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Do you like our current uniforms?

Ryno aka Menace

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We HAVE to keep the gold helmets - they're classic. The yellow helmets of the Lee Owens era were horrid. I really liked the throwback uniforms we wore for the Thanksgiving Can't State game!!! They were traditional; classic! Maybe we can make a move to them on a permanent basis when we move into our new stadium? Wouldn't those "old-school" jerseys look great in a throwback/retro "Camden Yards" inspired football stadium?!!!Personally, I like the more simple "A" on the side of the helmet better than the "A" w/ the kangaroo head. The "A" w/ kangaroo head is pretty "busy" & if one didn't know already what it was, it's very difficult for someone to make out what it's supposed to be (especially from any distance at all). Besides, the decal doesn't look much like an "A" & unfortunately it doesn't look much like a kangaroo either. I've heard more than a few people say it looks like a donkey. But whatever - as long as WE NEVER GO BACK TO PEE YELLOW!!!!!!!!!I love the humor of the "Fear the Roo!" slogan! We've got to hang on to that (be careful not to wear it out too quickly though, as I've seen it EVERYWHERE! It may be a bit much; people might grow weary of "Fear the Roo!" overload - we don't want that.) But I love the humorous slogan w/ the "angry" kangaroo (guess UA calls him Hoppy). But at the same time I also miss the old-school UA Zippy logo - w/ him hopping along holding his fist up making the #1 sign. I can't find that old logo on any merchandise anymore. Is it available? Can we bring it back? Encorporate that into the throwback uniforms?

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I have no problem with the current uniforms at all, infact I think they're very sharp. I'd like to see what white pants would look like on the white jerseys, or blue with the blue ones.I would, however, like to see the old school oval "A" logo on the helmets with blue facemasks.

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The old school throwback unis from Thanksgiving were nice for a day, but I wouldn't want to see them as "standard." 1970's marketing ideas and styles aren't what we need in 2006. Also - Those basketball throwback jerseys from last year..THOSE were hideous. I hope to God they are burnt...and their ashes re-burnt.The new Roo is sleek and cool. I like it. I like the helmets. I like our colors. We may look like the Rams, but we don't look like any other college team. A "basic" A? Who doesn't have that? There are about 100 helmets out there with some form of upper-case "A". We need to be different. Judging from the increase in logo apparel sales over the past few years, the new Roo was, and remains the right choice to hitch our wagon to.Note: The University Athletics group internally calls the existing, "loveable" Zippy "Hoppy." No name has been assigned to "The Evil Roo."

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Overall the unis are great, but I cant's stand the "pinstripes" in the white jerseys. The NE Patriots had that look in the mid 90's and it is terrible. Slight adjustments could be made in other areas:The numbers could be a little bit smaller as well (especially look pretty big on the home jerseys). Sleeve side and shoulder of jerseys a little busy= logo, various colors and numbers. I would prefer, since the logo is so prominent on the helmet, just the number on the side.Really...a "simplification" of the jersey would make the overall appearance even better.

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I thought the new evil Roo was "Hoppy". The lovable Roo is "Zippy". THEY CAN'T CHANGE ZIPPY'S NAME TO HOPPY, CAN THEY!?!? NOOOOO!!! :cry:
"Hoppy" is kind of an inside joke. It isn't an official name. I think if the athletic marketing crew had their way, Zippy (aka Hoppy) would be limited in his exposure, and we'd see more of the bad ass fear-inspiring Roo. Based upon the "Fear..." campaign's success, there obviously was a real need for a fresh, tougher, slick kangaroo image.I think they both have their place. The kids absolutely love Zippy/Hoppy as-is. He's a winner. However, the big, fat, goofy Zippy simply isn't cool. The bad ass Roo fills a gaping void in our athletic image/identity. I'm sure it is here to stay...and likely grow.
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I actually like our uniforms and i do not have any problem with the football team looking like the rams...My problem is with zippy, I would love to see zippy without his big heavy ugly tail.Look at every single mascott in the area, the stupid astronaut can run faster than zippy and can definitely move easier and be more active. Same with the golden flush who has a tiny tail that doesn't limit his mobility. Same with CSU's vike who can run, jump, ride his bike etc... With his big heavy tail, the only thing zippy can do is to walk around and wave his hands.To make it worse, the CSU cheer leaders were stepping on his tail which made him fall down.Another thing is that zippy's face is way too nice and smiley and baby face, i love the smart look of the vike and also the mean look of the flush.Is it too hard to modify zippy's uniform ?

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I think it would be foolish to change the uniform in which we have won the MAC Title, last year's Marshall game, and the MCB as all were the most watched events in Akron football history. Changing now would kill any momentumn that may have been built up in the look.Nothing needs to change - get some OL and DB's.BTW - that oval A logo looked like some high schools here in the state. There is a reason it was retro.

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I actually like our uniforms and i do not have any problem with the football team looking like the rams...My problem is with zippy, I would love to see zippy without his big heavy ugly tail.Look at every single mascott in the area, the stupid astronaut can run faster than zippy and can definitely move easier and be more active. Same with the golden flush who has a tiny tail that doesn't limit his mobility. Same with CSU's vike who can run, jump, ride his bike etc... With his big heavy tail, the only thing zippy can do is to walk around and wave his hands.To make it worse, the CSU cheer leaders were stepping on his tail which made him fall down.Another thing is that zippy's face is way too nice and smiley and baby face, i love the smart look of the vike and also the mean look of the flush.Is it too hard to modify zippy's uniform ?
I can remember previous Zippy's that have done cartwheels and other stunts with the cheerleaders... including being launched over other cheerleaders to make a "field goal". It's not the suit... it's who's in it and how daring they want to be. I agree the tail is a tempting target for others including ornery children, but a kangaroo has to have a big tail.GO ZIPS!
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WE CAN'T CHANGE ZIPPY!!! That would be near-blasphemy!!! As mentioned above - life-long Akron residents & alumni LOVE Zippy as he is!!! His kindness, clumsiness, innocence & yes, even wimpiness IS THE IDEA!!! It's a mockery of ALL OTHER MASCOTS!!! It's original! It's BRILLIANT!!! Zippy is the anti-mascot!!! How amazing that Akron came up with something as original as Zippy!!! He's supposed to walk in little baby-steps while he wrings his hands!!! That's Zippy!!! The other kangaroo can be tough. Besides, what's so great about "Fear the Roo!" is that it is tongue in cheek humor - NOT THAT IT'S SERIOUS!!! As David Giffels stated, what makes "Fear the Roo!" so catchy is that, "It's just. So. Stupid!" Exactly. Taking a kangaroo seriously would be dumb. Having fun with a kangaroo mascot, and, in turn, making fun of all other mascots, is brilliant! :D

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I think it would be foolish to change the uniform in which we have won the MAC Title, last year's Marshall game, and the MCB as all were the most watched events in Akron football history. Changing now would kill any momentumn that may have been built up in the look.Nothing needs to change - get some OL and DB's.BTW - that oval A logo looked like some high schools here in the state. There is a reason it was retro.
Good point about the accomplishments and establishing an identity, but I would at the least like to see some white or blue pants to go with the uni's. And I think the Roo head on the sleeves makes it too much...too busy.
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Same with the golden flush who has a tiny tail that doesn't limit his mobility. Same with CSU's vike who can run, jump, ride his bike etc...
Please do not make comparisons between Zippy and the Golden Turkey, that is just downright insulting for the Roo. Also I agree with some others here. I like our uniforms as they are. I don't think they look too much like the rams save maybe the colors. I loved the throwback uni's, I think, I dunno, I couldn't see that much of them through all the snow on thanksgiving. Ohh and one more thing. PLEASE do not buy back the old piss yellow off of Can't. Crayola exec.'s should be shot if they ever make that into a crayon.
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I love the current uniforms. They look sharp and like someone said earlier, they've gotten all the exposure. Keep them around and they'll become a classic. As for the Helmet logos, keep those the same too. Again, similar reasons above, that logo is what most people not familiar with the Zips identify Akron with. As for Zippy, I also consider is outrageous to consider dropping the current Zippy for a "New" Zippy. I'm pissed that Zippy is never included in any of the National Mascot contests. Look at every other Mascot in the state, Brutis is a guy with a giant NUT on his head. Every other Mascot in the MAC looks like a guy walking around with a giant head on. Can't State, BG, Miami,...... Zippy at least looks in proportion and who cares if he doesn't look menacing....Zippy isn't playing the game, the team is. Everybody loves Zippy, keep it that way. What we really need is a REAL KANGAROO to hop around during gamedays. Make it real mean so that when the mascot of the other team comes and taunts it, it kicks them really freaking hard :nutkick: ....that's fearing the ROO!

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Yeah, I agree. Numbers are too big. The blue pants & blue jerseys is a nice look though. I had to miss the Army game so didn't see them - we laid an egg anyhow. White pants w/ white jerseys for away games might look sharp too. I love the gold pants w/ gold helmet as the main look, though.

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Just to note on the Blue pants that we wore at the Army game. I remember hearing Frenchie or Dunn (can't remember which) on the radio saying that the last time we wore them umpteen years ago we got destroyed by a weak opponent too. Now I ain't one to be superstitious or anything but....BURN THE BLUE PANTS!

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