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Great opportunity for @PresScarborough to be asked to fully explain “I would not have built that stadium.”

That's what one says to separate himself from the blunders of others. We all know that building the stadium was not the problem. iCoach, 1-11 3 years in a row, weeknight MAC games. Fans and alumni can only take so much.

President Scarborough should be spending his time talking about his plan to make the most of that stadium rather than what he wouldn't have done. Monday morning quarterbacking does no one any good.

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That's what one says to separate himself from the blunders of others. We all know that building the stadium was not the problem. iCoach, 1-11 3 years in a row, weeknight MAC games. Fans and alumni can only take so much.

President Scarborough should be spending his time talking about his plan to make the most of that stadium rather than what he wouldn't have done. Monday morning quarterbacking does no one any good.

Not only were the 1-11 records a disaster, but the way we lost literally made the games unwatchable. Remember (I'm sorry to do this to Zips fans) 2011?

L Ohio State 42-0

L Temple 41-3

L Cincinnati 59-14 (wasn't it 59-0 at halftime?)

L Miami 35-3

L Can't State 35-3

L Buffalo 51-10

L Western Michigan 68-19

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That's what one says to separate himself from the blunders of others. We all know that building the stadium was not the problem. iCoach, 1-11 3 years in a row, weeknight MAC games. Fans and alumni can only take so much.

President Scarborough should be spending his time talking about his plan to make the most of that stadium rather than what he wouldn't have done. Monday morning quarterbacking does no one any good.

I disagree. Despite how much many on here loved him, Proenza left a financial time bomb behind. The trustees and the state are well aware of it. SS needs to make some bold statements that his team is aware of the problem and will clean it up. Publicly addressing the stadium was a good signal to the trustees, the Ohio regents and Governor's office that the adults are in charge, and it won't be more of the same at UA. He's not going to tear it down or sell it off. It is what it is, but he needs to let certain important observers know that he won't be going down the same path as Proenza. This year, UA's debt load ($487M) is larger than its annual budget ($484M).

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Here we go. First communication from SS and the plans today…...

From: "The University of Akron Alumni Association" <alumni@uakron.edu>

Subject: Three-year program to fund growth and address budget issues

Date: July 10, 2015 12:12:00 PM EDT


Reply-To: president@uakron.edu

Dear Alumnus,

We want to keep you informed of developments at your University. President Scott L. Scarborough sent the following to faculty and staff today.


The Alumni Association

TO: Faculty and staff

FROM: President Scott L. Scarborough

RE: Three-year program to fund growth and address budget issues

DATE: July 10, 2015

“Our future is bright, but first we need to fix the University’s finances.”

Dear Colleagues,

Beginning last October, I led a team of colleagues in an exhaustive review of the University’s finances. That team included the leadership of the Faculty Senate, the AAUP, and a representative of the department chairs. Based on that review, we found that our University had a $60 million financial problem. The team developed and proposed a three-year solution that the University’s Board of Trustees approved on June 10.

The approved plan reduces University expenses by $40 million, raises graduate tuition and undergraduate fees by $10 million, and projects $10 million in revenue growth by the third year.

The $40 million of expense reductions include the following:

  • Eliminating 215 positions via a planned reduction in workforce; no faculty layoffs are occurring.
  • Eliminating baseball.
  • Eliminating non-academic programming in EJ Thomas Hall, except for rentals.
  • Outsourcing dining services.
  • Renegotiating healthcare plans.
  • Increasing the cost share of retiree dependent coverage.
  • Changing the University’s retire/rehire policy.
  • Centralizing course scheduling.
  • Reducing central costs, such as legal fees and University memberships.

Reduction in force

The most painful, but necessary reduction is the abolishment of filled positions. We are working hard to make sure that our colleagues whose positions are being eliminated are shown the respect and courtesy they deserve. We owe them our thanks for their service to this great University.

Tuition and fees

We worked hard to solve our financial problem by cutting expenses. In the end, however, we needed to increase graduate tuition and undergraduate fees by $10 million to cover the higher costs of these programs and courses. Central to the entire budget process was our commitment to protecting and enhancing academic quality. Higher tuition and fees were necessary to honor that commitment.

A bright future

Our future is bright, but first we need to fix the University’s finances. We believe the new budget does that. In addition, the new budget funds college strategic plans, leverages our University’s historical strengths, funds new initiatives to grow future revenue streams, and includes funds to hire the faculty who will keep our University strong.

Our future depends on our ability to be distinctive and better. The University of Akron is a strong polytechnic university. As such, we provide students a better educational experience—better in terms of career-focused experiential learning and connectedness to industry, technology, and jobs—in the arts, the sciences, the humanities, and the professions.

We know that the next few weeks will be tough. After that, we will refocus our efforts on the mission ahead—to become a great public university for all of Northeast Ohio and the world.

Our future is bright because our faculty, staff, and students are great. That will always be the case.

Thank you for all you do. Have faith. With faith, everything is possible.

Sincerely yours,

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