (and related) story. I took my son, who is a Sr in HS this year, down to OSU for a campus visit last Friday. My whole family knows of my disdain for anything OSU-related, so I think it's a fair statement to say that I put aside my own personal feelings to support my son's interests. Anyway, we're in these tour groups and the guide is naturally a big Buckeye fan so he keeps trying to get our small group to do the whole "OH-IO" chant when we run into another tour group. True to form, this is where I simply had to draw the line. They must have done that goofy chant a dozen times, and each time I would stubbornly refuse to engage whatsoever.BTW, I grew up in PA as well BUT I always rooted for Pitt against Penn St in those days. So you think I might pull for OSU against PSU, right? Nahhhhhh!! :D

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Interesting and good points by many.I've never seen the OSU/Akron question as an Us vs. Them game. We need to become a good MAC team with a chance to win the conference every year. OSU needs to be an annual first place Big Ten team each year with a shot at getting blown out in the national championship game.All Akron is missing at this point to be a top notch MAC team is a QB like they have at CMU and BSU. Maybe I'll ruffle some feathers here, but Pryor would only be the third best QB in the MAC this year. Not only is he a below average passer, he has zero leadership skills (see him weeping on the bench for 15 minutes like Adam Morrison). Both CMU and BSU have better QBS. The guy at CMU runs equally as well and throws better. The guy at BSU is such a good thrower his running ability is irrelevant.The point is, let's not worry about OSU, let's worry about Akron and everything else will take care of itself.

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All Akron is missing at this point to be a top notch MAC team is a QB like they have at CMU and BSU.
love the rest of the post but I must respectfuly disagree with you here. Jaq is helping our O put up about 20-30 pts a game. problem is our D is giving up about 25-35. the only thing this team is realy missing to be a top notch MAC team is a D
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The point is, let's not worry about OSU, let's worry about Akron and everything else will take care of itself.
What he said.
Ditto.It's fine with me that the front-runners, bandwagoners and 99% of the state worry about OSU. The UA students and alumni that worry about them without supporting (buying tickets, gear, going to games, making donations ) the Zips is what irritates me and makes for a very small "us".
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All Akron is missing at this point to be a top notch MAC team is a QB like they have at CMU and BSU.
love the rest of the post but I must respectfuly disagree with you here. Jaq is helping our O put up about 20-30 pts a game. problem is our D is giving up about 25-35. the only thing this team is realy missing to be a top notch MAC team is a D
I can't disagree that Jacq us doing a serviceable job. How much better woud we be with the CMU and BSU QBs? I think we would be able to bridge the difference in scores more easily. We would be a much better team with the other two QBs.
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I'm enjoying the thoughtful discussion so far. Maybe we're all a little tired of rhetoric with the elections approaching :D I have a few points to add. Buckzip and sgm405, I agree that OSU will pretty much always get the pick of the litter here in Ohio. And since Akron will probably always focus the bulk of its recruiting in the Ohio/Western PA region, this is a definite "built-in" advantage. Will this advantage ever be eliminated? Probably not, but it could diminish somewhat over time given the right circumstances. The fate of college football programs can be difficult to predict. Witness SMU's crazy ride (pre and post death penalty) over the last 30 years or the rise and fall of Miami (Fla) or Snyder's miracle work at Kansas St or Boise State's ascendance.Demographics could possibly prevent the Zips from ever seeing a meteoric rise in program status, like the ones seen in Fresno, Boise, USF, etc. But a consistent improvement is certainly achievable with the resources that are now in place.Buckzip, your statement about the "hatred" being one-sided in the UA-OSU debate made me think. You probably have a point here. But is it better to be hated (in return) or to be ignored? I think that's where a lot of Zip fans who hold any resentment towards OSU are coming from. I think they'd at least like to be recognized and not ignored, whether it's by the media or by "Joe the Football Fan".Oh I do need to share a pretty funny (and related) story. I took my son, who is a Sr in HS this year, down to OSU for a campus visit last Friday. My whole family knows of my disdain for anything OSU-related, so I think it's a fair statement to say that I put aside my own personal feelings to support my son's interests. Anyway, we're in these tour groups and the guide is naturally a big Buckeye fan so he keeps trying to get our small group to do the whole "OH-IO" chant when we run into another tour group. True to form, this is where I simply had to draw the line. They must have done that goofy chant a dozen times, and each time I would stubbornly refuse to engage whatsoever.BTW, I grew up in PA as well BUT I always rooted for Pitt against Penn St in those days. So you think I might pull for OSU against PSU, right? Nahhhhhh!! :D
Johnny, I agree with the part about being ignored. However, that is the local media doing that. It is not the fault of OSU. Not to bring politics into this, because I don't want to, but it is extremely obvious that the main stream media is competely behind Obama in this election. I don't blame that on Obama. I blame that on the media.
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All Akron is missing at this point to be a top notch MAC team is a QB like they have at CMU and BSU.
love the rest of the post but I must respectfuly disagree with you here. Jaq is helping our O put up about 20-30 pts a game. problem is our D is giving up about 25-35. the only thing this team is realy missing to be a top notch MAC team is a D
I can't disagree that Jacq us doing a serviceable job. How much better woud we be with the CMU and BSU QBs? I think we would be able to bridge the difference in scores more easily. We would be a much better team with the other two QBs.
I agree that Jacq isn't the best QB out there, but he is not the biggest problem. Sure you can say, if we had another QB, but you could also say, if we had another DT, or LB or CB too. The defense is our problem. When you put up 28 points a game, you should win most of your games.
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I'm enjoying the thoughtful discussion so far. Maybe we're all a little tired of rhetoric with the elections approaching :D I have a few points to add. Buckzip and sgm405, I agree that OSU will pretty much always get the pick of the litter here in Ohio. And since Akron will probably always focus the bulk of its recruiting in the Ohio/Western PA region, this is a definite "built-in" advantage. Will this advantage ever be eliminated? Probably not, but it could diminish somewhat over time given the right circumstances. The fate of college football programs can be difficult to predict. Witness SMU's crazy ride (pre and post death penalty) over the last 30 years or the rise and fall of Miami (Fla) or Snyder's miracle work at Kansas St or Boise State's ascendance.Demographics could possibly prevent the Zips from ever seeing a meteoric rise in program status, like the ones seen in Fresno, Boise, USF, etc. But a consistent improvement is certainly achievable with the resources that are now in place.Buckzip, your statement about the "hatred" being one-sided in the UA-OSU debate made me think. You probably have a point here. But is it better to be hated (in return) or to be ignored? I think that's where a lot of Zip fans who hold any resentment towards OSU are coming from. I think they'd at least like to be recognized and not ignored, whether it's by the media or by "Joe the Football Fan".Oh I do need to share a pretty funny (and related) story. I took my son, who is a Sr in HS this year, down to OSU for a campus visit last Friday. My whole family knows of my disdain for anything OSU-related, so I think it's a fair statement to say that I put aside my own personal feelings to support my son's interests. Anyway, we're in these tour groups and the guide is naturally a big Buckeye fan so he keeps trying to get our small group to do the whole "OH-IO" chant when we run into another tour group. True to form, this is where I simply had to draw the line. They must have done that goofy chant a dozen times, and each time I would stubbornly refuse to engage whatsoever.BTW, I grew up in PA as well BUT I always rooted for Pitt against Penn St in those days. So you think I might pull for OSU against PSU, right? Nahhhhhh!! :D
Johnny, I agree with the part about being ignored. However, that is the local media doing that. It is not the fault of OSU. Not to bring politics into this, because I don't want to, but it is extremely obvious that the main stream media is competely behind Obama in this election. I don't blame that on Obama. I blame that on the media.
I feel the same way. if the media threw us all this attention I highly doubt we would turn it down. and if we did we would be idiots
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just did the math and our O gets 28ppg problem is our D gives up 33ppg
What this tells me is the Zips need to average 34 points per game.
It is funny in an odd way.Just to prove that offense is the key to victory and success, BSU and CMU are averaging 37.5 and 32 points per game respectively. A lot of teams fall apart trying to keep up with the scoring onslaught and the panic it creates. 28 ppg would not beat either of these teams and if we averaged 34 points per game, we still wouldn't beat BSU. College football is not the NFL where 24 points should win a game. College football has become a sport where, like it or not, much larger point totals are necessary weekly. Spread offenses are really pouring on points and in order for the Zips to win week in and week out, they have to put up tons of points. I actually like all of the scoring that goes on now...it makes Saturday much more exciting. Big 12 games are wildly exciting because of the scoring.
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