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Black Friday Game #12 Toledo


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It is the end!

Finally the end of the season is upon us!

After all of this, the Zips have an chance to have 5 wins for the first time in an long time.

Say what you want, but the season has been an success(even with the win count).

-We should have beat Michigan an we all know it.

-This team should have not quit against Ohio

However we are where we are.

This is the second year in a row that we play Toledo on the last game of the season(IMO this will happen every year now)

It is Black Friday, so we all know that there will be nobody there.

This is an chance to get the 5 wins that the program need

This is an win if:

-Not an 10am game

-Defense plays like they want to win

-Fans(however many there will be) make some noise.

-Play like they played Michigian

An tall order? Not really, but very doable IMO. Just keep in mind given their track record, you can never, ever count Toledo out!


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It is the end!

Finally the end of the season is upon us!

After all of this, the Zips have an chance to have 5 wins for the first time in an long time.

Say what you want, but the season has been an success(even with the win count).

-We should have beat Michigan an we all know it.

-This team should have not quit against Ohio

However we are where we are.

This is the second year in a row that we play Toledo on the last game of the season(IMO this will happen every year now)

It is Black Friday, so we all know that there will be nobody there.

This is an chance to get the 5 wins that the program need

This is an win if:

-Not an 10am game

-Defense plays like they want to win

-Fans(however many there will be) make some noise.

-Play like they played Michigian

An tall order? Not really, but very doable IMO. Just keep in mind given their track record, you can never, ever count Toledo out!


Are you typing your messages on an Iphone? I always get "an" from the autocorrect when i text on mine. Just curious.

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"The most dangerous team is a team with confidence and momentum." - Bill Cowher

I think we have some momentum. The Zips are 3-1 in their last four games so there is some momentum there.

Confidence? This is the wild card for the Zips right now in the Cowher Theory. Do they feel good about themselves after their wins or do they look at their wins as something the squeaked by with against bad teams. Can they draw any confidence from the loses to Michigan and NIU...tall order.

The words of Master Yoda come to mind going into this game. "Do, or do not. There is no try." If they go into the game with a good plan and play well and lose, so be it. If they don't have that confidence, Master Yoda would say to them as he said to young Skywaker after Luke tells him he couldn't believe he got his spaceship out of the swamp, "and that is why you fail".

I see this game as a Zips victory, or one in which they get blown out. Not much middle ground for me.

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kickoff noon on espn3. what a joke

No shit. I thought we were bowing down to kiss ESPNU's ass, now that the game wasmoved to the feed, why can't we play at our regular time?

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Stinks that the game time gets announced prior to us playing NIU on Wed. If Toledo can pull the upset then we need to beat the Zips to represent the West in the MACC. Was hoping if Toledo got the W vs NIU it would get the game TV time. Oh well.

I live in Akron but am originally from Toledo and I'm a huge Rocket fan who travels to all the games. I have been to a few Zips games when Toledo has been off and the last time I tailgated it was for the Wagon Wheel a couple years ago and tried to get co workers to show up but it was just my wife and I at our tailgate a handful of people in the surface lot behind the parking deck off Exchange.

I will be there with a good number of Toledo fans that tailgate together. I hope to bring The Rocket Trailer and I am pretty sure The Jambulance (has its own web site so check it out) is making the trip over since it has not been to a game @ the new stadium. Is there a better location to tailgate with some atmospher? Had tried to work some connections for lot passes. Possibly have one for Lot 8 but not sure if people taigate there. was trying to score Lot 9 because I know I have seen people tailgate there before. Anyone know if we can get our hands on Lot passes where Zips fans tailgate? Thanks!

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The Zips have much more to play for than the Rockets. Zips stick out the victory! We've been knocking on upset's door all year, now we pull it off!

I guess a bowl game or potential MAC title is less to play for than a moral victory. What a stupid comment...

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No shit. I thought we were bowing down to kiss ESPNU's ass, now that the game wasmoved to the feed, why can't we play at our regular time?

I live in Akron but was born and raised a Rocket fan and continue to travel for all of Toledo's games. The last time I tailgated at Akrin was a couple of years ago vs Can't St. We parked in the surface lot behind the parking deck off Exchange. Since none of my co workers that graduated from those two schools showed up it was just the wife, myself and a few other people. Where does everyone tailgate? Lot 9? I potentially have a Lot 8 pass. Would like to bring The Rocket Trailer and I believe The Jambulance is making the trip over for the game. Any input if we can snag passes for the lots where Zips fans tailgate.

BTW the more competitive Akron gets the more you are owned by ESPN. Toledo normally plays 7pm games. This year we only played 2 games on Sat at 7pm thanks to ESPN. Biggest games get shoved to weeknights or different times for TV.

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I guess a bowl game or potential MAC title is less to play for than a moral victory. What a stupid comment...

Because Toledo stands a chance to beat...NIU? And Toledo is already bowl eligible. I'll take playing for a moral victory from an underrated underdog to an overrated non-coference championship contender looking for a bowl game (whom already qualifies for a bowl).

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Because Toledo stands a chance to beat...NIU? And Toledo is already bowl eligible. I'll take playing for a moral victory from an underrated underdog to an overrated non-coference championship contender looking for a bowl game (whom already qualifies for a bowl).

Toledo is putting it all together right now. It wouldnt shock me at all if they beat NIU.

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Toledo has already become bowl eligible, and a MAC title won't be an issue after NIU demolishes you.

Historically, NIU has had a difficult time with the Rockets, as UT leads the series 29-11. It's only been the last 3 years that the Huskies have been able to string together any form of a winning streak against them. Also, I believe NIU has only won 2 or 3 times EVER in th Glass Bowl.

I agree with ZG01that UT is coming together at this stage of the season. NIU will likely be favored, but I doubt by more than 3 points.

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The best hope for the Zips is that Toledo has a letdown after their NIU game while the Zips have built up confidence by winning 3 of their last 4 games. A Zips win is not likely, but it's not impossible. I'll be happy if the Zips put up a heck of a battle and I'll be ecstatic if they pull off the upset. But I'm realistic about the chances of beating a team that to this point has lost only on the road to Florida, Missouri and Ball State.

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After getting blown out the past to games and conference championship hopes destroyed, Ohio got the crap kicked out of them by a much inferior Can't St team. One can only hope we are doing the same on Black Friday. Would be a perfect end to the season.

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Because Toledo stands a chance to beat...NIU? And Toledo is already bowl eligible. I'll take playing for a moral victory from an underrated underdog to an overrated non-coference championship contender looking for a bowl game (whom already qualifies for a bowl).

Toledo may have a ton to play for - if they beat NIU (and it is at Toledo) and then they, Ball State and NIU all end up with the same records (highly likely since NIU has WMU and Ball St has Miami left), then Toledo is the MAC West champs.

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