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Any thoughts?
Your asking for it. You don't remember all the uniform threads? Seems like most people on this board would rather go back to the old action A uniforms. To me those are gawdawful. I agree with you, I dig the Boise stuff. More important, the kids dig it.

Uniform thread

Another uniform thread

Yet another thread about uniforms

One more for good measure

Whoops, found another one

Now try not to repeat anything already stating in the above links. :lol:

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I'd like to see the Zips change up their uniforms to something more 21st Century. I love blue and gold, but would like to see a more creative uniform like Boise State has moved to. Any thoughts?

Love them!

As long as we stick with GOLD and DO NOT go to YELLOW I am fine with whatever they do. (I am, though a big fan of the gold helmet. I would hope any change would try to retain a mostly gold helmet.)

No yellow!!!

Blue & GOLD.

Go Zips!

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Your asking for it. You don't remember all the uniform threads?

Now try not to repeat anything already stating in the above links. :lol:

Boise has given us a new look. I don't know how you remember all of those things.

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A few years ago I went to a Massillon game and the new coach started the season with plain white helmets. The idea was the team had to earn the Massillon logo. I thought it was a unique way of building team spirit and getting seniors and other team leaders to step up.

So...IMO...changing uniforms now would be like putting lipstick on a pig. I am not opposed to getting new uniforms, but just not now. And I agree with B&G that the helmets remain primarily gold. No yellow. But let's win first and get the program going in the right direction. If we win 5-7 games...talk to me then.

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(I am, though a big fan of the gold helmet. I would hope any change would try to retain a mostly gold helmet.)

In the hands of the right artist, a white helmet with a blue and gold design might look really good. Personally, I think a change in the kangaroo head is needed in order to freshen things up. There is one change I would make to our branding, but I'm not going to say it here because it might cause a firestorm (Hint: It involves what we call ourselves).

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I'd like to see the Zips change up their uniforms to something more 21st Century. I love blue and gold, but would like to see a more creative uniform like Boise State has moved to. Any thoughts?

Love them!

As long as we stick with GOLD and DO NOT go to YELLOW I am fine with whatever they do. (I am, though a big fan of the gold helmet. I would hope any change would try to retain a mostly gold helmet.)

No yellow!!!

Blue & GOLD.

Go Zips!

I agree. No more yellowish helmets. I would prefer a dark gold helmet with a slightly less stylized roo.

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Your asking for it. You don't remember all the uniform threads?

Now try not to repeat anything already stating in the above links. :lol:

Boise has given us a new look. I don't know how you remember all of those things.

Aren’t you the guy criticizing Pluto for not having any new ideas?? I am sure you are going to walk the talk ...right???

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There is one change I would make to our branding, but I'm not going to say it here because it might cause a firestorm (Hint: It involves what we call ourselves).
I know what you want, change the z and p to t's. Pure Genius. Easy to market.
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There is one change I would make to our branding, but I'm not going to say it here because it might cause a firestorm (Hint: It involves what we call ourselves).
I know what you want, change the z and p to t's. Pure Genius. Easy to market.

Is that a ingenious way to say "We suck"??? I have higher hopes for this year ;)

Although....the contour of the helmet could give it a 3d effect.

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There is one change I would make to our branding, but I'm not going to say it here because it might cause a firestorm (Hint: It involves what we call ourselves).
I know what you want, change the z and p to t's. Pure Genius. Easy to market.

An even better idea from Dr Z!!! Now, if we could just get those boobs in marketing to do something, we could sell some tickets. Talk about a great game day experience!!!!

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Any thoughts?
Your asking for it. You don't remember all the uniform threads? Seems like most people on this board would rather go back to the old action A uniforms. To me those are gawdawful. I agree with you, I dig the Boise stuff. More important, the kids dig it.

Uniform thread

Another uniform thread

Yet another thread about uniforms

One more for good measure

Now try not to repeat anything already stating in the above links. :lol:

Since I started 2 of those (2 years apart), I will "defend" myself= since uniforms for so many schools change yearly if not WEEKLY...1 post per year seems like it is not enough. So, we were due for one!!!

I hate most everything about what Boise does. Personally I like classic or a mix of modern and classic. But uniforms are big business, and no doubt some schools think it can propel them to new heights. Oregon MIGHT be proof of that...though it was just part of it. They definitely became "hip", but they also got better coaching and BIG TIME $$$ from that Nike dude.

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(I am, though a big fan of the gold helmet. I would hope any change would try to retain a mostly gold helmet.)

In the hands of the right artist, a white helmet with a blue and gold design might look really good. Personally, I think a change in the kangaroo head is needed in order to freshen things up. There is one change I would make to our branding, but I'm not going to say it here because it might cause a firestorm (Hint: It involves what we call ourselves).

I've never been a big fan of the Roo-A logo, or Roo logo, for that matter. From any distance at all it just looks like a blue blob. But it has grown on me.

But I LOVE the name Zips. I'm old-school, but I love nicknames that are unique & convey a region's history with the name. Zips does that. I don't like generic names like Bulldogs, Lions, etc. Actually, I consider Buckeyes to also be a great nickname (no one really knows what a buckeye is either).

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Any thoughts?
Your asking for it. You don't remember all the uniform threads? Seems like most people on this board would rather go back to the old action A uniforms. To me those are gawdawful. I agree with you, I dig the Boise stuff. More important, the kids dig it.

Uniform thread

Another uniform thread

Yet another thread about uniforms

One more for good measure

Now try not to repeat anything already stating in the above links. :lol:

Since I started 2 of those (2 years apart), I will "defend" myself= since uniforms for so many schools change yearly if not WEEKLY...1 post per year seems like it is not enough. So, we were due for one!!!

I hate most everything about what Boise does. Personally I like classic or a mix of modern and classic. But uniforms are big business, and no doubt some schools think it can propel them to new heights. Oregon MIGHT be proof of that...though it was just part of it. They definitely became "hip", but they also got better coaching and BIG TIME $$ from that Nike dude.

You'll get no complaints from me! I'm actually like a chick in this regard - I love uniform discussions! :lol: Someone on here came up with some great uniform graphics a year back. They were great. I wish we'd go to the gold helmet, white jersey, white pants look for our away uniforms.

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I'd like to see the Zips change up their uniforms to something more 21st Century. I love blue and gold, but would like to see a more creative uniform like Boise State has moved to. Any thoughts?

Love them!

As long as we stick with GOLD and DO NOT go to YELLOW I am fine with whatever they do. (I am, though a big fan of the gold helmet. I would hope any change would try to retain a mostly gold helmet.)

No yellow!!!

Blue & GOLD.

Go Zips!

Never again on that Yellow....please. Those freaks over at Ken+ can have it all they want.

Dr. Z......was that an ACTION A or a MOVING A. I seem to recall that being called the latter.

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A few years ago I went to a Massillon game and the new coach started the season with plain white helmets. The idea was the team had to earn the Massillon logo. I thought it was a unique way of building team spirit and getting seniors and other team leaders to step up.

So...IMO...changing uniforms now would be like putting lipstick on a pig. I am not opposed to getting new uniforms, but just not now. And I agree with B&G that the helmets remain primarily gold. No yellow. But let's win first and get the program going in the right direction. If we win 5-7 games...talk to me then.

Back in the 80s the coach at Iowa State implemented an interesting policy. All team members started out with one color helmet (can't remember if it was red or yellow). Then if a player demonstrated that he was worthy, that player's helmet color got switched to the other color. When the Cyclones came to town to play at Nebraska about half the team had one color helmet and the other half had the other. Looked "really cool" and must have been wonderful for morale. I'm surprised icoach hasn't thought of this yet.

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Since the Great GP-1 started it, I feel obligated to provide my 2 cents!

First off, try getting rid of all the body armour, and make them play like real men! You can ask any futbol player what I mean. :D

Second, I don't mind the color "gold" at all. When will the University of Akron exchange that for the long-time BEIGE they've been using? Frankly, it's the only thing I can say against Mike Thomas. ;)

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A few years ago I went to a Massillon game and the new coach started the season with plain white helmets. The idea was the team had to earn the Massillon logo. I thought it was a unique way of building team spirit and getting seniors and other team leaders to step up.

So...IMO...changing uniforms now would be like putting lipstick on a pig. I am not opposed to getting new uniforms, but just not now. And I agree with B&G that the helmets remain primarily gold. No yellow. But let's win first and get the program going in the right direction. If we win 5-7 games...talk to me then.

Back in the 80s the coach at Iowa State implemented an interesting policy. All team members started out with one color helmet (can't remember if it was red or yellow). Then if a player demonstrated that he was worthy, that player's helmet color got switched to the other color. When the Cyclones came to town to play at Nebraska about half the team had one color helmet and the other half had the other. Looked "really cool" and must have been wonderful for morale. I'm surprised icoach hasn't thought of this yet.

LOL sounds pretty silly. In the Massillon scenario...all players received the logo in the 3rd week. It was a team thing. They all wore the same uniform (with exception of #)

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But I LOVE the name Zips. I'm old-school, but I love nicknames that are unique & convey a region's history with the name. Zips does that. I don't like generic names like Bulldogs, Lions, etc. Actually, I consider Buckeyes to also be a great nickname (no one really knows what a buckeye is either).

I like animal nicknames.

When I worked at Georgia Pacific, we rebranded our drywall brand to ToughRock and when we came out with our mold resistant campaign with Dens products, we branded the line DensGuard. Rebranding is a good marketing tool. Like I said above, I'm not officially saying it. Lots of MAC schools have rebranded...some good like EMU and some terrible like Miamioh. I'm not sure what our brand says about us. I'm not saying it though.

Wake Forest is called the Demon Deacons. After years of going to games, I don't understand the mascot or name. The mascot looks more like an Angry Minister and is waaaaaaaay overdressed, with the top hat, cane and tuxedo, for sporting events. If they were trying to convey a real southern religious service, it would show 500 Baptists trying to squeeze into the last row of pews at the church. That wouldn't fit on a t-shirt very well though.

I'm not saying anything though....

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But I LOVE the name Zips. I'm old-school, but I love nicknames that are unique & convey a region's history with the name. Zips does that. I don't like generic names like Bulldogs, Lions, etc. Actually, I consider Buckeyes to also be a great nickname (no one really knows what a buckeye is either).

I like animal nicknames.

When I worked at Georgia Pacific, we rebranded our drywall brand to ToughRock and when we came out with our mold resistant campaign with Dens products, we branded the line DensGuard. Rebranding is a good marketing tool. Like I said above, I'm not officially saying it. Lots of MAC schools have rebranded...some good like EMU and some terrible like Miamioh. I'm not sure what our brand says about us. I'm not saying it though.

Wake Forest is called the Demon Deacons. After years of going to games, I don't understand the mascot or name. The mascot looks more like an Angry Minister and is waaaaaaaay overdressed, with the top hat, cane and tuxedo, for sporting events. If they were trying to convey a real southern religious service, it would show 500 Baptists trying to squeeze into the last row of pews at the church. That wouldn't fit on a t-shirt very well though.

I'm not saying anything though....


Maybe they should change their nickname to the walnuts?

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Personally, I'd like to see them use the Z logo more. I think it's cool that we're one of the few schools at any level to have a nickname with a Z, I think it may be a good idea to play that up...kind of like Xavier does with their X.

Anyway, since this thread is about uniforms, here's a sample of a white helmet with the Z logo.


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