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Loyal Supporter Passes


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Thanks for bringing up this topic GP.I don't think I can ever remember a time where I walked into the Tommy Evans Lounge before a basketball game, and she wasn't there. And reading about all of the road trips she used to make is just astounding. What a great fan!!If any of you saw the story, I found something very interesting. They talk about how her father exposed her to Akron sports at a young age by taking her to football practices. Is this not a lesson to us all to make sure we bring our kids to these things as often as possible to instill our own loyalties in them, and hopefully even grow our fanbase in the coming years?If not, we all know what happens.....they'll start cheering for that red and silver team before we have a chance.

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I met her at the Spring Game 2 years ago; Wonderful lady...and it became obvious after just a few minutes talking to her how devoted to the Zips she was. She'll be greatly missed.

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She was a great lady. I was extremely sad when I saw that she had passed. She always tried her hardest to be at as many of our home matches as she could during my four years at Akron. She was the nicest lady that I had ever met and she will greatly be missed. My condolences to her family.

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I was afraid when I got to work today that I would have bad news facing me. But heaven forbid it would come in reading the ZipsNation. I can't express my sadness. There's really no way to underestimate how great a loss this is for the Akron athletic program, for university athletics depend on people like Barb to do -- without pay -- what cannot and will not ever be done by paid staffs. This is like losing a coach, or a superstar athlete. Zeke's Mom, and many other future Zips' family may not have met Barb, but you would have, and you would have enjoyed her company, as so may of us did.I believe I first met Barb in 2000 in Portland (and later in Seattle, Cleveland, Albuquerque, and even amazingly at McKinley High School in Honolulu). I walked up the grandstand stairs at Harry Merlo Soccer Field, and she called out to me, as soon as she saw my "Akron" T-shirt, to join the cheering section for the game against the Pilots. Barb never met a soul she didn't like, and I'm pretty sure that went both ways. Some tried to compete with her, but no one ever surpassed her love and spirit in being the top Zips fan. I hope that I can meet more of the Zips Nation on the road, and I will be thinking of Barb as we travel that road together.Go Zips!

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A truly sad passing. Barb is much loved, admired and respected by the Zips and fans.Not only was she LOYAL; she followed her Zips with a PASSION.I recall asking her about what concerns she possessed when Ken Lolla bailed on the Zips.Her response surprised me. It was a prophecy that came true. She simply said that Caleb Porter would quickly make us forget Ken What's-His-Name.

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The first time I met Barbara "Bunny" Hlivko was at Purdue where she took a road trip to watch the lowly rifle team. She asked me where I was from and then promptly verbally gave me my entire bio on gozips.com. Words like loyal and passionate do not give her justice. She was Akron's #1 fan, no argument. I've been lucky enough to get to know her and despite the age difference, she became a close friend of mine. She even came to my graduation as my guest last spring when my parents didn't. I know I for one will miss her dearly.DSCN1269.jpg

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I shared a breakfast table with her at the hotel in Portland. Very nice lady. What a shame.
lol... she was a consistent lurker here at zipsnation and she would always ask me "Who is Captain Kangaroo?". she probably didn't even realize that she finally got to meet you in the flesh.
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A real loss is felt. Barb wasnt just a fan, she lived, breathed , and bled blue and gold. As much of a fan as I am, I pale in comparison. Just goes to show how fragile and short life is. I wasnt fortunate enough to make the Portland trip but I did recall seeing her at the Q on championship night. Ill remember her with that smile as she walked the court post game. We're all better for having known her. Too bad she couldnt experience the Info stadium.

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Oh, very sad. Wow.For 5 years of road games I can't recall her missing any of them. She was The #1 organizer responsible for bringing together alum at our away games.On top of it all, a wonderful, wonderful person.I'm saddened greatly.RIP

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