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OMG! B McKnight suspended


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For the first time I am starting to think the lack of discipline is KD's fault.This is the THIRD starting player suspended this year (the first was the STARTING QB for football). That worked out real well for the coach, I mean X coach.This is absurd. You can't win big games without your stars.
Sure lets turn into Can't and let our players do stupid shit and run the team. Would you be proud of a team full of thugs and bad students that wins?
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For the first time I am starting to think the lack of discipline is KD's fault.This is the THIRD starting player suspended this year (the first was the STARTING QB for football). That worked out real well for the coach, I mean X coach.This is absurd. You can't win big games without your stars.
Absolutely wrong.You don't look the other way, this isn't K-ent.These are STUDENT athletes. As coach said in the pregame, "We continue to have low tolerance, no player is bigger than the program." I love it.
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For the first time I am starting to think the lack of discipline is KD's fault.This is the THIRD starting player suspended this year (the first was the STARTING QB for football). That worked out real well for the coach, I mean X coach.This is absurd. You can't win big games without your stars.
Absolutely wrong.You don't look the other way, this isn't K-ent.These are STUDENT athletes. As coach said in the pregame, "We continue to have low tolerance, no player is bigger than the program." I love it.
At the end of the season, all that counts is the final standings. No one is going to remember that we could have should have would have won with humpty/brett/whoever gets suspended next.
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For the first time I am starting to think the lack of discipline is KD's fault.This is the THIRD starting player suspended this year (the first was the STARTING QB for football). That worked out real well for the coach, I mean X coach.This is absurd. You can't win big games without your stars.
Absolutely wrong.You don't look the other way, this isn't K-ent.These are STUDENT athletes. As coach said in the pregame, "We continue to have low tolerance, no player is bigger than the program." I love it.
At the end of the season, all that counts is the final standings. No one is going to remember that we could have should have would have won with humpty/brett/whoever gets suspended next.
I'm embarrassed that you're a Zip fan. Go root for Can't.
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At the end of the season, all that counts is the final standings. No one is going to remember that we could have should have would have won with humpty/brett/whoever gets suspended next.
I could not disagree more.The key principle is INTEGRITY.The players, the coaches, the fans, the community are all affected by personal integrity or the lack of it.It has taken a while for Jody Kest to weather personnel problems on her team. She has done aremarkable job. Now she has the respect of the community and her players. No one is countingold basketball game loses.Now, I have no clue as to what caused Brett to be suspended. However, I do know his father personally.I would not care to be Brett right now. If any of you think coach Dambrot is hard on Brett, you haveanother thought coming. Phil McKnight is a no nonsense upstanding man. He will right his son. Count on it.
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For the first time I am starting to think the lack of discipline is KD's fault.This is the THIRD starting player suspended this year (the first was the STARTING QB for football). That worked out real well for the coach, I mean X coach.This is absurd. You can't win big games without your stars.
Absolutely wrong.You don't look the other way, this isn't K-ent.These are STUDENT athletes. As coach said in the pregame, "We continue to have low tolerance, no player is bigger than the program." I love it.
At the end of the season, all that counts is the final standings. No one is going to remember that we could have should have would have won with humpty/brett/whoever gets suspended next.
I'm embarrassed that you're a Zip fan. Go root for Can't.
I've been a Zips fan longer than you have been alive.At the end of the day it is the W column that counts.Winning isn't everything. It's the ONLY thing.
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For the first time I am starting to think the lack of discipline is KD's fault.This is the THIRD starting player suspended this year (the first was the STARTING QB for football). That worked out real well for the coach, I mean X coach.This is absurd. You can't win big games without your stars.
Absolutely wrong.You don't look the other way, this isn't K-ent.These are STUDENT athletes. As coach said in the pregame, "We continue to have low tolerance, no player is bigger than the program." I love it.
At the end of the season, all that counts is the final standings. No one is going to remember that we could have should have would have won with humpty/brett/whoever gets suspended next.
I'm embarrassed that you're a Zip fan. Go root for Can't.
I've been a Zips fan longer than you have been alive.At the end of the day it is the W column that counts.Winning isn't everything. It's the ONLY thing.
Wow last I checked this is college sports, not pros.....If this is school related whats more important....that a kid sits one game to figure out schools important and get a degree and a job, or a kid play this game we win one game maybe, never learns his lesson and fails outta school or dosen't get his degree....their student athletes...THE STUDENT STILL COMES FIRST
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I've been a Zips fan longer than you have been alive.At the end of the day it is the W column that counts.Winning isn't everything. It's the ONLY thing.
So your argument is, "I'm old, therefore I'm right." Whatever. :rolleyes:
You'll be old someday. Hopefully.We don't even know what he was suspended for. So I can't blindly back the coach who suspended another starter last week (and we LOST that game) without knowing the details.Some of the players we had in the late 60's/early 70's were not children of privilege, to say the least. But they were poetry in motion on the court.It's about winning, or don't bother.Not that I would support a player that commits a crime or uses drugs. But we don't know why he was suspended, and I won't just assume the worst.
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Hey '71, I've got 15+ years on you-- the program comes first-- you can defiy the coach or the rules you just have to be willing to pay the penalty an Brett is paying it. I have no idea what he did but like GoZips said Phil McKnight will put his 2 cents in also.

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Not that I would support a player that commits a crime or uses drugs. But we don't know why he was suspended, and I won't just assume the worst.
Don't complain about Jacq then :rolleyes:
lol. honestly dude, maybe that's a new word for you since I'm such a young'n...root for Can't. We do it the right way here. We'll have a younger fanbase ;)
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For the first time I am starting to think the lack of discipline is KD's fault.This is the THIRD starting player suspended this year (the first was the STARTING QB for football). That worked out real well for the coach, I mean X coach.This is absurd. You can't win big games without your stars.
So, you blame KD for the lack of discipline, but then criticize him for disciplining one of those players. You're contradicting yourself.
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For the first time I am starting to think the lack of discipline is KD's fault.This is the THIRD starting player suspended this year (the first was the STARTING QB for football). That worked out real well for the coach, I mean X coach.This is absurd. You can't win big games without your stars.
So, you blame KD for the lack of discipline, but then criticize him for disciplining one of those players. You're contradicting yourself.
The coach has to be able to maintain control without resorting to sanctions. That is his job. The fact that he has now suspended two starters speak volumes to his lack of control of the team.when you get older you will understand that.
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Anyone for guns in the locker room if it will help the Zips win?DISCLAIMER: I suppose it needs to be said that B. McKnight did not bring a gun into the locker room. This is purely a hypothetical question to those who seem so quick to excuse any player indiscretion in blind pursuit of winning at any cost.

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So I can't blindly back the coach who suspended another starter last week (and we LOST that game) without knowing the details.
But you can blindly slam the coach without knowing the details?Perhaps that's proof that old age doesn't overcome a lack of perspective or priorities.Go Zips!
I am not slamming the coach. I am saying that two suspensions of starters in a week shows lack of control.
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