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CB Greg Reid (Florida State)


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I'd rather not.

Why not? What's one more risky player (that's if he would be eligible this year, because that would be the only way it would be possible)? Is there some sort of arbitrary line that coach Bowden is going to draw on the number of castoffs he's willing to bring in?

Hasn't he brought in Carlton Thomas (UGA), Avis Commack (FSU) and C.J. James (Colorado State)? Since, this is the rout coach Bowden has decided to go, might as well go all in (at least this year) and see how it plays out.

I don't think relying on at-risk transfers is a way to build the program. But right now, this program needs all the talent they can get. I say bring on the mercenaries. What are they going to do, mess up the team chemistry and bring the program any lower?

Besides, Reid would be a huge upgrade in the secondary and would be a nice player to pair with Tyler Williams in the return game.

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Why not? What's one more risky player (that's if he would be eligible this year, because that would be the only way it would be possible)? Is there some sort of arbitrary line that coach Bowden is going to draw on the number of castoffs he's willing to bring in?

Hasn't he brought in Carlton Thomas (UGA), Avis Commack (FSU) and C.J. James (Colorado State)? Since, this is the rout coach Bowden has decided to go, might as well go all in (at least this year) and see how it plays out.

I don't think relying on at-risk transfers is a way to build the program. But right now, this program needs all the talent they can get. I say bring on the mercenaries. What are they going to do, mess up the team chemistry and bring the program any lower?

Besides, Reid would be a huge upgrade in the secondary and would be a nice player to pair with Tyler Williams in the return game.

Good post wadszip. This team does need talent. Right now, it needs wins more than anything. Coaching change or not, 3 or fewer wins for I believe would be four years in a row looks horrible to any recruit. Kids don't want to play at a program with the stink of losing all over it. I don't care how good of a coach you have or how good of a recruiter he is, the stink takes over everything if it is allowed to go on long enough.

Winning brings in good players. The promise of winning does much less. If we can, get the kid here for a year and let's get this "winning process" moving.

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Greg Reid, a former 5-star recruit, was dismissed from Florida State today. With coach Bowden's FSU ties and his willingness to take on at-risk players, wonder if he could end up in Akron? He's a senior, so he may be eligible to play right away depending on his grade situation.


What would his grade situation have to be for him to play at another DI school this year?

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What would his grade situation have to be for him to play at another DI school this year?

Maybe somebody knows the definitive answer.

But from what I understand anybody who already has a degree can transfer without penalty to another D1 program and use the remaining year of eligibility toward post-grad studies. However, I don't believe it is as cut and dry as that, as I thought there were some loopholes that if a player is on pace to graduate and his released from his scholarship, he could also transfer without sitting out. That second part, I'm not clear about, though.

I don't know if Reid qualifies for either.

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He was recruited by Terry's dad, so I am sure he has somewhat of a relationship with him. I would also take the chance given Terry's record with these at risk players. We need a talent infusion now. Winning will help us be more selective in the future. I can't take more 1-11 seasons.

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Is George still on vacation? If not, maybe he can clarify if Reid even would be eligible to transfer to another FBS school without sitting out. That, IMO, would be the only holdup. Reid's situation seems almost identical to Janoris Jenkins (though Jenkins was an underclassman which is why he had to go the FCS route). And Bowden was able to turn Jenkins into a second-round NFL pick.

I would imagine, if he is able to play right away, there would be mutual interest on both sides.

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The building process takes a few years.

The building process lasts forever as it only builds a line of incompetents as far as the eye can see.

On the other hand, the winning process in the MAC can take as little as two years. I'm a big fan of the winning process. There is actual evidence it has worked in the past.


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If a senior-to-be has earned his degree and not exhausted his eligibility (four years plus a redshirt), he can play immediately at a school that offers a graduate program that his original school does not offer.

If a senior-to-be has not earned his degree, and has not exhausted four years of his eligibility (was not redshirted), he can sit out a year and play the next.

If a senior-to-be has been redshirted and has not earned his degree, he would have to transfer to a lower division and would only have one year to play.

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If a senior-to-be has earned his degree and not exhausted his eligibility (four years plus a redshirt), he can play immediately at a school that offers a graduate program that his original school does not offer.

If a senior-to-be has not earned his degree, and has not exhausted four years of his eligibility (was not redshirted), he can sit out a year and play the next.

If a senior-to-be has been redshirted and has not earned his degree, he would have to transfer to a lower division and would only have one year to play.

Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't think it was that cut and dry, but I haven't read through all the transfer bylaws. Makes sense that he would go to Valdosta State since he's from Valdosta and will be eligible right away. No way would he sit out a year.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't think it was that cut and dry, but I haven't read through all the transfer bylaws. Makes sense that he would go to Valdosta State since he's from Valdosta and will be eligible right away. No way would he sit out a year.

I'll bet the guys in Valdosta law enforcement are looking forward to his return.

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