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Excuse me............. :wave:

But I'd still like to know where UAM came us short..............

I read quite a few resumes...........it always makes me smile to see things like this:

He also was instrumental in increasing marketing revenue from $800,000 to $1.33 million in just four years. In addition, he guided UTEP to being among conference leaders in attendance for football and men's basketball. Last year, the UTEP Miners averaged 41,209 fans for football and 10,405 for men's basketball. This season, the Miners led football attendance in Conference USA, averaging more than 47,000 fans per game.

Single handed? Did all that? Wow!

Under Rhoades' supervision, the men's basketball team registered 51 victories during the 2003-04 and 2004-05 seasons - the 13th-best win total in the nation over that span. 

The men's golf program finished in the top three at the Western Athletic Conference Championships in three of the last four years, including a runner-up showing in 2002.

Rhoades' licensing responsibilities included supervising the implementation of new department of intercollegiate athletics logos and color changes, resulting in a 300-percent increase in merchandise sales.

Holy cow, he coached basketball and golf too? Oops.....my bad, he was the AD..........oops, my bad again, he was the..............what was it?

He also oversaw the Speed, Strength and Conditioning program, served as a liaison with the Miner Athlete Academic Center and was a member of the UTEP NCAA Certification Steering Committee. 

Rhoades was heavily involved in athletics facility upgrades at UTEP, including the construction of the $11 million Larry K. Durham Sports Center which houses state-of-the-art football coaches' offices and locker rooms, as well as a training room and strength and conditioning center for all sports. He was also responsible for the recently-created Miner Video Production for all home football and men's and women's basketball games.

Some hire...........he can do the job of a dozen people! What ever happened to a guy saying "I was part of the team" which did this and that..............but then he didn't write this in GoZips.........someone else did ;)

Seriously, where was Mike lacking? Please, some of us boosters would like to know. No knock on the new Boss, no sour grapes, just want to find out why a guy who did such a fine job and learned from a great one got passed by. :rolleyes:

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Z-P, don't you think you're being kind of hard on this guy? I'm sure Mike Waddel's resume is just as beefed up as Rhoades'. Nowhere does it sound like Rhoades wasn't a team player. Besides, it's hardly his fault for applying for a job he wanted, and he certainly shouldn't be picked on for wanting and getting the job.

None of us know how UAM is at work. We just see the results, and they are excellent, but for all we know there were some issues or things he needs to get better at. Why are you so sure he was just overlooked? And don't most ADs at this level have at least their master's?

I trust Dr. P. to make the right choice. He certainly did the first time, and I expect he did so again. Don't make this such a personal thing against UAM, and besides, UAM has a new boss now who's probably reading these boards. He's going to (wrongly) think UAM bears a grudge or something.

Let it go, Z-P. I'm sure Waddel is supportive of this decision, and you should be, too.

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I'm supportive already...........why wouldn't I be?

I just think "red" did a damn good job, and thought on the basis of that he should get the shot.

I'm not knocking Rhoades either. I'm sure he's a top notch guy. I just thought it was funny how the pub rolled out...........just me making a funny...........it's resume stuff I see it all the time, and it makes me grin.

On the issue of getting anyone in trouble, I sure as hell don't want to do that either. This is just banter, and if Rhoades reads it great.............but surely he's professional enough to know not to pay attention to a blog................and for the record, I'm not "close" to Mike. I just think the magic he's helped to bring to the past few years is worthy of a shot at an advancement.

Why are you so sure he was just overlooked?
I'm not Zipper. I'd just like to know what he didn't have that he needs. Having seen and enjoyed his "act" for the past 5 or 6 years, the guy amazed me with all the things he could do. Now he'll have to prove himself all over again for a new boss..............if the new Boss already doesn't have someone else in mind from among his possee...........

Go Zips.............

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When I get some time I'll weigh in on this one. Things are too busy right now. Sufficive to say I feel for Mike because he's been a phenomenal, tireless supporter of everything that people frequenting this boad care about. I wish I could take people back in time 6 years to see our team shop, web site, team apparel, game environments, student support etc. to realize the quamtum leaps we've taken under Mike's leadership.

That said, Mack has the job. Proenza doesn't hire losers, so I am confident we are in good hands. I wish Mack the best and look forward to meeting him.

More later.

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My thoughts on the situation.

#1-I am happy to have an AD in here. Period. The fact that he appears to be a good one makes me extatic, but just having a full time AD is helpful. I could be wrong, but part of me believes that having a full time AD would have helped with the Lolla situation. We will never know though.

#2-This guy looks like a good blend of a money man and a winner. I like it. Let's see where it goes.

#3-I hope for our sake that UAM stays around, but if he doesn't I don't think it will be a huge problem for the University.

Thats about all I've got to say. Now lets go out and welcome this guy to the job with a Bowl win on Monday.

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I do not know the exact details of what makes Mack more qualified than UAM, I do however know that to be AD, you need a masters. Mack has one, UAM does not. This could have been the difference. I am not saying it is for sure, but was probably a factor.

I applaud Mike for taking this decision like a champ and hope he decides to stick around. He has done great things for the university and will continue to do so, regardless of who is the AD.

I disagree about Lolla staying had there been an AD in-place. That would not have changed the situation. Akron made a great offer to get Ken to stay and he still went to Louisville. Mike Thomas, UAM, nor Mack Rhoades could have changed his mind.

Good luck to Mack and go zips on Monday. (Don't tell the kids, but Santa is bringing Motor City Bowl tickets and t-shirts for their stockings.)


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Cap'n Roo stated it, Dr. P doesn't hire losers, unlike the 2 preceeding presidents that could't get anywhere near doing the job as far as athletics was concerned, altho Muse did a lot with the physical aspect i.e. closing Carroll St, and re-routing Buchtel Ave.. bbut his hiring of ADs left a WHOLE lot to be desired-- and it took 16 years to recover! If Dr. P. wasn't there I'd be sweating bullets! Class shows-- just look at the commercials on TV--they are outstanding & he is impressive representing the U..


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I was impressed with his press conference (webcast finally worked). He spoke without notes, delivered a solid message, addressed everyone by name, and seems to have a lot of passion. His experience at UTEP should be a great benefit to us and I would imagine that had a lot to do with his hiring. If he can replicate what was done at UTEP, cheers. For what it is worth, we now have Mack Rhoades and UAM..........pretty strong guys!

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I talked to Mike on Tuesday and he seemed to be fine with the decision that was made to hire the new AD from outside. Mike said he looked forward to working with a guy who had just come from the same area that he worked in and that he could always learn new things and differnet ways of operating. Seems to have a great attitude for a guy who im my way of looking at it got the major shaft. I do not think I would be as congenial. Mike is a team player and I hope he stays and helps keep Akron Athletics going strong.

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Where's my old pal GP?

Nothing really to add......just kidding, I love to add things.

Maybe the University thought they needed a fundraising type of person. I really have no clue what they mean by a "money guy". I've been out of town on business so I really don't know much about the new guy. The people from UTEP seem to like him though.

I wanted Mike, but he is also someone I know and like personally so my opinion is biased. Unless someone on the board knows something more than what they are saying, we all don't really know what happened in the interviews. Maybe the new guy knocked their socks off.

I do think that as a public institution, the University should have a policy to publish a small written report detailing why the person was hired and everyone on the interview board should participate with an opinion. The report should also explain why those who did not get the job were turned down, if the other candidates were willing to have their names released to the public (could be some confidentiality problems). I also think a record should be kept of the candidates' questions and answers and the University should release the transcripts of the interview of the successful candidate. As tax payers, we should be provided with this information.

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I do think that as a public institution, the University should have a policy to publish a small written report detailing why the person was hired and everyone on the interview board should participate with an opinion. The report should also explain why those who did not get the job were turned down, if the other candidates were willing to have their names released to the public (could be some confidentiality problems). I also think a record should be kept of the candidates' questions and answers and the University should release the transcripts of the interview of the successful candidate. As tax payers, we should be provided with this information.

And what do you expect to get from this other than a well crafted, politically correct report?

The report should also explain why those who did not get the job were turned down

Huh? Do you really think the other candidates would like that published?

Not sure why you would make this post.......There are many factors that are obvious for Macks hire. Are you questioning Dr. Proenza? For this job, EVERYONE interviewed is qualified.

Hiring and interviewing is an art not a science.

Cmon Man, be happy. We have a great new A.D. and Associate A.D.

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I do think that as a public institution, the University should have a policy to publish a small written report detailing why the person was hired and everyone on the interview board should participate with an opinion. The report should also explain why those who did not get the job were turned down, if the other candidates were willing to have their names released to the public (could be some confidentiality problems). I also think a record should be kept of the candidates' questions and answers and the University should release the transcripts of the interview of the successful candidate. As tax payers, we should be provided with this information.

And what do you expect to get from this other than a well crafted, politically correct report?

The report should also explain why those who did not get the job were turned down

Huh? Do you really think the other candidates would like that published?

Not sure why you would make this post.......There are many factors that are obvious for Macks hire. Are you questioning Dr. Proenza? For this job, EVERYONE interviewed is qualified.

Hiring and interviewing is an art not a science.

Cmon Man, be happy. We have a great new A.D. and Associate A.D.

I have no problem with the hire, I just have a personal connection with Mike and I would have like to see him get the job. Dr. Proenza can do whatever he wants to do. Time marches on.

The reason I want the report is that the local media will not ask deep enough questions and I think an explaination of a decision of this magnitude should be explained to the public in detail.

As far as confidentiality, I explain that in my original post.

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