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From the Colorado State message board: "Brookhart is probably the obvious #1. An alum who has been absolutely stellar at Akron. I hope he's the first one offered."Wouldn't bother me in the slightest if this CSU fan got his wish. In time Brookhart may turn out to be a "stellar" coach. From what I have seen in three years, it will surprise me if that happens.So maybe it would be good for JD and for CSU for JD not to wait around at Akron to see who is right. He can get a fresh start at CSU and apply the lessons he has learned at Akron. In the meantime Mac Rhoades can select his man to take the high quality Brookhart recruits and apply proven coaching skills (requirement: new coach have prior head coaching experience) to the recruited group.None of this is going to happen. We will be finding out in Akron within the next year or so whether or not JD can is a stellar coach. But it is fun to conjecture!

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I would NOT be surprised if JD went to another job after this season. I would be surprised if he stayed past next season. Working in a high turnover profession, I have a sixth sense for when someone is about to change jobs and I'm starting to get a strange feeling about this happening sooner than later.I think the days of coaches leaving MAC schools to go to really big time programs are over (the next best shot is the guy at CMU going to Michigan State after this season if MSU fires Smith). I don't see CSU as a "really" big time program so it would not be a stretch for JD to go there, but didn't CSU just recently hire a new coach? JD should take a lesson from the UofA softball coach who left last season to be an assistant at Wisconsin and try to get with a Big Ten, SEC, PAC 10 type school as an offensive coordinator and then move up from there. It would be better exposure and better money.As far as Akron getting a coach with prior head coaching experience, that would be nice, but probably will not happen. The pay is too low. If memory serves me correctly, someone told me that half the people applying for the job previously were high school coaches who were misguided enough to believe they could do the job. The other half were mostly D-1A assistants like JD looking to take their shot. The next coach we get will be JD II.I just don't understand why some are so eager to give up on JD. He will have seven wins at the end of this season which will give him a career winning record at Akron. Seven wins might even give us a bowl game. In the D-1A era, Faust and Owens didn't come close to a .500 winning percentage.

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I get Google alerts for J.D. - that is how I found it.I think you guys are wrong about J.D. - it is always said that a measure of a coach is in the 4th year when he has his players. We have not reached that point yet, but what we have reached are top recruiting classes :cheers: , MAC Championship :champs: , first bowl game :bow: , a BCS win :rock: , and more excitement about the football program since 1985 :D . Look at the players that are coming here and considering coming here. It is because of J.D. - plain and simple (it sure aint the beautiful stadium, crazed fans, or exciting schedule).You have to consider where we were before he got here and where we are now. It sure is nice to be upset because we are not CURRENTLY in the lead for the MACC. When was the last time we entered the season with those expectations. :unsure: The other reason I posted the link is because it pisses me off that CSU feels they could take our coach because they are superior :puke: I realize he is an alum, but the comments are :nutkick:

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The full story on JD will not be known until the end of the 2007 season. Then he should be fully accountable. A winning record will not be good enough. Akron needs to win or be very close to winning the MAC East year-in and year-out and get a bowl berth for one of the MAC connected bowls.If it ever comes to a replacement coach, by experience as a "head coach" I mean a la Tressel at Youngstown State. A school like Akron should be looking at a Division IAA, II or III head coach who consistently win national championships (e.g. Kehres at Mount Union).

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Anytime there is speculation about a school hiring a new coach, it is inevitable that all of the alums who are in the profession receive considerable attention. The first thing I said to myself after watching the NC State game was, it looks like we'll be looking for a new coach after this year. Now that things haven't exactly gone according to plan since then, I took it as the cloud's silver lining that he would have to stay for at least one more year. I still believe that. How can anyone POSSIBLY argue that that program is not in better shape now than when he got here. I'm not saying there isn't always room for improvement, but let's be fair.

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The full story on JD will not be known until the end of the 2007 season. Then he should be fully accountable. A winning record will not be good enough. Akron needs to win or be very close to winning the MAC East year-in and year-out and get a bowl berth for one of the MAC connected bowls.
Stick with me here ZA, I'm here to help.If this is necessary for the full story, JD's career has already been a success. Year one, thanks to Brett Biggs, we competed for the MAC East until the final game when we lost to Miami the last game of the season and came in second. Year two we won the MAC East. In year three, we are not out of the race yet. We are competing for the MAC East as is.Pssst, Psssst, Psssst, we won the MACC and went to a bowl game last year. We could have seven wins this year and go to another bowl game.JD has already met or is meeting all of your criteria for success.If you really want to set a high standard for success in the MAC, the standard should be first or second in the division and minimum 8 wins annually. I think that is a fair standard.Johnnyzip84 is absolutely correct, the program is heading in the right direction and JD is a good coach. Some of you should be careful of what you wish for.......you might just get it.
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It is too early to say that JD is a success. There are affirming signs and there are disaffirming signs.Why the rush to judgment?Time and results will tell the tale. I am willing to go another year after this one. Maybe even another.After getting "nasty" in prior posts, now GP1 wants to help. I don't buy that GP1 is interested in a analytical approach because I have read posts on other topics wherein he annouces he is a JD booster. And that is fine. But don't annouce that you want to analyze after you have predetermined.The label for GP1's specious approach of "under the guise of analysis" given his already annouced commitment to JD, is: "intellectual dishonesty."I am neither a booster nor detractor. I am measuring performance over a 3 to 5 year cycle. The facts will speak for themselves. And, if JD turns out to be an unqualifed success Akron will be moving out of the MAC to something on the order of The Big East and the "new stadium" will be "standing room only" home game, after home game, after home game.GP1 your are the one who needs help. Get intellectually honest! Quit being a cheerleader!!It could be that the facts will confirm your "first take." It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if you turned out to be correct. I hope you are. Otherwise, we have to go through all of this "selecting" a coach that will move the Zips up a rung or two - at least one more time. I have a feeling that the The University of Akron is running out of time in this quest.

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It is too early to say that JD is a success. There are affirming signs and there are disaffirming signs.Why the rush to judgment?Time and results will tell the tale. I am willing to go another year after this one. Maybe even another.After getting "nasty" in prior posts, now GP1 wants to help. I don't buy that GP1 is interested in a analytical approach because I have read posts on other topics wherein he annouces he is a JD booster. And that is fine. But don't annouce that you want to analyze after you have predetermined.The label for GP1's specious approach of "under the guise of analysis" given his already annouced commitment to JD, is: "intellectual dishonesty."I am neither a booster nor detractor. I am measuring performance over a 3 to 5 year cycle. The facts will speak for themselves. And, if JD turns out to be an unqualifed success Akron will be moving out of the MAC to something on the order of The Big East and the "new stadium" will be "standing room only" home game, after home game, after home game.GP1 your are the one who needs help. Get intellectually honest! Quit being a cheerleader!!It could be that the facts will confirm your "first take." It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if you turned out to be correct. I hope you are. Otherwise, we have to go through all of this "selecting" a coach that will move the Zips up a rung or two - at least one more time. I have a feeling that the The University of Akron is running out of time in this quest.
.......and I thought I was the biggest blow hard on the board. I think the facts I posted speak for themselves based upon your criteria and I stand by my analysis.It's only a web board and not the old Roman Senate. Don't take yourself so seriously. It makes it a lot more fun to post.
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I can't imagine anyone in their right mind not being able to see the improvement over the last 3 years. If bball loses the MAC title game and goes to the NIT again, do you want KD to leave as well?CSU may not seem like a step up and talentwise it isn't. But pay wise, they or a school similar to them are probably paying their coach in the 300K range. I am just hoping JD stays at least through next year to give us a shot in Columbus.

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A shot in columbus!!!!!!!!! What are you, f*****g nuts or what????????? Even the must devout U of A fan should concede that we will not be able to compete with that team from down south. However, the following week, we should be able to come away with a victory against the hoosiers. :screwks:

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A shot in columbus!!!!!!!!! What are you, f*****g nuts or what????????? Even the must devout U of A fan should concede that we will not be able to compete with that team from down south. However, the following week, we should be able to come away with a victory against the hoosiers. :screwks:
If your playing a team with a QB that has "NO" game experience and their top receiver and running back are leaving....I say hell yeah we have a shot. It might not be a good one but we got one.
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Yes, it does not stand to reason that JD would be a difference maker in the OSU/Akron game in 2007. The disparity in talent is so vast that for Akron to win it would take them playing a flawless game and inexperienced players (such as the new quaterback) playing beyond what the experience would indicate. Moreover, OSU would need to make some key mistakes. Having said that, I will be rooting for the Zips to pull the upset. And it would be an upset of gigantic proportions.I enjoy being part of the ZipNation but it is a bit trying when the multi-logue includes those who have created an unreal world for themselves and wish to impose it on others. The imposers use three tactics: Often they anticipate disagreement so they place a "poisoned pill" within the parameters of their point so as to cut off any possiblity of disagreement. Second, they attack anyone who disagrees with them by labeling the dissenter with the bevy of nasties they have at their beck and call. Third, they keep re-defining the discussion so as to make fit the imposer's argument and only the imposer's argument fit the ever-changing framework, or, alternatively, re-define the purpose of the board (e.g. "this is just for fun" after it has obviously been a serious until the re-definer senses the discussion is taking a turn he does not like).Imposers are insecure people who cannot abide disagreement. Difference of opinion should be taken to be enriching and thought-provioking; not as threat to the reader. In the final analysis readers need to take each and every comment "for whatever it is worth" to them individually. If its worthless, discard it. Leave ego-enhancing, manipulative rhetorical devices in the outhouse where they belong. On the other hand, if a given comment provokes or stimulates; respond and help make the thread one to grow on or, if the discussion is merely "for the fun of it" (which is an important part of this board) just enjoy it.

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A shot in columbus!!!!!!!!!  What are you, f*****g nuts or what?????????  Even the must devout U of A fan should concede that we will not be able to compete with that team from down south.  However, the following week, we should be able to come away with a victory against the hoosiers. :screwks:
If your playing a team with a QB that has "NO" game experience and their top receiver and running back are leaving....I say hell yeah we have a shot. It might not be a good one but we got one.
OSU needed a last second field goal to beat Marshall two years ago. They SHOULD have lost to Cincinnati, if the UC wide receiver didn't drop TWO TD passes in the final seconds. Hell...I'll forever wonder how the 2001 Zips/OSU game would have ended, had John Fuller ran his would-be INT back for a TD instead of him tipping it into the OSU receiver's hands for a Buckeye TD.A Zips win isn't probable in Columbus, but it is possible.
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If your playing a team with a QB that has "NO" game experience and their top receiver and running back are leaving....I say hell yeah we have a shot. It might not be a good one but we got one. We are losing our QB too. Also, Pittman probably isn't leaving, and if he does, I don't think Chris Wells will be too bad of a replacement.Although Ginn will probably leave, OSU has plenty of depth.Of course Akron will have a chance, as anyone can beat anyone on any certain day, but I feel this game won't be close.

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