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Let's be the marketing department


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what do you want to see during basketball games? what are your favorite promotions? contests? other ideas?Let's help the new admin do their job so they can take all the credit for it later. that sounds bad, but seriously, if we want a better atmosphere and we want certain things to happen, why not voice them here and compile a list. READY??? ... GO!

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what do you want to see during basketball games? what are your favorite promotions? contests? other ideas?Let's help the new admin do their job so they can take all the credit for it later. that sounds bad, but seriously, if we want a better atmosphere and we want certain things to happen, why not voice them here and compile a list. READY??? ... GO!
The first would be this...ADVERTISE!Has anyone even heard an ad for Fridays game? I know I havent...
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I love these kind of games! OK, first let us fire that damn out-of-town consulting firm who clearly has done little to no market research before coming here and screwing things up with apsirations of leaving for greener pastures in a few years. Then, advertise. Then advertise some more. Then advertise some more! Then reset everything to the way they were last year when we had the most successful sports season in school history, because we were obviously doing something right which we are not doing now.

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here is an idea for in game things.1- bring back the Undertaker's music when the other team is introduced.2- how about something to get people excited. Last year the music was loud as hell, bring that back3- actually care about the students. like it or not, we are your biggest market.4- to go with number 3, get students in the student section. If I ever see the lame idiots who were in the north section be that pathetic again, I might go down there and force them to stand up.5- closing the consession stands with 15 minutes to go is dumb. If you are going to have a "dollar night" then stock up your soggy hotdogs and your super salted popcorn.

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5- closing the consession stands with 15 minutes to go is dumb. If you are going to have a "dollar night" then stock up your soggy hotdogs and your super salted popcorn.
Note:Hot dogs were regular price. Couldn't afford to take the $1.75 per dog loss, I guess? Must be saving "Dollar Dogs" for the Super Duper Mondo Retro Night Extravaganza?Also - The popcorn was $1.00. It was super-salted. And it was in a box 1/3rd the size of the usual popcorn. That cracked me up. :lol: They also ran out of pizza during halftime when the lines were about 15-deep.
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5- closing the consession stands with 15 minutes to go is dumb. If you are going to have a "dollar night" then stock up your soggy hotdogs and your super salted popcorn.
Note:Hot dogs were regular price. Couldn't afford to take the $1.75 per dog loss, I guess? Must be saving "Dollar Dogs" for the Super Duper Mondo Retro Night Extravaganza?Also - The popcorn was $1.00. It was super-salted. And it was in a box 1/3rd the size of the usual popcorn. That cracked me up. :lol: They also ran out of pizza during halftime when the lines were about 15-deep.
yeah, that popcorn was ridiculous. though i'm surprised they didn't sell little 8oz cups of soda for the dollar price.
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here is an idea for in game things.1- bring back the Undertaker's music when the other team is introduced.2- how about something to get people excited. Last year the music was loud as hell, bring that back3- actually care about the students. like it or not, we are your biggest market.4- to go with number 3, get students in the student section. If I ever see the lame idiots who were in the north section be that pathetic again, I might go down there and force them to stand up.5- closing the consession stands with 15 minutes to go is dumb. If you are going to have a "dollar night" then stock up your soggy hotdogs and your super salted popcorn.
I think you might need to do do #4 on friday. We shall see, I guess.
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