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The Akron Browns?


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Awesome! I see it as a win-win for both sides. The Browns can hold the popular event at an awesome stadium, and UA get's to show it off to thousands who may not have ever visited it otherwise.

Hopefully this will encourage the Browns to hold training camp at UA in the future. I know they are entertaining the idea of moving it away from Berea and UA is easily the best option in NE Ohio. Unfortunately there just isn't enough room to hold it at Browns HQ anymore. No other college campus would be able to provide a brand new stadium and indoor practice field. Both with plenty of seating and parking for fans.

Only downside is that the Browns will draw more fans than the Zips, regardless if it's a scrimmage or training camp.

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It's time to capitalize on this opportunity Terry. 12-0 Baby!

But seriously...I will likely go to this event...in full Zips gear. Out of my two football teams (Cleveland Browns and Akron Zips) I have more faith in the Zips turning it around.

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It's time to capitalize on this opportunity Terry. 12-0 Baby!

But seriously...I will likely go to this event...in full Zips gear. Out of my two football teams (Cleveland Browns and Akron Zips) I have more faith in the Zips turning it around.

I told everyone that the Zips would win more games than the Browns last season. It happened, and I expect the same in 2014.

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Hopefully this will encourage the Browns to hold training camp at UA in the future. I know they are entertaining the idea of moving it away from Berea and UA is easily the best option in NE Ohio.

There isn't enough room for both teams. Wofford hosts the Panthers, but their practice area is at least twice the size of what Akron has and the fields are all close together. NFL teams don't want to practice inside in the fall unless they are forced inside by the weather. Same for college teams.

However, there is always the "building process".

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Awesome! I see it as a win-win for both sides. The Browns can hold the popular event at an awesome stadium, and UA get's to show it off to thousands who may not have ever visited it otherwise.

I agree. How about a meet the Bowdens event that day.

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For many NE Ohio Browns fans, if it wasn't for Charlie Frye, this will be the first time they become aware that Akron even has a football program.

I love the idea. Make more NE Ohio football fans aware of the school and the facilities. It can't hurt.

Well according to them, Ohio State is the only real college in the state

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Well according to them, Ohio State is the only real college in the state

That's exactly my point. I bet you there are plenty of Browns fans who don't know we even exist. This will be an awakening for some of them, especially when they see the facilities. Some probably will think they are coming to a stadium similar to a high school, until they arrive.

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@skip, And then what? A handful of them will flock to a Tues night game? Plenty of northeast Ohio sports fans know Akron has football. A better product at more convenient times would be better than the Browns practicing at the Big Dialer.

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@GP1 that's awfully cynical. Sure they know there is football at Akron, but have they ever been to the Stadium or the Campus? How many of those families (because it is family night) haven't been to UA before...and will get to see the campus/the football facilities. Most of them won't care, you're right, but some of them may leave with positive feelings towards the Akron program.

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A win over Penn State would be the desperately needed press for the Zips. I'm beginning to think that this season may be one of the most important seasons in a long time. Not because we can improve, but because it's an opportunity to take a giant step forward.

Let's borrow a term from basketball shall we? ThinkBigger.

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Who in Cleveland doesn't know anything about the Akron football program? Almost everyone does. However, all they know is that we have sucked forever and that we have never given any of them a reason to care. It is amazing the difference that Bowden has made. All I used to get were wise cracks when I wore an Akron shirt. Now I get a lot of "I see Bowden is really turning things around down there". People pay attention, we just need to give them positive things to pay attention to. I do, however, believe that this is a unique opportunity to market the Bowden name and the recent successes to raise some intrigue about where the program is heading. Sitting their butts in the seats and looking at the overall facilities will make a few people realize that this may be a local program worth supporting.

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You still beating up on GoZips because he shared with us a goal the Zips basketball players set for themselves?

I am not beating up on anybody. I stated an opinion and I actually thought I was being pretty damn tactful about it.

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@GP1 that's awfully cynical. Sure they know there is football at Akron, but have they ever been to the Stadium or the Campus? How many of those families (because it is family night) haven't been to UA before...and will get to see the campus/the football facilities. Most of them won't care, you're right, but some of them may leave with positive feelings towards the Akron program.

I'm not against this night at all. I think it is a good thing for the community to have. I just have trouble believing there is significant or long term impact on the football program or university for having these events.

The notion is that people who never come to Akron will be driven to come to Akron again to see a football game because the Browns had a practice at The Big Dialer and they enjoyed the experience. My bet would be that most will like the experience so much that they will be willing to come to Akron again if the Browns practice at The Big Dialer again. 99% of them will carry on with life as usual because one look at the schedule will make them not want to come to Akron on a weeknight. Even the Browns are smart enough to hold their event on a weekend afternoon.

Excuse me, but I'm going to go on a tangent here. Selling tickets prior to the season is critical for the program because it guarantees money and there is some level of commitment to attend. Minor league teams look at tickets the same way. When the folks come to the Browns practice and are slightly motivated to consider buying tickets and receive a schedule with half of the home games being played on weeknights, how many will say, "Thanks, but no thanks."? Am I the only one who thinks asking someone to drive an hour from a Cleveland suburb on a Tuesday night in November to watch a game starting at 8PM is a little too much to ask? The MAC is the only conference in America that actively makes it difficult for people to go to games. It is an amazingly stupid conference.

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@GP1 I was thinking of not just of an impact on the football program, but an impact on UA in general. I agree with you that most of the people who come to a Browns practice on campus won't give two-s***s about UA or the football program. However there is a number who will, a number of families with kids (who are younger and will one day be college kids) will have a better image of UA than they ever did before. Having events like this IMO has more of a long-term impact. For the short term: UA should absolutely schedule a "Meet the Bowdens" event that day, it would do nothing but help the image of UA and our FB program.

I never had even been to UA before my sister had her graduation (from HS) there while I was in HS...I saw that the campus wasn't that bad. When I started my search for colleges, UA was on the list because of my positive experience at UA. That was before UA had a stadium on campus. That was before a lot of the upgrades that have taken place over the past 8 years, and it has only upgraded since I've been there. Now I'm a proud Alumni, who buys season tickets.

I agree with that being a little much to ask (the Tuesday night games)...but perhaps far more will grab a schedule...look at it...see that there are ESPN games on Tuesday nights in November (when no other football playing) and say "hey, maybe I'll watch that game". They watch the game: (hopefully it's an entertaining one that we end up winning) and they get more positive experience from UA.

I get where your coming from GP1, your being realistic, but I don't think we can so easily write off the possibility for creating future Zips from these positive experiences.

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@GP1 I was thinking of not just of an impact on the football program, but an impact on UA in general. I agree with you that most of the people who come to a Browns practice on campus won't give two-s***s about UA or the football program. However there is a number who will, a number of families with kids (who are younger and will one day be college kids) will have a better image of UA than they ever did before. Having events like this IMO has more of a long-term impact.

No doubt people will leave with a positive impact. It is the first step of many that would draw a potential student to UofA. I don't see this as much as a promotional event as I do an event that a university should have in order to support the community in which it exists. A public service if you will.

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