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16 Game Thoughts in 16 Minutes

Captain Kangaroo

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That's all got --1.) The personal foul on Kemme (of all people) was crippling. It made an 85% certain 35-yarder a 20% certain 50-yarder. It hit the crossbar. You KNEW that would come back to bite us.2.) Igor missed a chip shot early on, but overall he has been solid. I'd still take him over about any MAC kicker.3.) The delay of game seemed to be crippling (on the FG) but were we really trying to kick the ball, or just trying to get Buffalo off side because it was at the limit of Igor's range?4.) Jacq has improved SO much since last season. Taking the team 80 yards down the field to tie things up was really clutch. It is tough to find fault in him...but if he wants to be a marquee MAC QB next season, he has to shake his late-game jitters. He's almost "there," but he's still lacking the confidence and late-game poise that we need from his position to win these kind of close games.5.) I shook the hands of several Buffalo fans after the game. They played a great game. They didn't make many mistakes. We did. It's pretty much been the same story all season...if we don't beat ourselves, we win. 6.) Kennedy fumbled twice (maybe the one in OT wasn't his fault) last night. Had he ever fumbled previously in his career? If he had, I can't remember it. Overall, DK has been a horse down the stretch. I wish he'd played like this his entire career instead of book-ending his career this way. 7.) I wonder if this is the was Andrew Johnson figured his senior season would end up? Probably not. 8.) The OL has protected on of Division 1's most immobile QB's flawlessly this season. And run-blocked unbelievably well. We've had better individuals on the line over the past several seasons, but none have played this well as a unit.9.) Buffalo's defense is worse than ours, but their offense is better. Not better athletes, but IMO better execution and better play-calling. 10.) Bryan Williams has been a major disappointment. I really thought he'd be a hard-hitting ballhawk. It hasn't happened.11.) Aaron Williams is the new Jay Rohr. Undersized, but active as hell. 12 - 16) All the stuff above has probably been said before. I'll throw in a personal final Rubber Bowl memory for something a little different.As the 4th quarter wound to completion and the OT's progressed, my 7 year old son and I raced back and forth to follow the action and scream our lungs out. When that last Buffalo FG split the uprights, the kids burst into tears like I've never seen. We stayed through the entire post-game ceremony and, although he bit his lip as hard as he could, the tears couldn't stop flowing. I tried every "dad" thing in my arsenal to cheer him up, but to no avail. After the game he asked if he could walk on the field. I said "sure," took his hand and walked him down the ramp. A security guard stopped us - "Turn around!" I tried to explain that we just wanted to walk on the field..but the rent-a-cop wasn't really feeling too sympathetic. Obviously this didn't go over too well with the already profoundly distraught 7 year old.I told my son I was going to drop him over the rail. Once he hit the ground, I told him "RUN LIKE HELL...and don't stop until you get to the A logo @ the 50! I'll be right behind you." I tossed the kid over the edge and he started running. I then hop over, and the security woman spots us. "SIR...SIR...SIR!" and she raced towards us. "RUN LIKE HELL SON!!" We were off to the races. The kid was laughing like hell. I was too. The security guard kept up for about 25 yards, but she soon faded. We blended in with the football alumni milling about on the field, and the rest is history. I had a lot of great memories of the Rubber Bowl...friends, tailgates , games, individual plays...too many to mention. The final father-son security-avoiding sprint across the field ranks my all time favorite. I'm sure my son will never forget it...he was laughing about it this morning as he ate his cereal (on about 5 1/2 hours sleep).A special "Thank You" to the rent-a-cop that made it all possible. ;):wave:

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What does it say about where our society is headed when EVERYTHING seems to be policed to the hilt.Great story and memory for you and your son CK. Great way to close out your final night at the Rubber Bowl. Too bad UA couldn't find a way to let everyone walk onto the field and look around one last time. Too much "risk and liability" I guess ...

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I wanted AK-Rowdies hanging off the goal post SOOOO bad last night.
We thought about it... we wanted too. Too bad there were at least 4 event staff and 5 cops in front of us... even had a freaking K-9 unit ready and waiting. Idunno about you, but Im not going to try and challenge that.
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Great story CK.I had my own issues with the bowl patrol not letting me take some of the fibberglass seating covers. I don't know why they wanted to keep those but it kinda put a bad taste in my mouth for the night (as if the game wasn't enough) but overall I'm very proud to be able to say I was there for such a historic event

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Great story. One day your son will understand that grown men still cry, we just do it on the inside.I salute you for your action. :thumb: Me, I would have been stupid and listened to the rent-a-cop and left the stadium with an emotionally crushed son. Good for you.As for the game,the missed kick (1st down on the 12 and no points) and Kemme personal foul really did hurt them.My biggest problem with Jacq is the continued deep passes into coverage when a shorter pass may be open. This isn't a 4th quarter problem, he seems to do it in pretty much every quarter. He really needs to learn how to check down.Kennedy fumbled twice. On the OT fumble, the comment I saw in the ABJ was that Jacq said that the play was based on a read. Jacq read the defensive end to make it a QB keeper, Kennedy did not. Still, Kennedy did so much in that game I can't blame him for the loss. Without him, they wouldn't have had a chance. The second fumble occurred in the 4th OT, had the game ended anytime before that, the fumble would not have happened.This was definitely a memorable game.

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Nice summary and and even nicer story, Cap'n.Did anyone else wonder why it took so long for Shawn Lemon to see the field last night? He also wasn't in the game for as many plays as he has been lately. Does anybody have any information?One other comment I have concerns the awesome play call on the Kennedy middle screen for a TD against the blitz. Yes, I also had complaints about playcalling last night, but they sure nailed it on that one. Did anyone else have flushbacks from the Motor City Bowl? I seem to recall a very similar play to Biggs against (once again) an all out Memphis blitz that was hugely successful.

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Captain......that is a great post !!I took my wife's hand after the game, and somehow walked onto the field after the ceremony unopposed. It reminded me of those other times I did the same thing, such as the night Darren Alcorn kicked the 56 yard field goal. Except, this time it was for nostalgia, and not for a win. But it was cool since I know so many former players. What upset me greatly was the security people who chose to NOT let many of us re-enter after halftime tailgate parties. WAKE UP. I've supported this program with loyalty and money over the last 30 years, and they are going to do that? You wouldn't believe the number of people standing out there that said, "We've been doing this for decades...and you are going to stop us on the final game"? We eventually snuck into an open gate, but I thought it was a crying shame that they decided to snub us after being so lenient about that policy for 30 years. Doesn't make sense. And a lot of long-time fans were quite upset. I'm sure the U does not want to alienate these people, but the damage is done. Now...on the game points...#3...I'm convinced we were going to kick, until the penalty.#4...I couldn't assess Jac's improvement any better myself.#7...I think AJ had one carry last night. I'm sure he indeed didn't see things ending up this way for him.#9...Buffalo did a great job of execution. My only peeve is that we forced them into several 3rd and 4th downs late in the game, and could not make the stops. Not a knock on our defense, who played as good as we could expect. But, when it counted, they made plays.#11...As I said before, we need playmakers like Mackey and Stokes used to be on our defense. We don't seem to have any right now. But, maybe Aaron Williams is starting to emerge as one of those guys.

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Great posts on the board last night and today, and this thread is maybe the best. As I thought about the game today, I could remember precious few clear mistakes that Buffalo made last night, but could clearly remember quite a few that we made. To me, that's all that matters. They avoided the death-by-hundred-cuts and we didn't. I was really surprised that it went down to the wire, considering the borg-like efficiency that it felt to me that Buffalo was operating with last night, at least on offense. I looked at one of the people I was there with, at one point, and asked how many times Stark would get the dumpoff in the flat with no Zips defender within 5 yards of him. I asked at almost the beginning of the 4th quarter; I was going a little bonkers watching that happen over and over and over.Still though, a helluva game you have to admit! Today I'm disappointed, but not in that kind of way where you're just disgusted and almost want nothing to do with the team. It's really almost more pure melancholy and sadness at the way things ended when the team played so hard. There was a team-fan chemistry that I have rarely, if ever, seen before in play last night. The Zips on the sideline frequently, especially starting in the 4th quarter, were pleading with the fans for loud or quiet, looking a lot into the stands to (I think) gauge the crowd. They were into the crowd and the crowd was into them. I don't know how the sidelines and distances will work out at InfoSumma, but I hope the fans are even closer to the field (assume they will be) so that there can be more of that fan/team engagement during games.Lastly, if InfoSumma is the success we all hope for, all of the long-time fans should be prepared for a much more regimented experience than has been the norm at the Rubber Bowl. I predict larger crowds, more enforcement of rules, including sitting where your tix place you, etc. The almost-glorified-high-school football experience that was on display at the RB, including the sometimes high school sized crowds, it's all going to go away. Now, let's hope we catch a few breaks, and that the WR corps works on catching the ball, and maybe, just maybe we'll get a post-season gig and keep the band together for one last show.GO ZIPS!SeeTeeZip

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Last night's game really expresses how much of a close-knit community we are. I think everyone is on the same page with this loss and it's the first time I've seen it since I came to the U of A 3 years ago. I haven't missed a home game in two years and last night was hard for me. I can't imagine what those of you who have been doing it for 10, 20, and 30 years must've felt like. But everyone seems to be putting it into the right perspective. We fought hard and that's really all that we've ever wanted out of our guys. Unfortunately the cards came up short for the good guys but all we can do is look ahead to the end of this year and the beginning of a new era at the Info. That was the most electric atmosphere I've ever been a part of and I can't wait to do it again next year at a brand new facility. While I wish I could've had more, I still say thanks for all the memories, Rubber Bowl. They will not be soon forgotten.

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Captain......that is a great post !! .................................................................What upset me greatly was the security people who chose to NOT let many of us re-enter after halftime tailgate parties. WAKE UP. I've supported this program with loyalty and money over the last 30 years, and they are going to do that? You wouldn't believe the number of people standing out there that said, "We've been doing this for decades...and you are going to stop us on the final game"? We eventually snuck into an open gate, but I thought it was a crying shame that they decided to snub us after being so lenient about that policy for 30 years. Doesn't make sense. And a lot of long-time fans were quite upset. I'm sure the U does not want to alienate these people, but the damage is done.
What I would like to know is how you got back into the stadium during the last 30 years. I learned my lesson about five years ago when I was told that I couldn't smoke in the stadium, so I stepped just outside a gate and stood there and smoked a cigarette not five feet from a Rent-A-Cop. The SOB wouldn't let me back in and I had to buy another ticket just to get back inside. The same policy applied to the JAR, not that I smoke anymore. The University doesn't really care about the convenience of its patrons, and I am not really sure what they care about sometimes.
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ZipAlumn....like one of my friends always reminds us....just keep walking and hope nobody says anything, and that's worked almost every time. Honestly, I've done it dozens of times. There always seemed to be an unattended gate somewhere by the start of the 2nd half. The difference this time was that we got stopped at several gates by the yellow jacketed rent a cops. We had to go down to the last gate to find one that was not attended. I know the policy...but it was just upsetting to me that they were giving away tickets to this game, but were going to try to make me go to the ticket counter a buy a ticket to get back in.....on the final night....when they literally begged the Akron community to come to this game? I'm surprised that they used THIS night to enforce that policy so strictly. Maybe I've just been lucky all of these years, and they do indeed try to keep everyone from re-entering. Anyway...it's a bad policy when you tick off long time suppporters, it's the 2nd half, and the stadium is 1/2 empty.

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4.) Jacq has improved SO much since last season. Taking the team 80 yards down the field to tie things up was really clutch. It is tough to find fault in him...but if he wants to be a marquee MAC QB next season, he has to shake his late-game jitters. He's almost "there," but he's still lacking the confidence and late-game poise that we need from his position to win these kind of close games.couldn't agree more. 8.) The OL has protected on of Division 1's most immobile QB's flawlessly this season. And run-blocked unbelievably well. We've had better individuals on the line over the past several seasons, but none have played this well as a unit.couldn't agree more and the line will only get better next year as 4 return and estrada should be a good replacement for kemme10.) Bryan Williams has been a major disappointment. I really thought he'd be a hard-hitting ballhawk. It hasn't happened.here's my question on b will. he supports the run well but i ofter wonder why he lines up covering the slot on passing downs. i know we play a zone and he tends to get lost in space. would love to see him used more in blitz packages. saw a little of that last game. 11.) Aaron Williams is the new Jay Rohr. Undersized, but active as hell. aside from grant who has really stepped up, he's been one of the few impact players on d when he's on the field. 12 - 16) All the stuff above has probably been said before. I'll throw in a personal final Rubber Bowl memory for something a little different.As the 4th quarter wound to completion and the OT's progressed, my 7 year old son and I raced back and forth to follow the action and scream our lungs out. When that last Buffalo FG split the uprights, the kids burst into tears like I've never seen. We stayed through the entire post-game ceremony and, although he bit his lip as hard as he could, the tears couldn't stop flowing. I tried every "dad" thing in my arsenal to cheer him up, but to no avail. After the game he asked if he could walk on the field. I said "sure," took his hand and walked him down the ramp. A security guard stopped us - "Turn around!" I tried to explain that we just wanted to walk on the field..but the rent-a-cop wasn't really feeling too sympathetic. Obviously this didn't go over too well with the already profoundly distraught 7 year old.I told my son I was going to drop him over the rail. Once he hit the ground, I told him "RUN LIKE HELL...and don't stop until you get to the A logo @ the 50! I'll be right behind you." I tossed the kid over the edge and he started running. I then hop over, and the security woman spots us. "SIR...SIR...SIR!" and she raced towards us. "RUN LIKE HELL SON!!" We were off to the races. The kid was laughing like hell. I was too. The security guard kept up for about 25 yards, but she soon faded. We blended in with the football alumni milling about on the field, and the rest is history. I had a lot of great memories of the Rubber Bowl...friends, tailgates , games, individual plays...too many to mention. The final father-son security-avoiding sprint across the field ranks my all time favorite. I'm sure my son will never forget it...he was laughing about it this morning as he ate his cereal (on about 5 1/2 hours sleep).A special "Thank You" to the rent-a-cop that made it all possible. ;):wave:awesome story!this loss still hurts! the one thing that hurts the most is how close this team is to being really good. the positive is that this a young team and this is what young teams do. this team will find ways to close games out soon and will be really good next year as this young team will become a veteran team. looking forward to akron ending the regular season with another two game win streak and getting 6 road wins! that would be a huge boost for the program. :screwks:

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You know.. that is something many people have been overlooking. The Zips have been performing exceptionally well on the road. Normally going on the road is the toughest part, but Akron has shown they have the swagger to go into someone else's house and come out with a win. Now, having 1 win at home all season is not good at all, but the road wins show this team has the potential to be real good.

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You know.. that is something many people have been overlooking. The Zips have been performing exceptionally well on the road. Normally going on the road is the toughest part, but Akron has shown they have the swagger to go into someone else's house and come out with a win. Now, having 1 win at home all season is not good at all, but the road wins show this team has the potential to be real good.
This is a good point, even if all the road teams happen to be under 0.500. It's just plain weird how every home opponent but one (UT) will likely be a winning team, while all the road opponents will likely be losing teams. Nevertheless, it IS difficult to win on the road in the FBS no matter what. And if the Zips end up with 5 or 6 road wins, that's still something no other UA team can claim. I have a buddy who used to call Lee Owens, Lee "0 Wins" because the Zips really struggled on the road during his tenure :lol:
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this loss still hurts! the one thing that hurts the most is how close this team is to being really good. the positive is that this a young team and this is what young teams do. this team will find ways to close games out soon and will be really good next year as this young team will become a veteran team. looking forward to akron ending the regular season with another two game win streak and getting 6 road wins! that would be a huge boost for the program.
It is frustrating because we were so close. But if we do win the next two (and hey they are both on the road against losing teams), we end at 7-5. That's not a bad finish and with the big conferences looking to be having trouble filling their bowl slots, at 7-5 there is a very good chance we could go because 7-5 teams have to go before non-bowl affiliated 6-6 teams. Its not over yet, even though the odds of winning the East are very, very, small now.
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