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Earthquake Humor


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We got shaken pretty hard by the earthquake in Maryland, but its pretty amazing how far it was felt. Any of you feel it in Akron? I was reading the BJ story on it and they had this line:

Can't State University evacuated its main library as a precaution.

Bet that didn't take long - Bwahaahahahah. :):screwks:

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We got shaken pretty hard by the earthquake in Maryland, but its pretty amazing how far it was felt. Any of you feel it in Akron? I was reading the BJ story on it and they had this line:

Can't State University evacuated its main library as a precaution.

Bet that didn't take long - Bwahaahahahah. :):screwks:

3 librarians and 1 from maintenance. They took the day off as they checked for damage.

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Just about everyone I knew felt it. It was pretty obvious. I can only think of one other time where I've felt that sensation (not quite as long in duration though) and it was back in 1986. On January 31, 1986 there was an earthquake centered in Lake County northeast of here.

I lived the last 10 years in the Bay Area and Bali. Shakes are common. The Hayward fault runs thru the backyard of the building we rent in California. You can actually see the fault line. Freaked me out the first time things started to shake. You kinda get used to it. Never felt one in Ohio though...did not feel yesterday's. How big was the shake here??

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I was reclining in my man-cave and felt the quake, somehow I knew what it was. Never felt any of the others felt by others in the area. Checked with Can't State, and all the volumes in their stacks are OK-------------------- BOTH OF THEM. :D:D:D:D:D:D:bow:

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We got shaken pretty hard by the earthquake in Maryland, but its pretty amazing how far it was felt. Any of you feel it in Akron? I was reading the BJ story on it and they had this line:

Can't State University evacuated its main library as a precaution.

Bet that didn't take long - Bwahaahahahah. :):screwks:

3 librarians and 1 from maintenance. They took the day off as they checked for damage.

You obviosly forgot the bar tender and cocktail waitress.

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