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LeBron to Have MVP Press Conference at the JAR


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I was at the event. Yeah, LeBron did it last year at SVSM, and he did it this year at the JAR because he played almost as many games in the JAR as he did at his high school.

I want to know how they managed to get that car onto the court. There's no way to get it inside the building without removing the door frames.

LeBron said that he originally intended on having the event in the football stadium, but the threat of rain caused them to move it indoors.

I also saw Zeke and CJ Oldham sitting in the crowd. Plenty of people mistook Zeke for some unannounced NBA player.

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love LBJ as a baller but you can't tell me he is humble when he has the words "chosen one" tattooed on his back

But he is the Chosen One.

Stating the facts and backing it up doesn't make you any less humble.

Now if Kobe had it tattooed on him, that's a different story!

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Some dumb broad from the Beacon asked Lebron, "what was your reason for coming back to Akron U?"

I try so hard to get past that whole nickname, but when our stinking newspaper calls it Akron U...

Marla Ridenour is God awful. She really doesn't seem any bit knowledgeable about sports and definitely shouldn't be one of their main sports writers.

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love LBJ as a baller but you can't tell me he is humble when he has the words "chosen one" tattooed on his back

I thought it was mandatory that all tattoos be stupid. :D

In any case, the world's greatest basketball player having "chosen one" tattooed on his back is still more humble to me than, for example, someone with minimal life accomplishments noisily self-proclaiming their own greatness. There are plenty of examples of trash-talking self-promoters like that on radio, TV, and posting on forums across the internet trying to tear other people down to build themselves up. On the humble scale, some of those folks make LeBron look like Mother Teresa, tattoo or not.

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It's a little hard to understand why anyone would take issue with BronBron accepting the MVP at the JAR. I suppose that it's become so rare for any piece of decent news to be heard in Akron that when something un-bad happens here some become skeptical. Can't you just enjoy that he won MVP #2 and has not utterly abandoned this place?

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It's a little hard to understand why anyone would take issue with BronBron accepting the MVP at the JAR. I suppose that it's become so rare for any piece of decent news to be heard in Akron that when something un-bad happens here some become skeptical. Can't you just enjoy that he won MVP #2 and has not utterly abandoned this place?

I don't think anyone is taking issue. He can do whatever he wants.

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Can someone please explain something to me....why would anyone waste their Sunday going to see a guy hold a press conference for himself?

It used to be that when a guy won an award, he humbly accepted it in a small ceremony or before a playoff game. Then he would either answer some media questions or play a game. This is strange and self serving if you ask me.

1) To show support for our star player

2) To show appreciation for him choosing The University of Akron - out of all of the places in the world - for his press conference.

3) To show appreciation for bringing every national media outlet to the JAR, which offers both Akron and UA incredible exposure.

4) To show appreciation for visually relating incredible success to Akron, The University of Akron, and Keith Dambrot.

5) Because in Cleveland and NE Ohio, it's very rare for us to have something/somebody so great in sports. We need to appreciate it while we have it, and look no further than the Cleveland Indians for a perfect example of that.

Sorry, I'm just not buying LBJ is doing this for UofA. I'm also not buying it does anything for the BB program. If he really wanted to have a press conference going back to his roots, he would have it at St. V-M. He want's UofA because it provides a bigger arena for him to promote himself.

I know a lot of you want to believe LBJ sits around thinking about this stuff all day long, but he actually has people think about these things for him. This is a marketing creation by the geniuses at Nike. A commercial won't be far behind.

Does LeBron gain from this? Absolutely. Him accepting in front of his hometown fans and bringing his teammates on stage does wonders for his image.

But I just don't see how you don't see how this is good for Akron. How often do you hear "Akron" numerous times on national television? How often does James A. Rhodes Arena and Akron, Ohio appear on every sports station in the United States like it will be tonight? Akron certainly gained a lot of positive exposure from this this. It's a win-win for everyone involved. Seems to me like you might be the biggest fan of LBJ...and that's fine. But to say Akron getting this exposure is a bad thing just doesn't make much sense to me.

The best basketball player in the world hails from Akron, Ohio, and he reminds people nationally about that fact all the time. How that is a bad thing, I do not know.

Oh, and he had last year's presser at St. V...

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Can someone please explain something to me....why would anyone waste their Sunday going to see a guy hold a press conference for himself?

It used to be that when a guy won an award, he humbly accepted it in a small ceremony or before a playoff game. Then he would either answer some media questions or play a game. This is strange and self serving if you ask me.

1) To show support for our star player

2) To show appreciation for him choosing The University of Akron - out of all of the places in the world - for his press conference.

3) To show appreciation for bringing every national media outlet to the JAR, which offers both Akron and UA incredible exposure.

4) To show appreciation for visually relating incredible success to Akron, The University of Akron, and Keith Dambrot.

5) Because in Cleveland and NE Ohio, it's very rare for us to have something/somebody so great in sports. We need to appreciate it while we have it, and look no further than the Cleveland Indians for a perfect example of that.

Sorry, I'm just not buying LBJ is doing this for UofA. I'm also not buying it does anything for the BB program. If he really wanted to have a press conference going back to his roots, he would have it at St. V-M. He want's UofA because it provides a bigger arena for him to promote himself.

I know a lot of you want to believe LBJ sits around thinking about this stuff all day long, but he actually has people think about these things for him. This is a marketing creation by the geniuses at Nike. A commercial won't be far behind.

Does LeBron gain from this? Absolutely. But how often do you hear "Akron" numerous times on national television? How often does James A. Rhodes Arena and Akron, Ohio appear on every sports station in the United States like it will be tonight? Akron certainly gained a lot of positive exposure from this this.

It's a win-win for everyone involved. Seems to me like you might be the biggest fan of LBJ...and that's fine. But to say Akron getting this exposure is a bad thing just doesn't make much sense to me.

Oh, and he had last year's presser at St. V...

Let's not be crazy here. The exposure Akron actually got from this was very minimal. Sure, it was nice to here UofA referenced, but in the big picture, it doesn't do anything for the bball program or the university.

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Can someone please explain something to me....why would anyone waste their Sunday going to see a guy hold a press conference for himself?

It used to be that when a guy won an award, he humbly accepted it in a small ceremony or before a playoff game. Then he would either answer some media questions or play a game. This is strange and self serving if you ask me.

1) To show support for our star player

2) To show appreciation for him choosing The University of Akron - out of all of the places in the world - for his press conference.

3) To show appreciation for bringing every national media outlet to the JAR, which offers both Akron and UA incredible exposure.

4) To show appreciation for visually relating incredible success to Akron, The University of Akron, and Keith Dambrot.

5) Because in Cleveland and NE Ohio, it's very rare for us to have something/somebody so great in sports. We need to appreciate it while we have it, and look no further than the Cleveland Indians for a perfect example of that.

Sorry, I'm just not buying LBJ is doing this for UofA. I'm also not buying it does anything for the BB program. If he really wanted to have a press conference going back to his roots, he would have it at St. V-M. He want's UofA because it provides a bigger arena for him to promote himself.

I know a lot of you want to believe LBJ sits around thinking about this stuff all day long, but he actually has people think about these things for him. This is a marketing creation by the geniuses at Nike. A commercial won't be far behind.

Believe what you want. The event was FREE to the public. If LeBron's fans wanted to join him for this, they could do so at NO COST. There was no fee to park, no fee to get into the JAR. He mentioned numerous times that he appreciates his hometown, Akron. He played his senior year of high school at JAR. I don't think he did this for UofA. He wanted to share his award with teammates, friends, family, and fans. Personally, I appreciated the ability to celebrate with him and his teammates...I was glad to be there, as well as I'm sure the other 3500 or so were too.

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This is probably the dumbest thread I've ever seen on ZipsNation. To have the hometown, 2-time NBA MVP hold his press conference on our campus is absolutely great. There is no other side to this.

As far as being "humble?" WTF? Is LeBron aware that he's the best player to ever lace up Nikes? Hell yes. And not only is he from Akron, but held the presser in the JAR?! Lord have mercy on us all.

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Can someone please explain something to me....why would anyone waste their Sunday going to see a guy hold a press conference for himself?

It used to be that when a guy won an award, he humbly accepted it in a small ceremony or before a playoff game. Then he would either answer some media questions or play a game. This is strange and self serving if you ask me.

1) To show support for our star player

2) To show appreciation for him choosing The University of Akron - out of all of the places in the world - for his press conference.

3) To show appreciation for bringing every national media outlet to the JAR, which offers both Akron and UA incredible exposure.

4) To show appreciation for visually relating incredible success to Akron, The University of Akron, and Keith Dambrot.

5) Because in Cleveland and NE Ohio, it's very rare for us to have something/somebody so great in sports. We need to appreciate it while we have it, and look no further than the Cleveland Indians for a perfect example of that.

Sorry, I'm just not buying LBJ is doing this for UofA. I'm also not buying it does anything for the BB program. If he really wanted to have a press conference going back to his roots, he would have it at St. V-M. He want's UofA because it provides a bigger arena for him to promote himself.

I know a lot of you want to believe LBJ sits around thinking about this stuff all day long, but he actually has people think about these things for him. This is a marketing creation by the geniuses at Nike. A commercial won't be far behind.

Does LeBron gain from this? Absolutely. But how often do you hear "Akron" numerous times on national television? How often does James A. Rhodes Arena and Akron, Ohio appear on every sports station in the United States like it will be tonight? Akron certainly gained a lot of positive exposure from this this.

It's a win-win for everyone involved. Seems to me like you might be the biggest fan of LBJ...and that's fine. But to say Akron getting this exposure is a bad thing just doesn't make much sense to me.

Oh, and he had last year's presser at St. V...

Let's not be crazy here. The exposure Akron actually got from this was very minimal. Sure, it was nice to here UofA referenced, but in the big picture, it doesn't do anything for the bball program or the university.

Never said 5 star recruits were going to start coming in because of it. But nothing but positives (no matter how small they may be) come from it being in Akron and at UA.

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Went to the press conference. Thought it was great. Had a good time. Sat in Section 1B and I too saw Zeke in the crowd. So we are sitting there waiting and who comes in and sits right behind us? Patrick Nicely. He wanted to sit down closer, but he didn't have the purple wrist band.

Anyway it was a good time for a spur of the moment decision to attend. When the presentation was over everybody got up and was leaving. We stood around and tried to watch the Q & A session but it was hard to hear. So after the first few questions we decided to leave. Just as we were ready to join the line heading down the steps, the elevator opened so we rode down. Doors opened and we see that we are now in the corridor for the Cavaliers exiting to their cars. So it is pretty weird. We are looking at fans lined up against barricades asking for autographs while we walk out with Jamario Moon and Jawad Williams.

Then we stand outside for a while and watch them all leave. Delonte West was having a good time with the crowd, video recording the event. It was a nice afternoon at my favorite University. LeBron said growing up that it was his dream to put Akron, Ohio on the map. Days like today bring attention to the city and the University and I love it.

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Went to the press conference. Thought it was great. Had a good time. Sat in Section 1B and I too saw Zeke in the crowd. So we are sitting there waiting and who comes in and sits right behind us? Patrick Nicely. He wanted to sit down closer, but he didn't have the purple wrist band.

Anyway it was a good time for a spur of the moment decision to attend. When the presentation was over everybody got up and was leaving. We stood around and tried to watch the Q & A session but it was hard to hear. So after the first few questions we decided to leave. Just as we were ready to join the line heading down the steps, the elevator opened so we rode down. Doors opened and we see that we are now in the corridor for the Cavaliers exiting to their cars. So it is pretty weird. We are looking at fans lined up against barricades asking for autographs while we walk out with Jamario Moon and Jawad Williams.

Then we stand outside for a while and watch them all leave. Delonte West was having a good time with the crowd, video recording the event. It was a nice afternoon at my favorite University. LeBron said growing up that it was his dream to put Akron, Ohio on the map. Days like today bring attention to the city and the University and I love it.

you didn't happen to see the guy in the row behind Nicely taking pics did you? That was me :wave:

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Went to the press conference. Thought it was great. Had a good time. Sat in Section 1B and I too saw Zeke in the crowd. So we are sitting there waiting and who comes in and sits right behind us? Patrick Nicely. He wanted to sit down closer, but he didn't have the purple wrist band.

Anyway it was a good time for a spur of the moment decision to attend. When the presentation was over everybody got up and was leaving. We stood around and tried to watch the Q & A session but it was hard to hear. So after the first few questions we decided to leave. Just as we were ready to join the line heading down the steps, the elevator opened so we rode down. Doors opened and we see that we are now in the corridor for the Cavaliers exiting to their cars. So it is pretty weird. We are looking at fans lined up against barricades asking for autographs while we walk out with Jamario Moon and Jawad Williams.

Then we stand outside for a while and watch them all leave. Delonte West was having a good time with the crowd, video recording the event. It was a nice afternoon at my favorite University. LeBron said growing up that it was his dream to put Akron, Ohio on the map. Days like today bring attention to the city and the University and I love it.

you didn't happen to see the guy in the row behind Nicely taking pics did you? That was me :wave:

Sometimes I want to put a ZipsNation "Hi my name is" shirt on when I come to town so I can start to meet some of you in person. :wave:

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Went to the press conference. Thought it was great. Had a good time. Sat in Section 1B and I too saw Zeke in the crowd. So we are sitting there waiting and who comes in and sits right behind us? Patrick Nicely. He wanted to sit down closer, but he didn't have the purple wrist band.

Anyway it was a good time for a spur of the moment decision to attend. When the presentation was over everybody got up and was leaving. We stood around and tried to watch the Q & A session but it was hard to hear. So after the first few questions we decided to leave. Just as we were ready to join the line heading down the steps, the elevator opened so we rode down. Doors opened and we see that we are now in the corridor for the Cavaliers exiting to their cars. So it is pretty weird. We are looking at fans lined up against barricades asking for autographs while we walk out with Jamario Moon and Jawad Williams.

Then we stand outside for a while and watch them all leave. Delonte West was having a good time with the crowd, video recording the event. It was a nice afternoon at my favorite University. LeBron said growing up that it was his dream to put Akron, Ohio on the map. Days like today bring attention to the city and the University and I love it.

you didn't happen to see the guy in the row behind Nicely taking pics did you? That was me :wave:

Sometimes I want to put a ZipsNation "Hi my name is" shirt on when I come to town so I can start to meet some of you in person. :wave:

same. Part of why I wanted to get a media pass. Much easier to notice me lol

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Those of you that think that this wasn't a HUGE thing for the University should check out this article.

LINK (i know the NY Times is horrible but this article is well informed)

Last season, he received the award at his high school, St. Vincent-St. Mary. He opted this year for the University of Akron, where the basketball coach is Keith Dambrot, James’s first high school coach. The gym became the site of James’s high school practices and games as his following expanded a decade ago.

Even though James never played for the University of Akron, he is undoubtedly the most famous player to perform there. Two large photos of James hung from the rafters Sunday. They were nearly twice as large as the banners with the retired numbers of some university basketball luminaries like Fritz Nagy and Joe Jakubick.

U of A is mentioned 3 times and Akron 7. Exposure like that is great in a big time paper.

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"But he brought the party, such as it was, to the gym on the University of Akron campus where he played a few games as a sophomore, and more as a junior, and almost all as a senior, when the secret was out to the world, and more than 3,000 Akronites showed up, which is a lot more than show up for the Zips' games these days." :unsure:

Oh well, maybe any press is good press?

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