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Eliminating the A-Roo

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They've been messing with the helmets, uniforms, colors, phasing in the new Zoro logo, all in hopes of attracting the younger sports fan/student.

Wake me up if/when any of this crap moves the needle.

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Measuring movement of the needle would be the responsibility of the Zips Athletic Department. They're allocated budget by UA like any department within any large business. They're responsible for reporting results back to executive management to prove that the money they've been allocated is producing effective results. Without access to the numbers being measured and internally reported there's no way for outsiders to accurately gauge results.

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Measuring movement of the needle would be the responsibility of the Zips Athletic Department. They're allocated budget by UA like any department within any large business. They're responsible for reporting results back to executive management to prove that the money they've been allocated is producing effective results. Without access to the numbers being measured and internally reported there's no way for outsiders to accurately gauge results.

And like most things in the world of Resume building...the data will be mined and cherry picked to support whatever narrative they want to prove.

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A simple look at attendance, or noting the size of the student section would work.

Seems straightforward to me, too. However, I would expect attendance and size of the student section to grow if/when the team actually wins something again. As others have stated, at that point who will care which logo did what (assuming the helmets don't have a picture of iCoach with the playsheet stuffed down his pants).

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